Dear Comrades,
The Communist Party of India (CPI) is thankful for the invitation to this august gathering of the Communist and Workers’ parties of the world to discuss the present crisis-ridden world situation and to take measures to meet it. We particularly want to express our sincere thanks to the Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party for hosting the 15th International Meeting of the Communist and Workers Parties.
Dear comrades,
We would like to put forward our observations on the present international situation.
The present phase of contradictions and crises, which began in 2008 in the US, has not abated. On the contrary, it has spread further and has continued to deepen. It has spread to new areas of Europe, engulfing more and more countries. It is having impact of varying degrees on the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. For the first time the very centre of world imperialism, the US, is facing a ‘governmental and state shutdown’. The US has barely escaped a governmental breakdown, after the Senate and House of Representatives granted necessary funds. But that is only a postponement till early next year, when it will again face the problem.
The event has shaken the entire capitalist and imperialist world. There is a deepening structural crisis of the world imperialist system, wherein all its basic economic and cultural values are being questioned, both traditional as well as new ones. There is a crisis of over-production along with an over-accumulation of capital. These and other contradictions are the expressions of the fundamental conflict between the social character of production and its private appropriation.
Among the new characteristics of the crisis is the deepening rift between the productive capital and finance capital. ‘Financialisation of capital’, a tendency to make money out of money, finds reflection in the rapid growth of the giant monopolies, corporates and conglomerates in financial sectors. The phenomenon has also a tendency to move the capital away from production and push it to speculative stock markets for quick profits. Speculation, sub-prime and securities market, forward trading and such features have grown to a stage where a separate market is emerging for the so-called ‘forward trading’, which only means ‘non-existing’ trading. The US and Europe are witnessing a strange phenomenon of extra-ordinary growth of capital, which at the same time is not available for productive investments. This is one of the major characteristics of the crisis in the US and world imperialism.
Dear comrades,
The economies in the developing or the emergent countries are also being affected by the present crisis. In the least developed countries, the meagre incomes and resources of the people are being negated by the growing crisis. Agriculture which is a basic sector of several developing countries including India is feeling the impact of the world crisis. The process of monetarisation and capitalisation is reflected in the growing costs of production, leading to large number of suicides of farmers in our country, who are not in a position to pay back the loans. They spend more on production and get less in return.
Liberalisation and neo-liberal policies in several countries of the third world, in many cases forced upon them by the US imperialism, have put the economies of the developing countries in a disadvantageous position vis-à-vis the imperialist countries. Opening up to the world market, policies pursued by the US imperialism under the garb of globalisation, several unequal provisions of the WTO, and the increasing cost of production in industry and agriculture are putting pressure upon the various economies.
Politics of oil is being conducted by the US, as also by some other advanced countries, to the maximum, leading to tension, conflicts and economic disasters, as evidenced in the countries of the Middle East and elsewhere. Oil is an important weapon of world imperialism.
The achievements of science and technology and information revolution are being misused to the maximum in order to propagate imperialist ideology and cultural values as well as to gain economic profits and super-profits.
All these do not mean that the path for the corporates and imperialism is going to be smooth. Non-monopoly and non-financial small and medium sector industry is giving tough competition to the big business houses. In India nearly 40-45 of production is in this sector. Thus, the sector forms an important component of struggle against world imperialism.
Dear comrades,
Unfortunately the advantage of the present situation is being taken by the rightwing reactionary movements and forces all over the world. It is true that the people’s movements in various countries are opposing effectively the machinations of imperialism. We have to ensure that the world Communist movement takes advantage of the people’s dissatisfaction and anger, channelises them and builds an effective joint mass movement.
The revolutionary, Communist and democratic forces must build giant waves against the onslaught of imperialism. The situation of crisis of imperialism contains tremendous possibilities for the growth of the Communist movement. People have to be mobilised for democracy and socialism.
Dear comrades,
We are witnessing a resurgence and realignment of forces at the world-scale. New developments are taking place, which fill us with hope and inspire confidence. For one thing, the plans of US imperialism to create a unipolar world have not succeeded. Multiple groupings of various countries are coming up, including the important one of the BRICS countries, as also in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Their importance lies in the fact that they indicate an emergence of a strong multi-polar world. The regional groupings can and should transform their high rates of growth into equitable distribution system of the social and economic produce, thus paving the way for a more democratic order of things.
New sections of younger people are fast coming up as a result of socio-economic and technological changes. They need to be organised. They are already asserting themselves for a new order, as evidenced by the movements in Latin America and the US. The ‘sit-in’ movements in the US have become a wide and effective phenomenon. The slogan of a ‘new world is possible’ is reverberating throughout the world.
Dear comrades,
Imperialism being in deep crisis, we need to bring together all the forces against imperialism and domination. The US policies of policing the world are being resented deeply. It may have succeeded in Iraq, but not so or not so easily in other countries. This is exemplified by Syria. It is possible to throw back imperialism, and begin creating a new world. Events in Latin America, Europe, countries of Asia including our own give us new hope.
Therefore, the Communist movement and Communist and Workers’ parties have to play a pioneering role in bringing about this unity. The importance of democracy and of democratic institutions has increased as never before. This is evident in many countries and continents, in particular in Latin America and many countries in Asia. Parliamentary institutional rights have been won as a result of our own prolonged struggles. They must not be thrown away. They should be utilised fully and extended further for the interest of the working class and toiling masses.
A world-wide powerful anti-imperialist front and cooperation is the urgent demand of the situation.
Dear comrades,
Within the framework of the struggle against the policies of imperialist globalisation the CPI is trying its best to mobilise people against liberalism, privatisation, neo-liberalism, forces of right reaction and communal-fascism, corporatisation and imperialist penetration in India. In the recent past, our party, singly and along with other left and democratic forces, has conducted several mass mobilisations and movements of the people, including all India strikes, picketing, all India ‘March to Parliament’, state level people’s marches, the long-drawn struggle against POSCO, struggles of the tribals in Chhattisgarh, movements of youth and students, two-day all India strike of the working class jointly with other TU centres and parties and organisations early this year, and many other notable struggles.
We are also proud of the fact that it is the CPI which has constantly made most efforts for left and democratic unity. We believe that joint actions and subsequent unification of class and mass organisations is a crucial task which will enhance immensely the role in society of workers, peasants, intellectuals, youth and students, women and other sections. Social reform organisations and social action groups that stand for social justice and democratic progress have also to be mobilised for the upcoming movements as also for unity of all the Communist parties on a principled basis. We certainly have achieved some successes in the work towards left and democratic unity.
Dear comrades,
Finally I want to state that the CPI is firmly wedded to the goal of a just socialist society which will clear the way for ending all forms of exploitation and social oppression arising from class, caste and gender differences. Repudiating all dogmatic and doctrinaire thinking and revisionist trends, the Party will apply the science of Marxism-Leninism to the specific conditions of India for charting out the path to such a new socialist society. This path will be determined by the specific historical conditions obtaining, as well as the particular characteristics and features of our own country, its history, tradition, culture, social composition and level of development. The path as well as the features of socialism in Indian conditions in the historical period can be defined only as the situation develops.
Before I conclude let me express on behalf our party our solidarity with the struggling people of Palestine, Syria and the people of Latin America fighting for independence, Peace, social justice and for sovereignty. We also express our support and solidarity with the people of China, Vietnam, Cuba and DPR of Korea who are engage in socialist constructions with their specific characteristics under the leadership of respective Communists and workers Parties.
Please also allow me once again to greet all participants at this historic 15th Meeting of the Communist and Workers Parties with all good wishes.
Thank you