1 IMCWP, Contribution of EMEP, Turkey

5/22/99, 10:50 AM
  • Turkey, Labour Party [EMEP] 1imcwp En Asia Communist and workers' parties

The Party of Labour

Contribution to International Conference, Athens May 1999

Thank you to the CPG for organizing this meeting.
First of all we must underline the most important thing
once more: The world is still divided as labour and
capital. And today international capital is waging a war of
new dimensions against the working class and all the values
associated with working class and labour.
The capital aims to eradicate all the gains of the workers
and labourers.
With the wide spreading of privatization and subcontracting
on the one hand and flexible working on the other, there
has been an inclination towards all unionization,
deterioration of work conditions, systematic decrease of
wages and destruction of all social rights.
Unemployment has become chronic even in the most advanced
capitalist countries. However the capitalists and their
governments are using unemployment as the means of
encouraging the competition amongst the workers and as a
weapon of threatening the workers rights.
There has been a tendency towards partial liquidation by
destroying the unemployment benefit and the social security
system. The social security system has been announced as a
fundamental burden on the state. International capital is
taking precautions in order to implement such principals as
�health and education according to the money you have�.
These headlines above are what globalization means for the
working class and all exploited people.
The problems are international but it does not decrease the
importance of the struggles held locally, regionally, even
from workplace to workplace.
And the working class in many countries (for example in
France, Turkey, Greece, Germany) has been struggling
against these attacks. The responsibility and the work of
the political parties of working class is to unite the
struggle both in their own countries and all over the
The rights of the working class and labourers can only be
preserved through struggle, not by yielding or sowing in
front of the capitalists.
And all these can be actualized not by words, but by
mobilizing workers into struggle for urgent demands.
Although the imperialists have declared that the �New World
Order� would bring peace for the World, the regional wars
and conflicts did not stop. Imperialists always try to make
the people enemies to each other for their plans to make
more profit and to continue their system. And recently they
are trying this in the Balkans.
I am talking about the imperialist attacks against the
people of Yugoslavia and of Iraq.
We strongly object these imperialist attacks going on in
Iraq and Yugoslavia originates from USA, EU and NATO.
Opposing the war in Yugoslavia which aims the
re-distribution of Balkans, is important for peace in
Europe and for peace in the world.
The objective of NATO in Kosovo is neither to save the
Muslim Albanians nor to obstruct Milosevic.
In Turkey it is more difficult to unite and mobilize the
people to struggle against NATO attacks to Yugoslavia
because most of them think that NATO will help Muslim
Albanians and protect them from Serbian oppression.
That is why we should make more efforts to explain the
imperialist objective of NATO.
We demand immediate stop of NATO bombing and also all the
imperialists and all their forces should get out of the
Balkans. All the imperialist military bases should be
closed and the most important thing is the struggle of the
working class and all exploited people in the Balkans
against the war.
This is the main power that can stop the war. So the
revolutionary parties of the working class should make more
efforts to unite the struggle of the workers in the region
against imperialism.
And the problem in the Balkans should be solved in the base
of brotherhood of nations and in a democratic way.
The main and the single revolutionary power that will bring
democracy and independence as well as socialism, is the
working class, nobody else.


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