Solidarity Statement with the people of Cyprus by parties participating in the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties [En, Es]

12/9/14, 10:13 AM
  • 16th IMCWP En Es

Solidarity Statement with the people of Cyprus

by parties participating in the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties [En, Es]

Communist and Workers Parties participating in the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties held on 13-15 November, 2014, in Guayaquil, Ecuador undersigned the resolution below which is entitled:

For the freedom and reunification of Cyprus – 40 years since, the coup d’etat and the Turkish invasion and occupation

  • Recalling that forty years ago, in july 1974, e Greek junta and the fascist organisation EOKA B staged a coup d’etat against the elected President of the Republic of Cyprus Archbishop Makarios,
  • Recalling that Turkey exploited the coup d’etat to materialise its expansionist plans in Cyprus, invading illegally the island where it remains to this day in flagrant violation of international law, by continuing to occupy 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, by violating the human rights and freedoms of the Cypriot people as a whole, by continuing attempts to alter the demographic character of the island through mass settlement policy.
  • Recalling that the double crime of the coup d’etat and invasion was planned by the US and NATO aiming to divide Cyprus and impose union of one part to Greece and the other to Turkey, both countries been NATO members,
  • Noting that 40 years on Cyprus continues to live though the consequences of the Turkish invasion and occupation,
  • Reiterating that the Cyprus problem is in essence an international problem of invasion and illegal occupation, in violation of the fundamental principles of international law and the Charter of the UN,
  • Noting that the Cyprus problem has also an internal aspect, of restoring relations between the two communities of Cyprus, the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot,
  • Taking note of the directive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey for the binding of regions of the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus to conduct research and exercises,
  • Reminding the sovereign right of the states to the peaceful development of their resources.
  • Considering that the right of the Republic of Cyprus to the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is inalienable, as of every other state,

The Communist and Workers’ Parties signing the present Statement:

1 Denounce Turkey’s and the Turkish Cypriot leadership’s intransigent policy that perpetuates the Cyprus problem and consolidates the divisionistfaits accomplis on the ground,

2 Declare that the tolerance exhibited by the international community to the continuing illegality that is taking place in Cyprus, is unacceptable and must be ended immediately.

3 They demand the solution of the Cyprus problem the soonest possible, on the basis of international law and the UN Security Council resolutions. The solution must restore the human rights and freedoms in the framework of a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality as defined in the relevant UN resolutions.

4 They demand permanent peace that would allow indeed the reunification, independence and freedom of the Cypriot people as a whole,

5 They call for an immediate verification if the fate of the remaining more than 1500 missing persons of the Cypriot tragedy,

6 Denounce the illegal binding of part of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey as an unacceptable act that violates the Treaty of the United Nations for the Law of the Sea and Customary International Law,

7 Underline that the unilateral action of the Turkish government increases tension in the region and affects negatively the inter-communal talks for the solution of the Cyprus problem,

8 Call on the international community to demand the revoking of the illegal notice and denounce any act of harassment of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus within the EEZ,

9 Express their solidarity with and support to the struggle of the Cypriot people for the liberation and reunification of its country.

The statement is undersigned by the following Parties:

  1. Communist Party of Argentina
  2. Communist Party of Australia
  3. Democratic Progressive Tribune (Bahrain)
  4. Workers Party of Belgium
  5. Communist Party of Bolivia
  6. Communist Party of Brazil
  7. Brazilian Communist Party
  8. Communist Party of Britain
  9. Communist Party of Chile
  10. Colombia, FARC-EP
  11. Communist Party of Costa Rica
  12. People’s Vanguard Party (Costa Rica)
  13. Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
  14. Communist Party of Cuba
  15. AKEL (Cyprus)
  16. Communist Party of Bohemia-Moravia (CPBM)
  17. Communist Party in Denmark
  18. Communist Party of Ecuador
  19. Communist Party of Finland
  20. French Communist Party
  21. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  22. German Communist Party (DKP)
  23. Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
  24. Hungarian Workers Party (HWP)
  25. Communist Party of India (CPI)
  26. Party of the Italian Communists (PdCI)
  27. Lebanese Communist Party (LCP)
  28. Communist Party Of Malta
  29. Communist Party of Mexico
  30. Communist Party of Norway
  31. Communist Party of Pakistan
  32. Palestinian Communist Party
  33. People’s Party (Panama)
  34. Communist Party of Peru
  35. Communist Party of Peru (Patria Roja)
  36. Phillipines Communist Party (PKP-1930)
  37. Portuguese Communist Party (PCP)
  38. Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF)
  39. Communist Worker’s Party of Russia (RKRP)
  40. Communist Party of Soviet Union
  41. South African Communist Party (SACP)
  42. Communist Party of Spain (PCE)
  43. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  44. Communist Party of Catalunya
  45. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE)
  46. Syrian Communist Party (Unified)
  47. Communist Party (Turkey)
  48. Communist Party of Vietnam

Declaración de solidaridad de partidos participantes en el 16o Encuentro Internacional de Partidos Comunistas y Obreros, 13-15/11/2014, Guayaquil Ecuador

Los abajo firmantes Partidos comunistas y obreros participantes en el 16o Encuentro Internacional de Partidos Comunistas y Obreros organizado en Guayaquil , Ecuador, en 13-15/11/2014:

Recordando que este año se han cumplido 40 años desde el golpe de estado organizado en Julio de 1974 por los coroneles negros de Grecia y la organización fascista EOKA B’ contra el Presidente elegido de la República de Chipre, Archobispo Makarios,

Recordando que Turquía utilizo el golpe como pretexto para ejecutar sus planes expansionistas hacia Chipre, invadiendo ilegalmente la isla donde se queda hasta hoy día en flagrante violación del derecho internacional, continuando la ocupación de 37% del territorio de República de Chipre, violando los derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales de todo el pueblo chipriota; sigue alterando el carácter demográfico de la isla con el colonialismo continuo que practica.

Recordando que este crimen gemelo del golpe de estado e de la invasión fue planificado por EE.UU y el OTAN con el objetivo de dividir la isla y unir una parte con Grecia e otra con Turquía – ambas miembros del OTAN.

Recordando que 40 años después el pueblo chipriota sigue viviendo la consecuencias de la invasión e ocupación turca.

Reiteramos que el problema Chipriota es en su esencia un problema internacional de invasión e ocupación ilegal, en violación de los principios fundamentales del derecho internacional y de la Carta de Naciones Unidas.

Anotando que el problema chipriota sigue manteniendo también su aspecto interno, del restablecimiento de las relaciones entre las dos comunidades en Chipre, griego-chipriota e turco-chipriota.

Tomando en cuenta la directiva del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Turquía “designando” regiones de la Zona Económica Exclusiva de la República de Chipre para conducir investigaciones y maniobras,

Recordando el derecho soberano de los estados al desarrollo pacifico de sus recursos,

Considerando que el derecho de la República de Chipre a prospecciones y explotación de hidrocarburos en su Zona Económica Exclusiva es inalienable, como para todo otro estado,

Los Partidos Comunistas e Obreros firmantes de la presente declaración:

  1. Teniendo estos elementos en cuenta condenamos la política intransigente de Turquía y de la direccion turco-chipriota que perpetua el problema chipriota y consolida los hechos divisionistas en el terreno.
  2. Declaramos que la tolerancia mostrada por la comunidad internacional a la continua ilegalidad que sigue en Chipre hace 40 años es inaceptable y debe terminar inmediatamente.
  3. Demandamos la solución del problema chipriota lo mas pronto posible en la base del derecho internacional y las resoluciones de la ONU. La solución debe restablecer los derechos humanos y libertades en el marco de una federación bizonal y bicomunal, con igualdad política como definido en las resoluciones de la ONU.

4. Demandamos paz permanente que permitiera la reunificación, independencia y libertad del pueblo chipriota en su totalidad.

5. Llamamos a la verificación de lo que a pasado con los mas de 1500 desaparecidos de la tragedia chipriota.

6. Denunciamos la “designación” ilegal de parte de la Zona Económica Exclusiva de la República de Chipre de parte de Turquía como una acción inaceptable que viola el Tratado de Naciones Unidos por la Ley del Mar y de la Ley Internacional Consuetudinario.

7. Subraya que la acción unilateral del gobierno Turco aumenta las tensiones en la región y afecta negativamente las negociaciones bicomunales por la solución del problema Chipriota.

8. Llamamos a la comunidad internacional de demandar la revocación la noticia ilegal y denunciamos todo acto de acoso de los derechos soberanos de la República de Chipre en su Zona Económica Exclusiva.

9. Expresamos nuestra solidaridad y apoyo con la justa lucha del pueblo chipriota por la liberación y reunificación de su pueblo.

  1. Communist Party of Argentina
  2. Communist Party of Australia
  3. Democratic Progressive Tribune (Bahrain)
  4. Workers Party of Belgium
  5. Communist Party of Bolivia
  6. Communist Party of Brazil
  7. Brazilian Communist Party
  8. Communist Party of Britain
  9. Communist Party of Chile
  10. Colombia, FARC-EP
  11. Communist Party of Costa Rica
  12. People’s Vanguard Party (Costa Rica)
  13. Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
  14. Communist Party of Cuba
  15. AKEL (Cyprus)
  16. Communist Party of Bohemia-Moravia (CPBM)
  17. Communist Party in Denmark
  18. Communist Party of Ecuador
  19. Communist Party of Finland
  20. French Communist Party
  21. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  22. German Communist Party (DKP)
  23. Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
  24. Hungarian Workers Party (HWP)
  25. Communist Party of India (CPI)
  26. Party of the Italian Communists (PdCI)
  27. Lebanese Communist Party (LCP)
  28. Communist Party Of Malta
  29. Communist Party of Mexico
  30. Communist Party of Norway
  31. Communist Party of Pakistan
  32. Palestinian Communist Party
  33. People’s Party (Panama)
  34. Communist Party of Peru
  35. Communist Party of Peru (Patria Roja)
  36. Phillipines Communist Party (PKP-1930)
  37. Portuguese Communist Party (PCP)
  38. Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF)
  39. Communist Worker’s Party of Russia (RKRP)
  40. Communist Party of Soviet Union
  41. South African Communist Party (SACP)
  42. Communist Party of Spain (PCE)
  43. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  44. Communist Party of Catalunya
  45. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE)
  46. Syrian Communist Party (Unified)
  47. Communist Party (Turkey)
  48. Communist Party of Vietnam


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