1 IMCWP, Contribution of CP in Denmark

5/22/99, 10:50 AM
  • Denmark, Communist Party in Denmark 1imcwp En Europe Communist and workers' parties

International conference of workers- and communist parties,
Athena, May 1999.
Betty Frydensbjerg Carlsson, Chairman Communist Party in

Since the collapse of the socialistic countries, the
capitalistic market economy has been ruling in almost all
countries. Not only geographical, Capitalism has explored,
inside through buying up, fusion's, and privatisation's,
transnational companies have got an enormous power. We know
that the largest of these companies have an economy, which
very few National States can compare with, and that they
therefor have the decisive influence in the national
States, in regionally organisations and in the global
economy policy - in international policy at all.

Parallel the regionally economical- political blokes as EU,
NAFTA, and CO- operation in Asia among Japan, are growing
stronger and getting more and more political, and they are
using international organisations as WTO, IMF, World-Bank
directly as instruments for the three regions mutual
interests, co-ordinated through the G-7 meetings. The under
developed countries are hold in iron gloves. They are
forced in a situation where they compare to get foreign
investments, to ex. through economical free zones, where
working class are without labours rights, where Trade
Unions are forbidden. The MAI negotiations were - and are -
the political demand to secure the interests of these
transnational forces.
The EU and its treaty constitute the framework for the
dictatorship of monopolies.

The different UN-summits have shown very precisely the
picture of the New World order. US is dictating their
terms, not only to their former enemies, but also to their
NATO-partners. We know that the former Warsaw
treaty-countries, who have asked for membership in NATO,
not only have got those conditions, that they shall be open
for market economy, but also that they are forced to spend
billions on buying weapons. This money will there - as
anywhere - be taken from social and economical development.
The present NATO-war is also a serious warning to the
former socialist countries to remind them about their so
called defeat and is a threat to anybody who could wish to
go back, or go to, a socialist society.

United Nations, who were build to " Save the coming
generations for war, which two times in our century has
brought inexpressible suffering to mankind, to secure small
as big Nations equal rights, and to secure that weapon
power not shall be used " as it is written, has been abused
in the interests of the Great Powers, specially thorough
the Security Council, and are now in the present war
against Yugoslavia, totally put into a side-line.

What shall working class do under these conditions?

In my part of the world the Social Democracy parties have
had the strongest influence in and on the working class and
the societies in this century. And this century has been
the century of discussions and competition among the
reformism and revolutionary strategy. The Socialist
societies in Europe has collapsed of many reasons we have
discussed and still will discuss and learn of, but the
reformism ideas and so-called societies has totally
collapsed too.

Through the century they have had the governmental power in
many countries, and have called themselves the party, which
secured the working class progress and social security.
During the " old" world order, and through an active
working class, they did manage this. Working class has
build up collective rights and common public institutions.

But in the New World order they are in the head of
demolishing all this. Their problem is that their programs
during the century have spoken about liberating the labour
force from exploitation of the capitalists, but they go for
market economy - "with a human face" as they say. But the
fact is that market economy has no human face. The fact is
that the basis of market economy is that the strongest -
without intervention - can eat the weakest.
The reformism parties have not defended the rights of
working class in the new world order, they have not fought
against the MAI agreement, but again spooked about a
MAI-agreement " with a human and democratic face", and in
the latest meeting in the European part of the "Socialist
Family" they have agreed about a common programme for
Europe, which submit to the EMU - policy, which will
further destroy public institutions and security as well as
labours rights and employment.

As a classical note, they are in the head of the propaganda
and manipulation to get the people in Europe to love the

In these conditions working class cannot use the reformism
parties to anything. But exactly this development has
disillusioned working class. Working class needs a new
honest leadership with alternatives. In the Trade Unions
and in the political struggle.

The world policy has really been global. The Monopolies
have their parties and their global strategy. The parties
with most influence, the Christ-Democrats, the
Socialist/Social Democratic and Democratic parties have all
their international and regional CO- operation and common
strategy. Only we, the Communist parties have for a long
time had no common strategy, policy or regularly meetings
and discussions, although we have the common ideological
base, which however makes us conclude very equal in
situations. But we also have the responsibility to
organise, to create and influence on situations and to take
offensive initiatives. Nobody else does it. Therefor I, on
behalf of my Party, want to express our deep gratitude to
the Greek Party, who has offered so much to give us this
and other opportunities to meet and discuss. We have to
meet and therefor we have to discuss how to find ways
economical too - to secure that we can go on with these
important meetings.

Worldwide we have to send our message to working class
about possibilities for a world without war and
exploitation, with social equality- security and democracy.
But also the message, that it can only be made if working
class, together with other exploit people, act and play an
active role, learns to handle national and international
solidarity and the method of unity in action for common
Through action working class learns, and wishes to learn
more about contexts

The Labour movements organisations as Trade Unions are the
most important tools for working class, but they have to
realise that their struggle are more and more combined with
the struggle for political demands.

The struggle to defend democracy is combined with the
struggle against the monopolies and their organisations and
institutions, as EU, NAFTA, IMF, a.m. and goes further than
the interests of working class alone. Broad resistance
movements must be build up.

The struggle for peace is a struggle against NATO, against
WEU, against the military industry, and this interest goes
further than to working class alone. Peace movements must
be build up broad, national and international, and must bee

In the Danish communist party we have the slogan: Peoples
power against Money power! By our opinion the road to
socialism goes through this step in the present situation.
Thank You.


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