2 IMCWP, Contribution of New Communist Party of the Netherlands

6/23/00, 12:58 PM
  • Netherlands, New Communist Party of the Netherlands 2nd IMCWP En Europe Communist and workers' parties

New Communist Party of the Netherlands
by Wil Van den Klift

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of the Party leadership of the New Communist
Party of the Netherlands, I thank the CPG once again for
its hospitality and for organising this important meeting.
The important thing is that, there is a contribution of
discussions. Each one of us feels the need to have this
type of exchange of opinions, experiences and proposals, in
which bilateral contacts should not be underestimated.

For this period of history, as well, the following words
are valid: �Workers of all lands, unite�. However,
co-operation starts with the exchange of opinions and
experiences. The questions, however, remains how these
expensive meetings can be made as effective as possible.

Comrades and Friends,

In spite of the fact that , to our opinion, the Athens'
meetings are becoming more and more effective, we lack the
possibilities of a regional meeting as in Sao Paulo. The
NCPN thinks, that it would be of great value, if a
regional, regular, Western European consultation of
Communist and Workers' Parties would start. Such a
consultation gives the opportunity to the parties to find
deeper and more concrete answers to the specific problems
in the Western European capitalist countries.

We think that the fact that such a consultation does not
yet exist, has to do with the following aspects:
The ruling capitalist class in these countries exerts a
strong influence on the thinking of the popular masses. For
this reason the masses have many illusions and wrong views
as regards today's reality and the possible improvements of
their existence.
The negative influence of a clean, broadly supported, goal
within the working class in W. Europe and the
indecisiveness and short-term-solutions, which are linked
to this.
Because of this situation the communist parties began to
feel the strong need to hear this passivity of the masses.
The question which occurred especially was: how can we
reach the masses? How can we draw the attention of the
masses to our proposals for a solution?
As a result of all kind of political and ideological
confusion among the communists of W. Europe many deviating
view occurred as regards the goals, strategies and methods
of struggle. We see several forms of opportunism up till
the abundance of fundamental positions. We have seen this
recently in the so-called Socialist Party in our country.
On the other hand there was and there still is leftist
radicalism which leads to sectarianism and fragmentation
and self-seclusion in your own right.

When we take a fast look at the recent evolutions in our
own party, we see the following: as a reaction on the
abolition of the Communist Party of the Netherlands, the
communists, who believed that there must be a communist
party in our country, felt the need to establish a new
political-ideological basis. In general the opinion was,
that this re-building should take place on the basis of
marxism- leninism. That period was characterised by a
relative big exclusion and sectarian and dogmatic
tendencies. Now that the ideological unity has been
sufficiently re-established, a strong need is felt to turn
ourselves to the outside world. The need of power-formation
and alliance policy is again a central point on our agenda.
Therefore it is important to get rid of the remnants of
sectarianism and dogmatism without, however, to fall into
the rightwing opportunity illusion-policy, which had
destroyed the Communist Party.

Why is it so important to speak about this?
We believe, that there can be a policy of alliances only on
the clean basis of our principles. We reject all lawy
efforts to gain the favourable disposition of the masses.
Communist Parties cannot guide the masses permanently, if
they take distance from their principles and fundamental
starting points, nor really reach the masses in that way. A
policy of alliances needs a long initiatives during the
last period, which were exploded by other in the leftist
camp, at a moment that they seemed to gain success. On
April the 10th 1999 there was, for instance, a big
demonstration in Amsterdam against NATO's intervention
against the sovereign Republic of Yugoslavia. In spite of
cautious consultations beforehand the Trotrhyists made
provocation during the demonstration, which led to
disorders and demonstration had to be finished earlier.
This was the reason, that the broad coalition, which our
party had built up, exploded. The coalition consisted of a
broad co-operation of leftist parties, Yugoslavian
organisations in the Netherlands and many peace
organisations. The provocation within the demonstration was
carried out as follows: suddenly some people appeared with
anti-Milosevic slogans, in spite of the fact that the
demonstration, after long negotiations and discussions,
would turn against the NATO without attacks at the same
time on the Yugoslavian government of Milosevic. During the
demonstrations there were even speakers of the Socialist
Party of the Green Left. In the Parliament it was only
Socialist Party, that had expressed itself against the
attack. The Social0democrats and the Green Left were (and
still are) in favour of the bombings. Under the then
prevailing political conditions it was clean, that this
broad movements a danger for those, who have the power in
our country and that its development should be stopped.
After the demonstration the alliance fell apart - because
of the provocation - into many groups and once again the
feelings of powerless prevailed. After a year and more
only our party is again in a position to start the building
of a new more mature alliance: against NATO, the lies of
the media and in favour of the right of countries to follow
their own independent course. Right now, we try to make the
USA abandon the bases in Ohuba and Cuacao. For this we need
of a regular coalition as well.
Comrades, friends,

I' ll. return now to the need of a regular consultation of
communist parties in W. Europe.

One of the mistakes being made is to think, that a
consultation of communist parties, organised around the
European Parliament, is sufficient to give an answer to the
many questions, that have been put forward for solution.
This becomes immediately clear, when we take a look at the
need for deliberation on the development of the trade-union
movement. There is a danger, that this most important
mass-movement of the working class will fall completely in
the hands of forces, which have these starting-point
class-peace and �capitalism with a human face�. On top of
that, it still is not possible to growing globalisation of
the capital. There is enough need to co-ordinate the
communist trade-union policy, but what is really happening?
It is clear, that within the Left in W. Europe, there
exists a certain parliamentarism. That s very visible in
our country. The class struggle at the basis, in
enterprises, in neighbourhoods, and movements is
diminishing. Power policy is seen mainly as a struggle
within the Parliament. Extra-parliamentarian actions are
strongly underestimated.

However, governments come and go. Communists should regain
their positions in enterprises and mass movements. Of
course this struggle mainly takes place in each own
country, but can't exist without international
deliberation, without international co-operation, in a
concrete and effective way.

The NCPN puts forward the need of a W. European
consultation of Communists Parties to all W. European
countries here. Maybe it would be a good solution too come
to a W. European section of these Athens' consultations.
Let us continue to think, in the coming period, about such
an organised form of exchanges of experiences and concrete

Comrades, wherever communists fall short, less militant,
less radical or even anti-workers' forces take over their
positions. That's why we're saying: Communists and Workers'
Parties of all countries, unite.

Only then the future belongs to socialism!


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