19 IMCWP, Contribution of CP of Pakistan [En]

11/10/17, 1:12 PM
  • Pakistan, Communist Party of Pakistan IMCWP En

Contribution of CP of Pakistan [En]

International meeting of Communist and Workers Parties at Leningrad Russia

Speech of Imdad Qazi Secretary General Communist Party of Pakistan

Dear Comrades!

On behalf of Communist Party of Pakistan my fellow delegates and myself, I am grateful to Communist Party of Russian Federation for inviting us in the land of Comrade Lenin to participate in the centenary celebrations of great October Revolution along with brother Communist Parties. I also congratulate CPRF for hosting the meeting. Our Party dedicated the year 2017 to great proletarian victory of the time and are celebrating memorable Bolshevik Revolution by conducting seminars, conferences, rallies and cultural activities.

Dear Comrades!

Today we are in the country where the great October Revolution, first time in the history of mankind, showed the oppressed classes of the world the shining path to break their chains of social slavery, injustice, political and economic inequality. Bolshevik Revolution liberated the colonies of brutal monarchy from all sorts of inequality. People of underdeveloped states got rid of their nomadic life and started enjoying modern facilities. First-time in the history Proletariat rose to power, women were given equal rights in all ranks. Revolution saved millions of people from famine, poverty and joblessness, provided homes to the homeless. These goals were achieved against all odds, including Imperialist assault, Internal conspiracies of bourgeoisie and civil war. What made it happen that too in very short time. Socialist revolution did it by organising the economy on Socialist principles discarding exploitative Capitalist system, depending on Internal resources and making the production a Socialist Property. Soviet Union superseded the Imperialist countries even in the field of science and space technology.

Dear Comrades!

Great Bolshevik Revolution also played a momentous role in other regions and countries. It inspired the people of Imperialist colonies, help them morally and financially to fight for their independence. As a result more than 111 countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America were liberated from Imperialist rule. After French Revolution European proletariat was dreaming for Socialist Revolution and welfare States. Bolshevik Revolution showed them the path to turn their dreams into reality and they started organising themselves under the banner of Communist Parties.

Dear Comrades!

Soviet Union provided valuable technical and financial help for the economic development of the countries which broke the chain of direct colonial rule. Even Pakistan which is an allay of Imperialist block right from the beginning, enjoyed that support from Soviet Union and socialist countries in the form of steel mill, power generation plants and refineries. This generous support was to help these countries against the exploitation and hegemony of Imperialist block. This valuable support was also extended to all non aligned countries for their social, economical and technical department. In the bipolar world the balance of power was in favour of proletariat and forces of social justice. Crises of Suez canal and Bay of Pigs proved it clearly.

Dear Comrades!

Great October Revolution and formation of USSR was a unique and momentous victory of mankind, disintegration of Soviet Union and drowning into the Capitalist system is great tragedy of human history. But this is not the failure of the system rather it is failure of the Party. The Party forgot the lesson by great Lenin that revolution and counter-revolution go side by side in the society and in the party as well. If counter-revolution is underestimated it will start eating up revolution. Therefore, the ideological struggle should not be deferred in the society and within the party even after entering Communist system from Socialism this struggle will continue until the Communist humankind is developed.

Dear Comrades!

After the success of counter-revolution in Soviet Union Capitalists started an ideological assault. Liberals and Social democrats who were already against Socialist system and Bolshevik Revolution and were playing the role of Capitalist agents, augmented their propaganda campaign. Frustrated element in Communist Parties became Renegade and took refuge in Capitalist system declaring Socialism an unnatural, impracticable ideology, tailoring excuses for Capitalism and persuading masses to follow Bourgeois electoral system for change. A combined assault of these elements caused erosion and grouping in Communist Parties. But the celebration of bourgeoisie, in this regard, was short lived. Though some parties are still struggling against the phenomenon, most of the brother parties have revisited their stance and reorganised their ranks. They are devising methodology and strategies according to their own circumstances with more clarity and strong belief in Socialist ideology. Meanwhile Imperialists are trying to divide the societies on religious and racial bases to block the penetration of progressive ideas among the masses especially women. Communist Parties successful in tackling with this problem should share their experience with brother Communist Parties.

Dear Comrades!

In countries like Pakistan where religious terrorism is openly supported by state organs, religious fanatics and reactionaries are allowed to operate freely. Any person can be abducted under the allegation of blasphemy, tortured and killed. Personal differences, family feuds, and land snatching are covered by these allegations. Governor of biggest province, and a central minister for minorities was killed in daylight. A recent example is lynching of a University student “Mashal Khan” by furious mob in KPK province. It takes to move a mountain for the registration of the case with the police. Attorneys and judges are reluctant to handle the case. Most of the time they openly refuse. Many people are behind the bar for life. Religious minorities are facing the worse of it. Their minor innocent girls are kidnapped, raped and are forced to change their religion. Their property is looted. In these horrible conditions either they are migrating on mass scale or changing their religion unwillingly. Peasants are so under debt that they have to work for landlords without any payment like slaves. Their females are subjected to sexual assaults. Small growers and farmers are forced to sell their produce in the market for a price which is usually below the cost of production. The situation of industrial workers is not any better. The government has fixed 170 dollars as minimum wages but because of contractual system they are paid $40 to $70 per month. They are not given appointment letter, no social security, no registration with Employees Old age Benefit Institution. They are denied right of association and trade unions are non existent among this group. Genuine trade unionists have to struggle against pocket unions i.e. guardian of the Interests of the employer. Interestingly this is being done in the presence of ILO representatives in the country.

Men have an undeclared right to beat up their women or kill them for allegation of adultery. If they do so they are called saviour of the family honour rather a murderer. In rural areas the landlord's favour these persons and they usually escape justice.

Dear Comrades!

These are the conditions in which we have organised our party on ideological bases. It should be noted that any radical activity brings the danger of abduction by state agencies. Either distorted body of the person is found in the wild or recovered in mentally crippled state. However we believe that these problems can only be solved through continuous struggle for Socialist Revolution. We also believe that bourgeois democracy only serves the interest of ruling class. Our main concerns are religious terrorism, feudal and State atrocities. We are also striving to include women in our struggle against Capitalism, who are more than 50% of our population.

Dear Comrades!

To eliminate civil wars and achieving international peace is impossible without eliminating international Capitalist system and liberating the people from exploitation. This goal is definitely attached to Socialist Revolution.

Long Live Internationalism

Long Live Socialist Revolution.

Communist Party of Pakistan
Central Secretariat: D-168, Naseem Nagar Phase-III, Hyderabad, Sindh.
Phone: +92-22-2670231, Fax: +92-22-2670231, Mob: +92-333-2714014, +92-300-3065723,
E-Mail: cppk1948@gmail.com Web:www.cppak.pk


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