2 IMCWP, Contribution of German Communist Party

6/23/00, 12:58 PM
  • Germany, German Communist Party 2nd IMCWP En Europe Communist and workers' parties

German Communist Party, DKP
by Heinz Stehr

Dear Comrades,

It is with great pleasure that the DKP/German Communist
Party takes part in this convention and we thus extend our
warmest greetings to you on this occasion.

Just a few weeks ago we held our 15th party convention: we
were able to ascertain the collapse and dissolution of the
Socialism in Europe, and after hearing manifold triumphant
or also pensive commentary to the end of a socialist
alternative in Europe: the German Communist Party, the DKP,
continues to exist! We have continued to develop our
political notions, we participate in various and co-operate
with other left and democratic forces. In some publications
we have again become the target of anticommunist politics.

This is indeed not a matter of course; the past ten years
were a tremendous challenge for all communists in the
world. This is made when we see how much differently
strategies are discussed - as proven by recent conventions
in Great Britain, France or when regarding recent
experiences in China, Cuba, Vietnam and Korea, where the
communist parties face the task of building up socialist
alternatives under the present preconditions. We are
encouraged when we see that communist parties in India,
Japan, on Cypress or in South Africa are mass parties that
are able to exert considerable influence in their home

We celebrate every success, wherever on the earth that
communists achieve. At the same time we suffer every defeat
even until the dissolution or metamorphosis of communist

The DKP defines itself as an integral part of the
world-wide communist movement within which we propagate
co-operation under the new preconditions. Today's
Imperialism, neoliberalism must be forcefully resisted. To
this goal we must continue to network our movement. The DKP
is thus also necessary and indispensable.
Already in the �Communist Manifesto� Marx and Engels
developed the selfunderstanding that communist do not live
and struggle as a means unto the party itself. The
communist party has the foremost socio-political task of
enforcing the historical development of socialism, the
first step on the road to communism.

Our aim is a world without exploitation or oppression.
Politics developed at home have decisive impact on a world
without exploitation or oppression. Politics developed at
home have decisive impact on a world wide scale. How does
this function? How did this process to world-wide
empowerment come upon? Germany, historically enlarged now,
is now due to her economical power an important factor: Her
role in the G7, in the EU in the IMF and in the World Bank
has grown. The next step to more influence would be
continuous membership in the United Nations security
council. The economic powers and their propagators wish to
make Germany the strongest imperialist power in Europe, one
which in the future is to stand in equal recognition next
to the USA in the determination of world affairs.

The concept of a European �power kernel� as again recently
propagated by our foreign minister Fischer is to smoothen
the way towards that aim. Nothing less is meant than the
economically strongest powers in Europe synergies in order
to withstand the competition coming from the USA or from
Japan and at the same time in co-operation with these
centres to dominate the world with their aims. For 75% of
mankind this reactionary future world concept means the
preservation of today's conditions: unworthy inhuman living
conditions without a chance of positive change.

Our claim to be an opposition force to the establishment
and to struggle for a socialist future is an objective part
in the world wide struggle to implement change in the
seemingly petrified present condition. Our claim is part of
a presumably lengthy struggle for the chance of
preconditions, for the installation of progressive social
preconditions to the goal of a final break from the
structure of exploitative society.

This premise underlines our responsibility. This also
portends the importance of the mere existence of the DKP.
This situation is both a challenge and a task. We wish of
course that Germany at some take constructive, positive
political responsibility because we have ascribed to the
goal of proletarian Internationalism. It will depend on our
capabilities to develop and influence present-day politics
with the aim of further development and strengthening the
out of parliamentary opposition and the suffusion and
implementation of alternative reform strategies for paving
the road toward socialism.

It is in this sense we are putting our share into the
necessary international co-operation whose aim it must be
to actively resist reactionary capitalist globalisation
strategies. Our means are those of the Internationalism of
the working class and its alliances. Our courage and our
strength for the struggle for a future in socialism results
from the knowledge of the essence of capitalist society.

Not one of the evils of imperialism has been solved: war,
social underdevelopment, ecological disaster, devastative
pests. On the contrary, the preconditions have worsened
since our last party convention: expanding number or
regional wars have been or are being fought; one of which
in Central Europe against Yugoslavia, with illegal, German
And it is with great concern we note the continuous warfare
in Russia

Imperialism today, especially since the downfall of the
socialism in Europe exists seemingly without competition,
We should however not forget to regard the whole world in
our contemplation: in many underdeveloped countries there
exist the material prerequisites for the construction of a
socialist alternative. In countries such as Columbia
Venezuela or South Africa many are struggling for an
alternative to capitalism.

The premise for an alternative to today's neo-liberalism is
a firm anti-capitalist position- one that breaks with the
logic of competition for the world market. This kind of a
logic can only end in further spirals of war, poverty and
ecological disaster.

Without structural changes there will be no real
progression. We must consciously continue to pose the
question of property. - In the end this is also the
question of power and social control of economic and
political processes. It is thus we are dedicated to the
task of bringing together those forces wishing to break
with (global) Imperialism. A new type of social state can
only develop if the trade unions and the left take up a
class struggle with a strong and anti-capitalistic
character, develop structural antimonopolistic reforms and
install a new type of participatory democracy. This means
the strengthening of class consciousness in the trade
unions, in out-of-parliamentary forces and in the
strengthening of our own forces.

The political decision making process in Europe has long
left national control. This was sealed by the
implementation of the Maastrict Treaties. And as Europe
�grows� together, as the bougoise would have it, it becomes
mandatory that the progressive left joint forces. We are
dedicated to this goal. By force of our international it is
time we begin to openly discuss our visions of a European
Socialist alternative.

If we do not take this road it will be impossible to
hinder the unfettered US-imperialistic plunge for maximum
profits at the cost of plundering natural and human
resources: both through the use of the IMF, privatisation
strategies that result in exploitation and poverty as well
as the European Union's new military concept which can only
result in continuing warfare.

Ours is the struggle for a democratic Europe, open and
supportive, that respects the environment, that is without
discrimination, racism, national chauvinism or frontiers.
We stand for a Europe in which there are equal civic and
political rights for all

Our ultimate goal - a world in peace and prosperity for


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