Resolution on the right to the self-determination of the People of Catalonia [En, Es, Ca]

12/15/14, 8:12 AM
  • 16th IMCWP En Es

Resolution on the right to the self-determination of thePeopleof Catalonia [En, Es, Ca]

The communist parties and working undersigned, in the frame of the XVI Found International celebrated to Guayaquil of the 13 to the November 15, 2014, report the attitude of the Spanish government, as well as the democratic restrictions of the current political diet,that prevent the exercise of the right to the self-determination of the village of Catalonia, that has to can decide his collective future and his relation with the rest ofPeopleof Spain.

Communist Party of Argentina
Communist Party of Australia
Communist Party of Bolivia
Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)
Communist Party of Britain
Partido Vanguardia Popular, Costa Rica
Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
Communist Party of Ecuador
French Communist Party (PCF)
German Communist Party (DKP)
Hungarian Workers Party
Communist Party of India (CPI)
Lebanese Communist Party
Communist Party of Norway
Communist Party of Pakistan
Communist Party of the Peru (Patria Roja)
Peruan Communist Party
Phillipines Communist Party(PKP-1930)
Portuguese Communist Party
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
South African Communist Party (SACP)
Communist Party of Spain
Communists of Catalonia
Syrian Communist Party
Communist Party USA (CPUSA)

Resolución sobre el derecho a la autodeterminación del pueblo de Catalunya

Los partidos comunistas y obreros abajo firmantes, en el marco del XVI Encuentro Internacional celebrado en Guayaquil del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2014, denunciamos la actitud del gobierno español, así como las restricciones democráticas del actual régimen político,que impiden el ejercicio del derecho a la autodeterminación del pueblo de Catalunya, que debe poder decidir su futuro colectivo y su relación con el resto de pueblos de España

Resolució sobre el dret a l'autodeterminació del poble de Catalunya

Els partits comunistes i obrers sotasignats, en el marc de la XVI Trobada Internacional celebrada a Guayaquil del 13 al 15 de novembre de 2014, denunciem l'actitud del govern espanyol, així com les restriccions democràtiques de l'actual règim polític,que impedeixen l'exercici del dret a l'autodeterminació del poble de Catalunya, que ha de poder decidir el seu futur col·lectiu i la seva relació amb la resta de pobles d'Espanya.


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April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain