11 IMCWP, Intervention by Communist Party of Peoples of Spain

11/23/09, 7:25 AM
  • Spain, Communist party of the Peoples of Spain IMCWP

http://www.pcpe.es , mailto:qboix@sct.ictnet.es

International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties

New Delhi, November 20-22, 2009

Intervention by Communist Party of Peoples of Spain


Financial speculative crisis

Energy and food crisis

Organizational proposals

The current crisis of capitalism is a structural one, it increases the organic composition of capital in a more accelerated way and the law of the tendency to fall of the profit rate is developing steadfastly.

The privatization of the advaced technologies, a consequence of the scientific and technical developlment, has progressively reduced the participation of the labour force in the commodirties production and thus the possibility of generation and appropiation of surplus value by the capitalist.

The immediate consequence for the working class is that the capital is looking for a cheaper labour force, the relocation of companies, creating flows of working masses towards the capitalist centres. The working class is losing buying power, they are forced to increase the working hours, is suffering the abandoning of the states and the bourgeois organizations and institutions, unemployment rises to tragical numbers, placin the percentage in more than 20% in some countries so-called central countries, like Spain. At the same time, capitalism is using the fictitious protectionism, which in a biased discourse of social protection of the workers in the central countries, “we” before “them”, unleashes xenophobia against immigrant workers and, added to the institutional order, the immigrant population does not only bear xenophobia, but they are also victims of the directives and laws attacking the human being.

Capitalism is responding to the reduction of the profitability in the productive field directing the capital towards the improductive and speculative areas. In speculation, capitalism finds a higher profit in less time than in the productive field, also increasing corruption, intrinsic to capitalism, as it has been proved by the many cases appearing in the latest months in Spain.

Financial and speculative capital has played the leading role in the last decades in the process of capital accumulation. The financialization of the capitalist economy, highest representative of the parasitism in the imperialist stage, has been the basis of the financial speculation, reducing the accumulation through the commodities production to a percentage that is being reduced day after day in the world capitalist economy. Today, production and distribution of commodities is a minimum part of the capitalist economy.

The financial crisis is only a link in the chain, it can not be analysed as the only factor, forgetting the historical and social factor of a way of development of the human species.

In the frame of the capitalist crisis, the energy crisis is a part of the speculative processes, increasing the prices and becoming a burden for the economies of central capitalism, specially those who have a limited capacity of self supply.

The failure, at least at this moment, in the production of biofuel, increases the tendency of capital to appropiate the natural reserves placed in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and some parts of the post-Soviet Russia.

The logical need of capitalism to control the natural resources develops an international policy of militar interventions, leads to wars against Iraq and Afghanistan and aggresions against Latin American countries, who are threatened with war with the deployment of the 4th Fleet, the instalation of US bases in Colombia or the coup in Honduras, and the “non-mediatic” wars in the African continent.

The state of permanent war helps the arms development, forcing other countries to have an effective demand of the final product and passing the improductive cost of war to other nations.

In this picture, capitalism has no other possibility than making war an essential tool to sustain the process of capital accumulation.

In Europe, the Lisbon Treaty underpins the military aspect with the obligation of the member states of increasing the military expenditure and the acknowledgement of the preventive war.

The food crisis affects more than 1.000 million people who already suffer from extreme famine.

The destruction of the productive capacity by the capitalism of the central countries puts the harvests in a market out of control where production of food does not respond to the need of supply, but to the dictates of capital. Capital, in its speculative logics, makes the price of food swing, thus affecting the population who is economically weaker. It is possible today to solve the problem of famine in the world. The technologies of agricultural and farming production allow the production of food for the whole mankind.

The mass-media of capitalism accomplish their role perfectly, being the ideological apparatus of bourgeoisie. Their fragmenting analysis of reality satisfies the goal of dozing off the working class, preparing the acceptance of the consequences of a capitalist practice under the slogan of terror against any protest or activity of the oppressed class. The psicology of terror is enlightened so fear is the main constant element in the life of the peoples. They create and improve the repressive instruments that are coordinated at all possible level, and who complete the picture with the crimminalization of the revolutionary options, the elimination of the protests. In face of this, capitalism proposes us “political and social consensus” for overcoming the crisis, transmitting the idea that this is the only possible choice.

There is no place for intermediate solutions, there are no reforms that could eliminate capital, the socialization of capitalism is the proposal of political opportunism, the social unity so much defended from social-democratic positions is hiding the goal of saving the economic order of capital, even though the cost is to increase the social uneveness and exploitation. Socialism is the alternative for mankind, it is time to overcome stages of doubts about the arrival of socialism, we must advance in the organizational stage of struggle that has to promote the process as a real option.

The Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain proposes the ellaboration of the tactical stages of this period, which have to be concreted in a potent process of accumulation of forces:

  • Advance and consolidation of the coordination fo the international communist movement, with a common programme. Creation of a working committee with the task of advancing in this field.
  • Promoting the creation of the World Antiimperialist Front as an alliance of all the revolutionary and progressive forces, with a minimum programme.

While these general coordinations – communist and antiimperialist - advance and come to reality, let us promote unity of actions in some concrete issues in face of the attacks of the imperialist system, the actions could be regional or worldwide.

Some examples:

-Actions against the famines of 1.000 million people.

-Actions against war in Afghanistan.

-World Day in solidarity with Palestine and other peoples in struggle.

-World action against the destruction of Amazone.


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain