10 IMCWP, Motion for the rights of Palestinian people [En., Pt.]

11/28/08, 4:23 AM
  • En Pt
http://www.pcdob.org.br , mailto:internacional@pcdob.org.br
10th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
Motion for the rights of Palestinian people
The 10th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties, that has taken place in São Paulo, Brazil, from November 21 to 23, declares total support to the struggle of the Palestinian people who faces the occupation of his lands by Israel trough a cruel action, declares fair and legal this struggle of the Palestinian people, considering the occupation a violation of the international laws. This action is a danger to the world peace and, because of this, communist and workers’ parties declares that:
1. We are beside the national rights of the Palestinian people, of the self-determination and the right of building an independent state, defending the end of the occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel, since 1967, including Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine, as said in the resolution 242 and resolution 338. In the same way, support the resolution 194, which states the return of the Palestinian refugees.
2. We claim the unification of the Palestinian forces, becoming urgent their meeting.
3. The nearer countries from Palestine must unify themselves for the freedom of Gaza Strip and against the division of the cities, to they become as they were in the beginning.
4. Condemned the barriers that are been build by Israel to divide the occupied cities. Do not accept the stealing of the Palestinian occupied lands and condemned the racism of the division wall, witch Israel builds in the Palestinian occupied territories and deny the policy of the assentments that convert Palestinian land into Israeli’s. Considering that Israel praticies an policy against the resolutions of the international government and the Haia Court.
5. Support the invitation of the Palestinian’s Peoples Communist Party to join a committee of communist and workers parties from all parts of the world to watch closely the resistence of the Palestinian people and control the international activities in this meaning. This committee must support and visit the occupied territories.
Afirmação dos direitos aos povos palestinos
O décimo encontro internacional dos partidos comunistas e operários, realizado em São Paulo, Brasil, entre os dias 21 a 23 de novembro de 2008, declara apoio total à luta do povo palestino que enfrenta a ocupação de Israel em suas terras, através de uma ação perversa, considerando essa luta legal do direito do povo palestino, considerando a ocupação um ato contra as leis internacionais. Esta ação é uma ameaça à paz mundial, a partir disso, os partidos comunistas e operários afirmam o que está abaixo mencionado:
1- Estão ao lado dos direitos nacionais do povo palestino, de autodeterminação e de construir seu próprio Estado independente, defendendo o fim da ocupação de Israel em terras palestinas, que se iniciou no ano de 1967, inclusive em Jerusalém, capital da Palestina, conforme as resoluções 242 e 338 . Apoiar, igualmente, a lei 194, que busca o retorno dos palestinos que emigraram para outros países.
2- Conclamar para que as forças políticas palestinas se unifiquem em uma só, sendo de caráter urgente à realização de reuniões entre essas forças.
3- Para que os países próximos à Palestina se unam a favor da liberalização da Faixa de Gaza e lutem contra a divisão das cidades e para que elas voltem a ser como eram desde o início.
4- Condenar as barreiras que estão sendo construídas por Israel para dividir as cidades ocupadas por eles. Não aceitar a pilhagem das terras palestinas e condenar o racismo do muro de divisão, que Israel está construindo sobre os territórios palestinos ocupados e também rechaçar a política de assentamentos que transforma a terra árabe em israelense. Levar em consideração que Israel prática uma política contra as resoluções dos governos internacionais e do Tribunal de Haia.
5- Apoiar totalmente o convite do Partido do Povo Palestino a formar um comitê dos partidos comunistas e do trabalho de todas as partes do mundo para que possam olhar de perto a resistência do povo palestino e controlar as atividades internacionais neste sentido. Este comitê deverá enviar delegações prestar solidariedade e visitar e os territórios ocupados.
São Paulo, 23 de novembro de 2008
  1. Brazil – Communist Party of Brazil – PCdoB
  2. Algerie – Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
  3. Belgium – Workers’ Party of Belgium
  4. Bolivia - Communist Party of Bolívia
  5. Brazil - Brazilian Communist Party
  6. Canada - Communist Party of Canada
  7. Chile - Communist Party of Chile
  8. Colombia – Colombian Communist Party
  9. Cyprus – Progressive Party of the Working Peoples - Akel
  10. Denmark - Communist Party of Denmark
  11. Denmark - Communist Party in Dinamarca
  12. Germany – German Communist Party
  13. Great-Britain – Communist Party of Britain
  14. Greece - Communist Party of Greece
  15. Hungary – Communist Party of the Workers of Hungary
  16. India – Communist Party of India
  17. Iran – Tudeh Party of Iran
  18. Ireland - Communist Party of Ireland
  19. Ireland - Worker’s Party of Ireland
  20. Italy - Party of the Italian Communists
  21. Lao – Laosian Popular Revolutionary Party
  22. Latvia – Socialist Party of Latvia
  23. Lebanon – Lebanese Communist Party
  24. Louxemburg – Communist Party de Louxemburg
  25. Mexico – Party of Communists
  26. Nepal – Communist Party of Nepal (UML)
  27. Norway – Communist Party of Norway
  28. Palestine - Palestinian People’s Party
  29. Pakistan - Communist Party of Pakistan
  30. Paraguay – Paraguayan Communist Party
  31. Peru - Communist Party of Peru – ‘Pátria Roja’
  32. Peru - Peruvian Communist Party
  33. Portugal – Portuguese Communist Party
  34. Russia – Party of the Communist Workers of Russia
  35. Russia - Communist Party of Russia Federation
  36. Servia - New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  37. South Africa - South African Communist Party
  38. Spain - Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  39. Syria – Syrian Communist Party
  40. Sweden – Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)
  41. Turkey – Communist Party of Turkey
  42. Ukraine - Union of the Communists of Ukraine
  43. Uruguay - Communist Party of Uruguay
  44. Venezuela – Communist Party of Venezuela


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