Solidarity with Latin America and Caribbean peoples’ struggles [En, Es]
In the new warlike and reactionary wave, we find the neoliberal counteroffensive against Latin America and the Caribbean, whose main objective is the attack against the progressive process in the region that promote social policies and in defense of their sovereign interests, as well as a economic, political and social integration in favor of the aspirations of the peoples’.
It is an open secret that imperialism has given priority to subversive actions, on the basis of their traditional instruments of intervention ranging from the CIA to USAID, as well as well as the national bourgeoisie closely linked to U.S. capital.
The objective of this blatant subversion has been to promote political and social destabilization in order to justify scenarios leading to a change of progressive regimes through violent means.
The United States also maneuvers to increase the number of free-trade bilateral agreements with Latin-American countries and tries to internationalize them with their allied blocks, as it is the case of EU-US Treaty.
In this context, the different Latin-American political forces and heterogenic social movements wage their struggle against the domination of the trans-nationals, the imperialism and their political and militaristic expressions, facing the obstinate presence of neoliberal economic structures.
The years of progressive and revolutionary governments in Latin America show outstanding progress in the area regarding poverty reduction and advances on social and labour rights, the consolidation of the Latin-American and Caribbean integration and the restoration of sovereignty, and have brought about a violent reaction of the national oligarchies which intensify their efforts to rebuild their neoliberal projects in this part of the world.
Today we live progressive and revolucionary experiences that afirm the sovereignt in Latin America, which have been the result of different factors, including the people´s aspiration and struggles in the region such as the defense of national sovereignty, the efforts for economic independence, the strengthening of the States, trying to put an end to neoliberalism and seeking alternatives in the way of overcoming capitalism, the establishment of regional economic mechanisms, seeking independence and solidarity support among equals such as ALBA, UNASUR, MERCOSUR, BANCO DEL SUR, CELAC, the demand and struggle against colonialism and the resistance to economic extortion, among others. Such experiences have enabled the continent to send new signals of hope in the search of social justice and, in fact, have become a political referendum in favor of the changes demanded by the workers and peoples.
Colombian insurgent forces and the Colombian people, with the support on a broad international solidarity movement, are fighting for peace with national sovereignty, democracy and social justice in Colombia.
The people of Socialist Cuba struggles against the economic blockade. In spite of the almost unanimous international rejectionof the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba and far for rectifying that policy, it continues to be in full force in an open violation of the principles of the U.N. Charter. The harassment to commercial, financial and banking institutions that keep relations with Cuba has been intensified, widening its extraterritorial character and affecting even their close allies.
The Communist and Workers Parties signatories below express solidarity with the struggles of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean:
Communist Party of Cuba
Communist Party of Brazil
Communist Party of Argentina
Communist Party of Australia
Democratic Progressive Tribune
Workers Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Bolivia
Communist Party of Brazil BrazilCommunist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Chile Chile Colombian Communist Party Colombia FARC-EP ColombiaPeople’s Vanguard Party
Costa Rica
Socialist Worker's Party of Croatia Croatia Communist Party of Cuba CubaAKEL
Communist Party of Bohemia-Moravia
Czech Republic
Communist Party of Equador
Communist Party of Finland
French Communist Party
Communist Party of India (CPI)
Iraqi Communist Party IraqCommunist Party of Ireland
Party of the Communist Refoundation ItalyParty of the Italian Communists (PdCI)
Workers' Party of Korea
Lao People Revolutionary Party
Lebanese Communist Party (LCP)
Communist Party of Malta MaltaCommunist Party of Pakistan
PakistanPeople’s Party (Panama)
Peruvian Communist Party
Communist Party of Peru (Patria Roja)
Phillipines Communist Party (PKP-1930) PhillipinesPortuguese Communist Party (PCP)
Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) RussiaSouth African Communist Party (SACP)
South Africa
Communist Party of Spain (PCE)
Communist Party of Catalunya
Syrian Communist Party (Unified)
Communist Party of Uruguay UruguayCommunist Party of USA
En la nueva ola guerrerista y reaccionaria esta enmarcada la contraofensiva neoliberal contra América Latina y el Caribe, cuyo objetivo principal es atacar a los procesos progresistas de la región que promueven políticas sociales y de defensa de sus intereses soberanos, así como los procesos de integración económica, política y social en favor de los intereses de los pueblos.
Para nadie es un secreto que el imperialismo ha priorizado las acciones subversivas, apoyándose en sus instrumentos tradicionales de injerencia, desde la CIA hasta la USAID. Así como en sectores de la burguesías nacionales estrechamente ligados al capital norteamericano.
El objetivo de esta descarada subversión ha sido fomentar la desestabilización social e politica, para justificar escenarios que conlleven al cambio de regímenes progresistas por vías violentas.
Estados Unidos también maniobra para ampliar la cantidad de tratados bilaterales de libre comercio con países latinoamericanos e intenta internacionalizarlos con sus bloques aliados, es el caso del tratado EEUU – UE.
En este contexto, diversas fuerzas políticas latinoamericanas y un heterogéneo movimiento social de la región, protagonizan sus luchas contra la dominación de las trasnacionales , el imperialismo y sus expresiones
políticas y militaristas, enfrentando la obstinada permanencia de estructuras económicas neoliberales.
Los años de gobiernos progresistas y revolucionarios en América Latina, muestran notables avances en el área, en materia de reducción de la pobreza y de avanzos en el campo de los derechos laborales y sociales, la consolidación de la integración latinoamericana y caribeña, y la recuperación de la soberanía, han provocado una violenta reacción de las oligarquías nacionales, las cuales redoblan sus esfuerzos por reconstruir sus proyectos neoliberales en esa parte del mundo.
Hoy vivimos en Latinoamérica experiencias de afirmacion soberana, progresistas y revolucionarios, que no solo son el resultado de factores disimiles, entre ellos las aspiraciones y luchas populares en la región como la defensa de la soberanía nacional, los esfuerzos por la independencia económica, el fortalecimiento de los Estados, procurando la terminación del neoliberalismo e buscando alternativas en el camino para la superación del capitalismo, la formación de organismos económicos regionales, buscando independencia y apoyo solidario entre iguales como ALBA, UNASUR, MERCOSUR, BANCO DEL SUR, CELAC, reclamo y lucha contra el colonialismo, resistencia a la extorsión económica, entre otros.
Dichas experiencias han hecho posibles que el continente envié nuevas señales de esperanza en su búsqueda de la justicia social y de hecho se convierta en un referendo político a favor de los cambios reclamados por los trabajadores y por los pueblos.
Las fuerzas insurgentes y el pueblo colombiano, con el suporte de un amplio movimiento de solidaridad internacional, luchan por la paz con soberanía nacional, democracia y justicia social en Colombia.
El pueblo de Cuba Socialista lucha en contra el bloqueo económico. A pesar del casi unánime rechazo internacional al bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero contra Cuba, lejos de rectificarse esa política de los EUA, continúa en vigor plenamente en abierta violación de los principios de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas. Se ha acrecentado el acoso a las instituciones comerciales, financieras y bancarias que se relacionan con Cuba, ampliando su carácter extraterritorial afectando incluso a sus aliados más cercanos.
Los Partidos Comunistas y Obreros firmantes abajo expresan solidaridad con las luchas de los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe:
Communist Party of Cuba
Communist Party of Brazil
Communist Party of Argentina
Communist Party of Australia
Democratic Progressive Tribune
Workers Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Bolivia
Communist Party of BrazilCommunist Party of Britain
Communist Party of ChilePeople’s Vanguard Party
Costa Rica
Socialist Worker's Party of CroatiaAKEL
Communist Party of Bohemia-Moravia
Czech Republic
Communist Party of Equador
Communist Party of Finland
French Communist Party
Communist Party of India (CPI)
Iraqi Communist PartyCommunist Party of Ireland
Party of the Communist RefoundationParty of the Italian Communists (PdCI)
Workers' Party of Korea
Lao People Revolutionary Party
Lebanese Communist Party (LCP)
Communist Party of MaltaCommunist Party of Pakistan
PakistanPeople’s Party (Panama)
Peruvian Communist Party
Communist Party of Peru (Patria Roja)
Phillipines Communist Party (PKP-1930) PhillipinesPortuguese Communist Party (PCP)
Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF)South African Communist Party (SACP)
South Africa
Communist Party of Spain (PCE)
Communist Party of Catalunya
Syrian Communist Party (Unified)
Communist Party of UruguayCommunist Party of USA