1 IMCWP, Contribution of Communist Party of Norway

5/22/99, 10:50 AM
  • Norway, Communist Party of Norway 1imcwp En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Communist Party of Norway

Contribution to International Communist Conference
Athens 21-23 May 1999

Chairman, Comrades,

First of all I would like to thank the Communist Party of
Greece for the way they have received and treated us who
are here and all other communist and workers parties
involved in preparing this conference. It is an honor for
me to speak at this meeting. Being a Young man, belonging
to a small party, from a small but rich country where the
majority of the working class believes in the �absolute
truths� of our western media and are satisfied with the
present conditions. What can I possibly contribute to you?
The intervention of the Communist Party of Norway at this
meeting will be short since I do not want to abuse your
time or repeat to much of what the previous speakers have
said about the characteristics of today's
hyper-imperialism, the so called �Globalization-process�
and the crisis of capitalism. Our Party does not have the
resources to analyze all this phenomena in a satisfactory
way, but belonging to the international movement of
communist and workers party we can lean on the work done by
our fraternal parties. Being weak, without any full time
employees, we are sometimes depending on this. In Norway
the progressive forces are very weak because of the
fragmentation of the left. The Communist Party of Norway
was established when The Labor party of Norway betrayed the
international movement in 1923 by leaving our
International. The other leftist parties that exist split
out from The labor Party of Norway at different stages
because this party embrace capital and started the policy
of class co-operation, which of course are not in
correspondence with the objective interests and needs of
the working class. Unfortunately the so called leftist
parties that was established, took a position against our
world movement and the socialist countries. We believe that
so called �socialist� or �communists� who are not basing
themselves in practical internationalism are of no use for
the fight of liberation from capitalist exploitation. Our
Party exists because the world movement exists, in our
consciousness and minds it does, even without us taking
part in the majority of the meetings and conferences held
at the international level. The Communist Party of Norway
has not been represented in our parliament for decades, we
have also been systematically denied presence in television
and mainstream media and many people look upon us as rare
objects, something that should belong to a museum. A
historical museum. During the last decade, and especially
in the last two years, our party has been growing. We have
managed to reach many Young people with our weekly
newspaper and the activities of our Party and the Norwegian
- Young Communist League has increased and attracted new
people. Last year we released �Young Communist� a
periodical newspaper for youth. The reasons for our
progress, which is not enough and far from being
satisfactory, are mainly caused by a strong will to work
and that we are practical in our way of approaching issues.
It is necessary for our Party to increase interchanges and
all kinds of bilateral relations among the communist and
workers parties as well as our ideological and practical
work to make more people recognize us as the ones preparing
the building of a new society and world. Their new world.
The Communist and Workers Parties of the world must
initiate an international campaign to develop understanding
of modern imperialism. In a language easy understandable
for the ones most suffering from it. The TNC's and the
imperialist Governments under their control are with all
its incredible power, stolen from the working people during
centuries, trying to force upon the whole world the most
unfair, exploiting and inhuman system the world ever has
experienced: Neoliberalism.-This policy of market - terror
who already on a yearly basis kills more people than any
War in history managed! Expanding eastwards has been the
dream of European Imperialists before. Being joined by the
greatest, and most criminal imperialist states; The United
States of America, dream are becoming a living nightmare of
the peoples of Yugoslavia right now. The barbaric crimes
done everyday by NATO in Yugoslavia is what the
imperialists will offer also to other peoples and nations
if they are not obeying to their demands in the future. It
has been stated clearly by several NATO-ministers. The War
against Yugoslavia is the premiere of NATOs new role,
recently agreed upon by the NATO-countries. The imperialist
wars against Yugoslavia, the Kurdish people and Iraq is
part of the �globalization-process�. The communist movement
should produce and mass-distribute the evidences that the
economical interests of the imperialist countries is what
makes this genocide wars taking place. The IMF and The
World Bank is also tools of capitalism and imperialism
threatening countries and consequently killing people by
their re-structural programs and other various demands.
Proletariat Internationalism has been our pride and
guideline for as long as our parties have existed.
Cuba, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Vietnam and
China needs our solidarity and support, but we, the
communists living in capitalists societies need them even
more. Socialist allies to this countries should and will be
created by us. We need common actions. We share the same
dream of a society free from slavery and class oppression.
It is how to reach it, the tactics of the communists and
workers parties under the present conditions which must be
debated more intensively. Because we need efficiency in our
work even more than the TNCs do in their accumulation of
profits. The working man has suffered enough. The biology
of the world cannot live through another century with wars,
capitalist exploitation and waste of resources. Our parties
experiences in the fight for the rights of working men
under capitalism where producing results especially during
the time when a socialist world existed. But more just
economical agreements between worker and capitalists is not
changing the historic mission of our class: To overthrow
capitalism, from worker states and in the end secure total
victory against imperialism and capitalism! Political
demands, demands for socialism is what we have to put on
the agenda of the Labor movement. The socialism, hopefully
soon to re-appear in several countries, must take lessons
from the mistakes done in the past and develop itself
especially in the fields of environmental protection and
human rights. Since the understanding of the
�Globalization-process� is very much the same in our
communist and workers parties, the most important thing is
how we together deal with this phenomena. To deal with it,
can also mean that we can turn this �Globalization-process�
into something positive for the working class and the
oppressed people. New technologies who objectively
liberates working force, should instead of throwing
millions into unemployment and misery give chance to people
to develop themselves in cultural and other fields, by
reducing working-hours. The majority of people are still
trying to understand the world, causes and the reasons for
these problems. I believe that we, the communists,
basically do understand it. Now its time to transform it.
The world of today is not ours. We are the architects of


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