2 IMCWP, Contribution of Communist Party of the People of Spain

6/23/00, 12:58 PM
  • Spain, Communist party of the Peoples of Spain Spain, Communist Party of the Workers of Spain 2nd IMCWP En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Communist Party of the people of Spain
by Diana Bazo

To start with , I would like to greet all the sister
organizations present here on behalf of the direction team
and the militants of the PCPE, and to thank the Greek
Communist Party for their invitation to take part in this
As you know, the PCPE, born out of the unification of
different communist forces (arising in the framework of the
so-called `political transition into democracy' in our
country, most of them separated from the PCE), has
developed its struggle since 1984. In that year, the
wrongly determed `democratization' of our country was
practically concluded, and the various dominant
bourgeoisies of our State had already decided, once the
isolation provoked by the forty-year dictatorship was
overcome, that they would enter the project of European
oligarchies represented by the EEC (present EU). In order
to do this, the PSOE first, with a fourteen-year
government, and the PP today, who have just renewed their
rule with the last elections, have carried out the
necessary economic, political and social restructurings
which have made possible the existence of a clear
neo-liberal project for Spain, led by the bourgeoisies that
stand closer to the imperialist prospect represented by the
EU. Thus, the harsh adjustments in the industrial sector
developed in the whole of Spain, the harsh policies to
reorganize the agricultural production, the reshuffling of
the service sector, together with a general policy of
privatizations of public firms and social services
(education and health), and a series of labour reforms
agreed upon and signed by the two government teams, the
employers and the main unions, CCOO and UGT (true branches
of the system nowadays), turned Spain into a country
following the new neo-liberal global order.
This process clearly means, for the working class of the
different peoples that constitute the Spanish State, a
situation of great difficulty, where we find an extremely
high unemployment rate and a percentage of temporary
employment and precariousness in employment without
precedent. Marginalization and social exclusion (especially
in certain sectors, like youth, and on a greater scale
African immigrants) are increasing parallel to the
concentration of capital in the hands of the most powerful
bourgeois sectors (big banking, telecommunication firms,
building companies). The capitalist system shows its
toughest side once more. Exploitation and inequality are,
if that is possible, more evident now than in other periods
of our recent history.
As we have stated, the role played in this process by the
major unions, together with the dismantling of the working
class and the displacement, more and more evident, of the
decission-making process into European institutions, which
turns the Spanish government into a mere executor of orders
coming from Brussels, make popular response difficult.
Nevertheless, in recent times there have been and there are
heroic examples of workers' struggle in places all around
our State which the PCPE has and will continue to support
However, we think that the response must go beyond our
frontiers, and precisely due to the link between the
neo-liberal Spanish project and the one designed by the
oligarchies in our continent, the PCPE, for whom an
undeniable principle is that there is no revolutionary
project without an alliance policy, has theorized on the
need to form what we call an �Significant Front of
Opposition for the Sovereignty of the Peoples of Europe�.
We assume that this must be the body that coordinates and
urges the united action of all the political and social
organizations, as well as the unions, that may be
interested in constructing an alternative of democracy,
sovereignty and solidarity for Europe. That is why the PCPE
will go on fighting decisively for the formation of this
front as a stable framework for discussion and action which
will articulate the struggle of the working and popular
sectors ready to subvert the current capitalist order.
Furthermore, and as a complement to this front, the PCPE is
ready to devote the necessary effort to promote meetings
among communist elements movements parties that will favour
the exchange of information, discussion and, as far as it
is possible, the coordination of political action
initiatives at all levels. We are in fact completing the
process of unification with veteran comrades from the PCOE.

Undestanding that the EU is only one of the imperialist
pillars of the New World Order, which extends its project
everywhere in the planet through economic globalization and
unique thought, and which has as its articulatory axes the
big multinational businesses, the PCPE supports with other
proposals for the formation of a �World Anti-imperialist
Front�. The aim of this front, which has an completely
plural character, must be to organize and mobilize all the
forces and sectors within the human race willing to
confront the barbarities of our present savage capitalism.
The first expressions of this Front have already taken
place within forums, meetings and, recently, frameworks of
coordinated action against globalization (let us remember
Seattle, Washington, these days Geneva). Our challenge is
to establish correct and stable mechanisms to allow these
initiatives to become a truly dymanic dinamizing element
within the struggles that are taking place all around the
Adding to this significant initiative, we also deem
necessary the coordination of the revolutionary
organizations. Within the PCPE we talk about creating a
�new internationalism� as a means to express our wish to
reconstruct a common thought and a unitary line of
political action for all communist parties and movements in
the world.
In this sense, and to conclude, we believe it would be an
important step if, as a conclusion to this event, there
could be a common document from all the sister
organizations gathered here to reaffirm this need and
assume, as a medium-term objective, our coordination and
our commitment to advance in common actions and


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain