2 IMCWP, Contribution of Bulgarian Communist Party "Georgi Dimitrov"

6/23/00, 12:58 PM
  • 2nd IMCWP En Europe

Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov�
by Ivan Predov

Subject: �The experience from the struggles, the alliances,
the co-operation of the Communists nowadays�

Dear Comrades,

Allow me first of all to convey the most warmest regards
from the members of Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi
Dimitrov� to all of you!

In the same time I have the pleasure and the honor to
convey the personal regards of the chairman of the Central
Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi
Dimitrov� comrade Emil Christov!

Comrade Christov would also take part with pleasure in this
meeting, but as you probably know, he was investigated for
the aid given by the Bulgarian Communist Party to many
Communist parties and the liberation movements in different
countries all over the world amounting to US Doll. 247 000
000 for a period of 9 years 1980-1989. And it was really
so, it was a real help for all those parties and movements,
but as comrade Christov had not got a single dollar from
this amount for his own benefit, now this investigation is
officially terminated. Still there are some obstacles for
him to have a passport and be present among all of you

The situation of the communist movement in Bulgaria
1989-2000- briefly

Dear Comrades,

As result of the collapse of the political system of
socialism, a strong stroke was inflicted to all real forces
in our country. The Bulgarian Communist Party was
transformed into Bulgarian Socialist Party which program
was a mechanical mixture of communist and social-democratic

First communist formations began to appear spontaneously
and sporadically in 1991. One of them even inherited the
name Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP), but it was not
recognised as heir-at-law. Due to conflicts inside similar
formations started to fall apart from it. All these
communist formations began to appear as a consequence of
the more and more right policy of every new government and
reformist and opportunist policy of BSP - (the Bulgarian
Socialist Party).

So that, by the end of 1999, 10 years after the socialism
in Bulgaria had been destroyed, we had 13 communist
formations, all of them out of the Parliament, separate,
uncoordinated, small and unattractive, many of them with
dummy or imposed leaders, instigated from all sides to spit
upon each other, deliberately encouraged to develop their
leaderomania ambitions among their chiefs.

All these 10 years of destroying and manipulating all
efforts for unification of communists in Bulgaria, under
the conditions of restoration of the capitalism by
different party centres, by renegades and the infiltrated
anti-Communists agents into the communists parties, the
process of unification is slow, hard and sometimes painful,
but the tendency for it is stable and what is most
important-irreversible. It is thanks to the accumulated
bitter experience, the moral and responsibility of the
communists working for it.

The Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov�, beginning
with creating its Initiative Committee, put up its one of
the basic aims: Unification of the communist movement in
Bulgaria by restoration and renovation of the Bulgarian
Communist Party. On its 1st Congress the Bulgarian
Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov� reconfirmed its will for
unification of all communists in Bulgaria into one big and
strong communist party. None of us thought it would be
easy. The former Bulgarian Communist Party, by the time of
transportation into Bulgarian Socialist Party, April 1990,
had 1 014 000 members. In the summer of the same year,
after the depolitisation of the army, the police and the
foreign affairs, about 200 000 fell away. In the autumn,
also the same year, the Bulgarian Socialist Party, which
had become a heir-at-law of the Bulgarian Communist party
proceeded with a re-registration of its members. As result
in the party remained about 400 000 members. From these
figures one can see that another number of about 400
00members left it. Part of them were time-servers, but
another significant part could not accept the ideological
and political transportation. Our estimation is that at
present there are about 300 000 people that could be
members of one Bulgarian Communist party. This situation is
absolutely unnormal and we must work hard to find these

Bulgarian Communist party �Georgi Dimitrov� and Bulgarian
Unified Communist Party 2nd Extraordinary Congress - The
congress of the Unification.

After a hard work with people - former members of Bulgarian
Communist Party. Other newly-born communist parties, we had
our first achievement - the 2nd Extraordinary Congress of
the Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov� we called
the Congress of the Unification. It took place in January
2000. Actually there were two congresses: one of the
Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov� and one of the
Bulgarian Unified Communist Party - one significant
communist party in Bulgaria at that time. The delegates of
BUCP took unanimously their two decisions of vital
importance: The party joins Bulgarian Communist Party
�Georgi Dimitrov� and terminates its activities as separate
one. The delegates of both congress gathered into one big
hall congratulating each other and seeing, different to
prior unification efforts, real comrades and reliable
friends. Tan the common Congress continued work.

It elected a new Central Committee. For the CC the joint
delegates reelected comrade Emil Christov and for his first
deputy - comrade Atanas Vassilev, former Chairman of the CC
of BUCP. A Political Declaration was adopted, in which the
Congress of Unification is estimated as positive and
encouraging precedent in the political area to the left
from BSP. The Unification was effected in strict conformity
with Marx-Lenin's doctrine about the character, aims and
tasks of the communist parties, fully taking into
consideration the opinions and suggestions of the two
parties. The Congress reconfirmed once again that:
Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov� will grow as a
modern communist party, free from the recidivism of the
past, enriched with positive valuables of the new time.
In its political essence Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi
Dimitrov� will stay an anti-capitalist party, which
historical goal is the building of socialist society in
In social respect Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi
Dimitrov� will stay the party of the working class, hire
workers of the cities and villages, of the unemployed
people, students and the progressive intellectuals.
In respect of ideology Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi
Dimitrov� will continuous to follow the principles of
Marxism - Leninism.

The congress adopted an Appeal to the communists and
sympathizers, to the leaderships and leaders of all
communists parties in Bulgaria to give hands to each others
and work actively for the unification of all communists in
the country in one significant communist party on the basis
of Marxism- Leninism. There is a real historical necessity
for that.

3. Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov� and their
left-wing parties and structures

After the Congress, basing on its adopted documents,
Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov� continues to
work for unification and applies all efforts to make
contacts and maintain links both with the leaders at all
levels of different left parties, movements and structures
and the ordinary members, especially when the leaders try
to find kind of an excuse to deviate from negotiating the
common interests. Our party have agreements with some
parties on local basis. We are happy to have good relations
with some communist fractions within the Bulgarian
Socialist Party, such as �Bulgarian way� Generals and
officers-reservists, etc. and especially with �Marxist
Platform�. We also maintain contacts with the members of
the Bulgarian Anti-Fascist Union, Union of Pensioners,
youth movements etc. There is large field for work among
different professional structures.

At the occasion of the 130th anniversary of Vladimir Ilich
Lenin the Marxist forces of Sofia organised a meeting on
21st of April 2000. The leaders of BSP found an excuse and
did not allow the organisers to use their big hall for the
celebration. Anyway a solution was found and
representatives of all communists parties, other Marxists
movements, Marxist Platform, BSP members leaving their
party, sympathisers were together. They formed a
co-ordinating council and now it has its meetings every
week. The Communist Block in Sofia was born. It was very
well represented on the 1st of May demonstration. On April
24th 200 a Political agreement for co-ordination was signed
with the Renewed Bulgarian Communist Party. Meanwhile, many
BSP members and other different communist parties, even
whole local organisations continue seeking contacts and
joining Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov�.

The 44th Congress of BSP held in the beginning of May 2000
appeared to be another challenge to the communists and the
left movements as a whole. I adopted the position of its
leader on two fundamental questions:
First- announced unambiguously, that BSP is already a
social-democratic party, indivisible part of the 2nd
Second- announced unambiguously, that BSP stands for
alliance of Bulgaria to NATO.

These two decisions put the end of the 10-year degradation
and degeneration and secondly ideologically one. From a
party creating socialism in the past now BSP degenerated to
a party creating capitalism. BSP denied the
Marxism-Leninism as d doctrine.

The question now are: What do the communists within and
around BSP do, and what are they going to do from this
moment after? Are they going to stay as a political
decoration to attract more votes for BSP on the next
parliamentary elections? If the stay will be abused as many
others during the last 10 years. Simply they have nothing
to do in such a party around it. Our slogan remains the
same: �All Communists in One Party!�.

Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov� and the subject
of coalitions.

Having in mind the forthcoming elections for the
Parliament, the subject of coalitions recently becomes more
and more actual for all the parties. Bulgarian Communist
Party�Georgi Dimitrov� looks for patterns among those
parties that stand on the following principles.
National independence and territorial intact.
Restoration of the production in the industry and the
State support for developing of co-operatives, small and
medium business.
Return of the plundered to the people.
Put an end to the poverty, unemployment, organised crime
and narcomania.
Restoration the free of charge education and health
State and society support for the development of the
Bulgarian spiritual life and culture.

Such an agreement we signed on 9th of May 2000 with the
Bulgarian Agricultural People's Union �Alexander
Satamboliyski� - the most significant left-wind agrarian

We could also be partners with ecological and patriotic
parties or movements, women's unions, pensioners'
organisations, youth and student structures on Anti-NATO
basis. The majority of the people is against Bulgaria's
membership in NATO, especially after the last year
aggression against independent and sovereign Yugoslavia.

Now BSP leaders will try their best to perform a wide
coalition. Pretending to be to the left from the political
centre, they are ready to provide a leader of a communist
party one place in the next Parliament, just to be in the
coalition and keep the illusion of left orientation
In this way BSP leaders want to attracts more votes, and
to stop the melting of the party. Such attempts for testing
the ground had been made on different levels also with
Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov�, but it is not
the last year situation with municipal elections when we
succeeded to have 18 mavors and 36 counsellors elected.
Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov� will not bargain
with BSP for one place in the next Parliament. Otherwise
our members and sympathisers will abandon us and what is
most important the communists in Bulgaria will lose the
strategic perspective. After the 44th Congress took the
decision for NATO a coalition with BSP would be equal to a
political suicide for us.

5. Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov� and
international relations

Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov� is in a process
of re-establishing its relations with all communists
parties all over the world, with its friends in the
different countries. We are always glad to make new
contacts and maintain good relations with all communists,
left parties and movements. The historical moment, we
think, also requires better co-operation, co-ordination and
flexibility. We need to work for making better and closer
links. It would not be a bad idea to discuss the
possibilities of creating, within the frame of our world
relations, regional organisations - For example European,
or East European, or on the Balkans.

Dear Comrades,
As you have understood, Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi
Dimitrov� after 10th of November 1989 were practically
defeated. The party was deprived of its material basis -
its property was confiscated, clubs were taken away. The
Party building in the centre of Sofia was set on fire and
robbed. The guiding personnel of the party and the economy
were driven away. Many of them were arrested and subjected
to any kind of repression. Their passports were taken away
and were deprived of the possibility to travel abroad.

Bulgarian Communist Party�Georgi Dimitrov� at this present
moment is facing serious financial difficulties. Under the
circumstances, we would be glad to receive international
support. In the past Bulgarian Communist Party used to help
the others communist parties and national liberation
movements at the moment they needed it. Bulgarian Communist
Party participated in the fund �Moscow�, and each year,
basing on the national revenue, allocated huge that
Bulgarian Communist Party had being giving for many years,
we fully rely on understanding in that respect.

In the end I want to assure you that Bulgaria will be a
socialist country again ! As my friend professor Mintchev
said �Where there was a socialism, as the current practice
shows, there can be nothing else but socialism�.

Thank you for your attention!

Ivan Predov


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