21 IMCWP, “Strengthening anti-imperialist struggle”

11/1/19, 3:19 PM
  • Party En


The workers and peoples are confronted with the intensification of the imperialist offensive that directly attacks labor, social and other human rights, assaults the democratic and sovereign rights of the peoples, deepens militarism, war and interference and promote reactionary and fascist forces.

In this context, the Communist and Workers’ parties, participants of the 21st International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties, held in Izmir, Turkey, on 18, 19 and 20 October:

  • Express their solidarity with the struggle of workers and peoples and with the popular and anti-imperialist forces and movements that resist the attacks of imperialism.
  • Express their solidarity with the initiatives that strengthen the objective of confronting imperialism and of reinforcing the struggle for a World of progress and social justice, environmentally sustainable, of peace and cooperation, as are examples, among other, of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Meeting, for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism to be held in Havana, Cuba, in the month of November, or of the initiative of the Peoples’ World Assembly to turn the last week of May 2020 into a world anti-imperialist week of struggle.


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