11 IMCWP, Intervention by CP of Vietnam

12/9/09, 10:00 PM
  • Vietnam, Communist Party of Vietnam IMCWP
by Comrade Nguyen Manh Hung
the Leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam Delegation
at the 11th International Meeting of Communists and Workers'
Parties {November 20-22, 2009, New Delhi)
Comrades, Friends,
First of all, on behalf of the Delegation of the Communist Party of the Vietnam, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and the Communist Party of India for their efforts and good preparation for this important Meeting. I would also like to send my warm and fraternal greetings of solidarity to all the delegates.
Over the past year, the world has faced with a serious crisis originated from the United States and rapidly spread worldwide. It is not only a monetary-financial crisis but also a comprehensive crisis on finance, manufacture, trade, services, and crisis on model of development, constitution of development and theory of development as well. Given the strong development of globalization, it has occurred simultaneously with crisis of energy, food, bio-geography and climate change.
The current crisis shows that the economic globalization has taken a long step and basically formed the global economy in which economic interdependence is further tightened. Nowadays, instability and economic crisis in one country would rapidly have impact to others; instability and crisis in economic centers will result in global instability and crisis. Economic interdependence among nations has become a prominent feature of international relations and relations among big powers.
The joint-efforts to cope with crisis made by countries, regions and international community during the past time have prevented the collapse of the world as well as regional and national monetary financial system. Thanks to the efforts, economic situation has seen optimistic signs of recovery. However, the implemented measures are temporary and short-term. The most important thing is that globalization process is controlled by developed countries and trans-national corporations, with its inherent contradictions, inequalities and unjustness. The profits have been privatized and the risks have been socialized, putting the burden on the shoulder of workers and depriving the poor and developing countries further. The world needs a change.
We assume that international financial system must be reformed fundamentally with tightened regulations, effective and suitable supervision and monitoring mechanism of the global financial market, and with the participation of not only G8 or G20 members but also all countries in the world. It is essential to establish a just, mutual benefit international economic order and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the process of reviewing and making decision on international issues.
In the current situation, it is necessary to push up the Doha Talks in the orientation of ensuring righteous benefit of all countries, especially developing ones. Simultaneously, it is necessary to promote further proactive cooperation to prevent and resolve global risks such as climate change, exhaust of natural resources, crisis of energy and food, poverty, natural disasters, epidemics, population and other social issues. In this regard, I think that it is essential to intensify and bring into full play of important role of the United Nations in taking measures and guidelines as a coordination of actions among countries.
Comrades, Friends,
During the past nearly 25 years, the Vietnamese people consistently pursued renewal process and national development to socialism under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and has gained great and historical achievements. Our country has escaped from under-developed status. The socio-politics is stable. The annual average GDP growth rate sustains at 7.5%. One and a half million of jobs are created annually. The rate of poor households has reduced from 58% in 1993 to 12% in 2009. Living standard of the people has been significantly improved. Our Party defines that economic development is the central task; party building is core task and cultural building forms the spiritual basis of society. In socio-economic development, we apply the socialist-oriented market economy driven by the State, in which the state economic sector play the key role, with specially attention paid to social progress and justice in each development policy and each development stage.
However, the monetary financial crisis and world economic recession also creates negative affects and challenges to Vietnam's socio-economic performance. Manufacture, exports, investment, employment and budget revenue have been slowed down and faced with numerous difficulties. In this situation, we have carried out a number of set of measures and policies to prevent the economy from the bad effects, to curb inflation and ensure social welfare. Due to that effort, the macro-economy has been stabilized; economic growth rate in the first nine months reached 4.6% (the third quarter was 5.7%) and it is estimated that the growth rate in 2009 can be over 5%. We are aware that difficulties and challenges still remain and highly concentrated efforts are needed to hinder economic slowdown and maintain sustainable and suitable economic growth, ensuring the stability of macro-economy and proactively prevent inflation, ensure social welfare...
Our Party urgently prepares for party congress at all levels in 2010, progressing to the 11th National Party Congress in early January 2011. At the 11th Congress, our Party will review 20 years of implementation, supplement and development of the Program on national construction in the period of transition towards socialism and the socio-economic development strategy for 10 years of 2001-2010 and map out the socio-economic development strategy for the next 10 years (2011- 2020) with the targets of becoming a modern-industrial country by 2020 and strongly progressing to socialism in which people is wealthy; country is strong; society is equal, democratic and civilized.
Solidarity is strength. During the process of socialism construction and national preservation, we have been inspired by the strength of solidarity and precious assistance and support from international communists and friends worldwide. We believe that, by exchange views and experience among the communists and workers' parties in fora like this Meeting, the communist unity and solidarity can be consolidated for our revolutionary course.


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