2 IMCWP, Contribution of Tudeh Party of Iran

6/23/00, 12:58 PM
  • Iran, Tudeh Party of Iran 2nd IMCWP En Asia Communist and workers' parties

Tudeh Party of Iran
by Navid Shomali

Dear Comrades,

I would like to thank the Communist Party of Greece for its
invitation to our Party to attend this important
international conference. Our Greek Comrades have once
again taken a bold step in offering he Communist and
Workers' Parties of the World the opportunity to share
thoughts and consider joint forms of action and unity. The
Tudeh Party of Iran is 100% behind these aims.

The Tudeh Party of Iran attaches great significance to the
opportunity to collectively study developments in various
countries and factors influencing success the working class
movement around the globe. We believe that in the present
complex world situation, with imperialism exploiting all
what it has in its disposal to make the �New World
Order�irreversible and the working class recovering from
the strategic set backs of the early 1990's, necessitates
sharing of thoughts, learning from each others experience
and collective endeavours of all communists.

At the beginning of the 21st Century international
capitalism is seeing of its new world order beginning to
crumble. Only 10 years ago the apologists for imperialism
were hailing the end of history and the defeat of
socialism. Today NATO, the United States, the World Bank,
the IMF and all the other forces of capitalist
neo-liberalism are facing new uncertainties as people
around the globe resist the new realities forced on them by
the interests of the transnationals.

The involvement of wide spectrum of social forces in the
fight against capitalist neo-liberalism, as was witnessed
in the great battle of Seattle last December, is indicative
of an important and positive development. People are
joining the campaign against the worst manifestations of
capitalism and for justice and a sustainable future.

After experience a decade of uni-polar world dominated by
US led world imperialism, people realise that capitalism
and war are synonymous. Organised state and inter-state
violence are the new hallmarks of global imperialism. In
Africa, the Balkans, and the Middle East imperialism has
embarked on new military adventures, but in all continents
the forces of opposition are witnessing new growth and Iran
is no exception in this process.

Against this background our conference takes on a new


Since the popular anti-imperialist uprising in Iran in 1979
the people's movement for democracy and justice has
experienced some drastic developments. In May 1997,
however, a strong popular movement emerged, similar in
character to that of 1979. This movement was in response to
the acute socio-economic crisis in the country and a
reaction against the policies which had been pursued by
successive governments since early 1980's and in particular
eight years of total domination of the state by the former
President, Hashemi Rafsahjani. Iranian progressive forces
have always viewed Rafsanjani as on of the main pillars of
the regime and one of the main architects of reaction and
dictatorship in the country, responsible for the
continuation of the eight year war with Iraq and the bloody
suppression of political opponents throughout the 1980's
and 90's. It is an open secret in our country that
Rafsanjani's role was instrumental in concentrating
economic and social power around a reactionary religious
and capitalist elite. The presidential elections of 23rd
May 1997 were expected by the regime to produce an outcome,
which would further strengthen the
fundamentalist\theocratic charade which dressed itself in
Islamic clothes but which had at its heart the aim of
ending any further movement towards republicanism or
genuine democracy. The people of Iran rejected the regime's
trickery and treachery.

The election of President Khatami was a reflection of the
growing opposition throughout the country against the
theocratic regime and its socio-economic policies. Our
party had viewed the result as massive �No� vote to the
regime and its main principles and values.

The decisive and massive rejection of regime's declared
values and choices on 23rd May, 1997 by the people was a
historic milestone in the course of our people's struggle
against the reactionary ruling cleaque and dictatorship in
our country. Contrary to some na�ve and superficial
analysis, what took place on 23rd of May 1997 was not and
could not be a chance incident: it was not as a result of
Khatami's entry in the presidential race.

Long before the election of Khatami the Tudeh Party of Iran
had pointed out the emergence of a tendency from within the
Islamic forces who �have changed their position and to some
degree have come closer to the regime's opposition forces.
�These forces do not believe in a continuation of
�Velayat-e-Faghih� regime in its present form.� We have
argued that the incompatibility of a theocratic state with
fundamental reform as far as democratic rights, freedom and
civic society are concerned.

During the presidential elections of May 22nd, 1997, our
Party clearly exposed the nature of Nategh Nouri, as the
candidate of most reactionary and dogmatic faction of the
regime. We, however could not agree with Khatami's view of
the possibility of actualisation of freedom and civil
society in the framework of a regime based on
�Velayat-e-Faghih�. Our party, after the May 23rd
elections, stated: �what is clear, is the fact that the
leadership of the �Velayat-e-Faghih� regime, despite the
people's great desires for the democratic changes, is
determined to prolong its policies and block any real
movement for change�. The events of last three years have
proven the correctness of our party's assessments and
concerns against Mr. Khatami and his supporters' false

We can now confidently say that many forces including those
have accepted the correctness of our assessment that the
concept of a regime based on �Velayat-e-Faghih� is
incompatible with meaningful democratic change and reform.
By aiming for a fundamental reform and prioritising
political development the democratic movement in our
country has concluded that while the concept of a
theocratic state is in place no serious development in the
direction of freedom and social justice is possible.

It is also of crucial importance in considering the current
situation in our country to say a few words about the
economic crisis. Unfortunately in many areas Mohammed
Khatami and his allies have continued the policies of
Rasfanjani. Many of Khatami's Cabinet Ministers were also
in Rafsanjani;s Cabinet and they have been determined in to
protect the economic status quo. Unemployment and poverty
are now widespread. Current policies, according to Mr.
Shabani, the vice-president of central bank, will lead to
over 8 million unemployed by the next year - i.e. 26% of
the working population, Furthermore, billions of dollars of
foreign debt continues to take its toll on the ailing
economy. Daily the rights of the organised working class
are denied in the workplace. Universities, colleges and all
means of education and training are still subject to the
ideological tyranny of the theocratic regime and face acute
under-investment in their facilities.

It is against this background that in the past year there
has been significant movement in workplaces throughout the
country and in universities and colleges in many towns and
cities. Almost a year ago tens of thousands of university
students took part in demonstrations, culminating in a mass
uprising of students and young people on 8th July. A
movement, which the regime showed no hesitation in
suppressing with widespread arrests and intimidation. In
this connection Khatami's silence should be noted.

This, however, has not stopped the movement for democratic
change. The recent parliamentary elections in February, in
spite of attempts by the regime to gerrymander the results
represented a severe setback for forces of conservatism
throughout the country. The electoral results reflected the
growing alliance of forces seeking change: the student
movement , young people, the women's movement and the
working class expressed their determination in the
elections only to return candidates sympathetic to social,
economic and political change.

Around the world there can be no greater symbol of the
oppression experienced by the Iranian people than the role
women over recent years in Iranian society. Today Iranian
people are rejecting the fundamentalist chains, which
prevent them playing a full role in a modern society. The
�23rd May Front� as it is known in Iran, is in our view a
loose coalition of social and political forces united in
their advocacy of liberal freedoms and republicanism.

In considering this front, it is important to consider the
political forces taking part in it. The fact is that, as
the atmosphere of terror and oppression reign in the
country and while independent political parties and
organisations are not permitted, the presence of genuine
political parties with a popular power base is very weak
within the movement. Many groups and parties that have been
formed in the recent years are devoid of any social base
and are based around individuals and personalities. These
can disappear with the same speed as they are formed.
Amongst these parties, is the �Construction Party:, which
was formed by one of the ruling factions, represented by
Rasfanjani and his allies, in order to channel the
opposition with the regime and to take political advantage
of it in order to maintain control of the levers of power.
The campaign by progressive forces and radical pro reform
organisations ensure exposure of the real nature of the
�Construction Party� suffered a massive defeat in the
February parliamentary election.

One of the most significant parties formed in recent years
is the Islamic Iran Partnership Front, which is a coalition
of a broad spectrum of religious forces. The IIPF, which
vociferously campaigned against the dirty tricks of the
reactionary forces, secured a large section of the votes in
Teheran and provincial cities. The IIPF's electoral
programme included undertaking to reverse some of the most
reactionary legislation, reform of the electoral law,
repeal of the �the mobilisation of students� and �Islamic
Retribution� legislation and abolishment of special
clerical courts. Obviously the progressive opposition will
support any more towards weakening the legal grip of
reactionary forces and their control of levels of power.
The Tudeh Party of Iran realises the strengths and
weaknesses of these forces, but is confident that the
movement for change cannot be halted.

Contrary to analysis put forward by some analysts, who
focus their attention on the role of newly political
parties, our party views the social forces participating in
the movement as the main motivators of the reform and the
struggle for freedom and social justice. The movement of
students and youth will develop and embrace independent
student organisations. The organised working class will
develop a new network of independent worker-led
organisations. But to achieve these fundamental milestones,
the movement need to buy time. The Tudeh Party of Iran has
called for formation of an antidictatorial front and we
think that a broad spectrum of forces from the left to
nationalist and non-confirming Muslim forces could be part
of this alliance. At present there is a broad front formed
within the country, which is loosely based coalition of
forces and in terms of class interests represent a wide
variety of forces. It is hoped that in its development this
front could became a stepping-stone towards our anti
dictatorial front provided we manage to develop the
movement from below. As far as other forces are concerned
we have working relationship with a variety of left wing
and progressive forces but historical differences and
rivalry has stopped these forces forming a left block and
having a significant impact on the people's struggle.


In this valuable time given to me explain the current
situation in my country it has only been possible to give a
short insight into the complex and rapidly changing
character of the social and political struggle currently
underway. The Tudeh Party of Iran is optimistic that Iran
is entering a new period, which promises decisive and
lasting change. Around the world too, the forces of
reaction, while far from defeated are facing opposition and

The Communist and Workers' Parties are now faced with their
own challenges, but the opportunities, Comrades, are also
very significant. It is up to ourselves to make the most of
them and to seize the time. Since the early 1990's the
forces of international capitalism have sought to
strengthen their alliances and to minimise the
contradictions between themselves. Military adventures,
economic conspiracies, ideological manipulation and
cultural hegemony have been among their chosen weapons,
however, they have also strengthened their co-operation and
organisation. The continued expansion of NATO is perhaps
the most glaring example.

It would therefore be a serious weakness in the response of
the international and communist workers movement if it
failed to develop appropriate forms of global and
international co-operation. In this respect the initiative
of the Communist Party of Greece is to be especially
applauded. It is important, however, Comrades, that we do
not become trapped by our fear of past errors our movement
may have made. Or put up obstacles concerning national
diversity which can prevent us meeting our internationalist

Just over a year ago the world witnessed the international
organisation, through NATO, of an aggressive political and
military force seeking to further destabilise the Balkan
region. The war crimes committed by NATO and its apologists
have now been well documented. The struggle against
militarism in all its forms must be one of our main
priorities. Moreover, the struggle for nuclear disarmament
has also taken on a new importance as the United States
military - industrial complex once again threatens an
escalation in the nuclear arms race.

There is no shortage of issues and campaigns, which can be
taken up by a unified international movement of communist
and progressive forces. The struggle against all forms of
racism, religious fundamentalism and xenophobia should also
be at the top of our agenda. Equally the struggle to
maintain the national character and cultural identity of
each of our nations against the onslaught of imperialist
values and capitalist greed should run parallel with the
struggle against racism and xenophobia.

The 21st Century is also characterised by the rapid advance
of microelectronics, communications, computers and science.
The new technologies also present a massive opportunity for
the liberation of mankind, but this will not be delivered
left in the hands of Microsoft, IBM or any of the other
transntional giants. The information, communications
technology revolution also presents our movement with new
opportunities for exchange of information and mobilisation
of our forces and allies. This should also be amongst our
main priorities.


In conclusion I would like to, on behalf of the CC of the
Tudeh Party of Iran, once again thank the fraternal
Communist Party of Greece for its endeavours in
contributing towards making this conference a reality. I
hope this conference heralds a new ear of efforts by the
success of such united action.

Workers of the World unite!
Long live proletariat internationalism
Long live socialism


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain