1 IMCWP, Contribution of Union of Communists of Macedonia

5/22/99, 10:50 AM
  • 1imcwp En Europe

Globalisation the problem of modern man

Union of Communists of Makedonia

International Meeting Athens 1999

The meaning of the word �globalisation� can be understood
from two different viewpoints:

Globalisation as a process
The globalisation of thought

In both of these cases, the vehicle of globalisation is
man. In the present world, there are two conflicting
viewpoints of the meaning of globalisation. On the one
hand, there is the view of globalisation seen from the
present capitalistic viewpoint, and on the other, the
completely opposing Left view of the concept of
The capitalist concept of globalisation is no more than
the creation of man's economic dependence on the society in
which he lives, which in turn creates all the other forms
of dependence, political, social, and military. The system
for managing these forms of globalisation is very simple.
Those who profit from surplus production become ever richer
and in this way they increase their economic power over
ordinary people. Under this system, they must give the
working person very little so they don't lose their power,
but they must give him enough so that he's not hungry and
so that he thinks the money he makes is sufficient for him
to have a good life. Thus the working person does not
think of making his own money, and tomorrow wanting to
become an owner. The best way to prevent him from reaching
this point is to create a consumer society in which the
working people must have access through the market to
whatever the advertising system produces. In this way his
mind is influenced by the thought that whatever he is
offered becomes necessary to him. This is the aim of
seductive marketing, such as sales through the system of
paying later in instalments. In this way the working person
spends his money without buying essential things and in
this way the money goes back to the capitalists. The
capitalist becomes richer and the worker remains at the
same financial level.
The reinforcement of financial power creates the desire for
political power, so that the existing economic authority is
assured, and then the time comes for the capitalist to
enter politics. The next step is to create an economically
dependent government in the country. Such economically
dependent governments can implement the policy of those on
whom they are dependent, i.e. the rich capitalists. Then
follows the conquest of new markets to which the poorer
countries are the most vulnerable. Under the pressure of
economic power, this is followed by the installation of new
submissive governments in each country, who in doing their
job, will be accountable solely and exclusively to their
bosses in the west, otherwise they'll be out of work. With
this system we have arrived at the creation of dependent
governments, first in western Europe, without any
differences in terms of which political side they belong
to, and then came the turn of the other countries.
We have been witnesses to this process which is the
substance of what the capitalists mean by globalisation.
This is why today the war in Yugoslavia is merciless and
Europe is weak because the governments of the European
countries are those which have been purchased by the
centres of economic power, and because Yugoslavia, which is
a typical example of this other aspect of the meaning of
globalisation in the world, is on the other side. This is
why the conflict in Yugoslavia is merciless, because the
entire political structure of Yugoslavia is against the
system of domination by foreign countries, that is, the
entire political world in Yugoslavia places the concept of
the country's national sovereignty over all. This is why we
support the national sovereignty of Yugoslavia at this
moment; this is not just solidarity, it is the obligation
of every Left-oriented party, since in defending
Yugoslavia, we are defending the future of world peace, the
opportunity for a better life for every person on the
planet, a future in which people will remain human, even
though wild animals are ready to kill for money.
We, the Left forces of this world, support the system of
equality for men and women from birth and not equality
according to how rich they are. The concept of
globalisation for us is for people to be born who at any
moment are aware that each is one among many in this world,
and that they will try to guarantee equality without
looking at what is happening on the other side. The moment
every working person on the planet realises that he must
not allow anyone to steal his mind or his ability to work,
globalisation will be finished. But this is a war that will
go on for a long time.
Today in Yugoslavia where the capitalist world is
manifesting all its morbid desire to destroy anyone who
stands in its way, the Left viewpoint on the solution to
globalisation has no other options. But capitalists have
never been the only people against us. Once communism came
from the east, but soon communism will come from the west,
since the West will create the conditions for it. This will
be the beginning of the end for us, and we communists and
workers had better have our mind focused on just one thing:
We must wait patiently, we must work with ordinary people
because this is our greatest weapon. We must wait for
capitalism to destroy itself, because it was not made
according to humane principles, but according to the
principle of money and money is the most spurious category
of materials on earth. The best example here is the
following: the heart, as the most vital organ, is by its
nature on the left side of every person's body.

Union of Communists of Makedonia


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