… Communist and Workers’ Parties that participated in the International Meeting of the Communist and Workers’ Parties in Athens, denounce the escalation of the ongoing anticommunist campaign against the Communist Party of Poland carried out by the authorities of the country.
The anticommunist trial against the CP of Poland continues on December 7th. The Polish authorities, supported by the EU, continue for nearly 3 years the trial against cadres and members of the CP of Poland and the editorial committee of Brzask magazine, proceeding even with investigations in the houses of cadres of the Party. They are threatened with 2 years of imprisonment.
Following a request of the government, the working group of the Polish Parliament suggested the change of the law in order to ban communist symbols, by despicably equalizing them with “fascist symbols”, falsifying the historical truth, offending the memory of the peoples. We highlight that the law in question was modified in 2009 as well, inserting a respective ban of the communist symbols, but because of the reactions it was cancelled in 2011 as it was regarded as unconstitutional.
This dangerous development takes place at the same time when the Constitutional Court of Poland (which is controlled by the Polish government) “is about to investigate” the issue of legality of the existence of the Communist Party of Poland, following a relative request of a specific reactionary organization.
This concerted operation by the Polish government and the EU shows their joint aim to set obstacles to the organized struggle of the communists and the people against capitalist barbarity.
Anticommunism and intimidation of the Polish communists will not pass.
Stop now all the persecutions and bans against the CP of Poland.
We call on to an International Day of Mobilisation and Solidarity with the Polish communists on December 3rd outside of the Polish embassies in our countries.
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