22nd IMCWP, Contribution by Communist Party of India

10/29/22, 2:31 PM
  • India, Communist Party of India 22nd IMCWP En Asia Communist and workers' parties

Speech for Dr. K. Narayana, Secretary, National Council, Communist Party of India for the Meet of Communist and Workers’ Parties, 26th to 28th October, Havana, Cuba


Comrades and Friends,

At the outset, I express my solidarity with people struggling for a better future world over. The meeting of the Communist and Workers’ Parties from all over the world is an important, solemn occasion underlining the unity of our struggles transcending borders and continents. Our Marxist roots are firmly established in the soil of internationalism and solidarity with working people all over the world.

I thank the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban people for extending their warm welcome for this meeting. It must be emphasized the Cuba is hosting this meeting at a time when imperialism is trying to tighten its grip on Cuba through sanctions but failing to suppress the revolutionary spirit of the Cuban people under the leadership of the Communist Party. Despite the hardships faced by Cubans on an everyday basis, Cuba has upheld the best of international ethos and has extended their helping hand in times of great crises. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when the whole became inward looking and self-preservation was the priority, Cuba sent its medical teams in regions worst hit by COVID. I salute the revolutionary internationalism of the Cuban people.

Solidarity with the people of Cuba is also one of the important activities of our Party. We believe present situation demands to redouble our solidarity with the people of Cuba. Struggle of the Cuban people for consolidation of their independence, equality, freedom, and justice have been achieved successes under the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba which is moving forward for building socialism in its real sense.

We reiterate our support to the Cuban revolution and the Cuban people who continue to be a beacon of the dignity and resistance. We demand lifting of blockade and express our solidarity with the brave people of Cuba.

Dear Comrades,

At present all over the world, we see the capitalist crisis getting deepened and capitalism relying on fascist methods for its survival. This trend is most alarming and should be studied in detail for our future strategies. Capitalism has destroyed all forms of social solidarity and has promoted senseless consumerism in an increasingly individualistic world. Withdrawal of the social sector under neo-liberal economics has put a great number of people under great uncertainties and insecurities. These anxieties about inequality, job loss, habitat destruction, environmental degradation, unemployment, inflation etc. are being exploited by the right-wing. They are shifting blame from the complete failure of neo-liberal economics in improving peoples’ lives to racial, ethnic, religious, or caste-based differences and making people fight over them. Consolidation of right-wing in major democracies should be seen in this context.

Neo-liberal pundits are aware that even this politics of segregation will not last in the face of growing material precarity and poverty. Neo-liberal capitalism is thus relying on fascistic methods and parties to protect its interests. This creates a very volatile situation not only for the economically marginalized, but even for elementary human rights and entitlements. We are seeing human rights and community rights being trampled on the altar of capitalist greed. This deserves our most serious consideration and we should resist all attempts of stomping over human and community rights everywhere.

When we are meeting here in Cuba, many countries are dressing their war-wounds. Women and children are suffering forced migration because of imperialist mechanization in all the continents. Armed conflict escalating to nuclear war is a threat before all of us. This development is a serious threat to peace and amity not just in the region where the war is being fought, but everywhere. A nuclear conflict will push civilization back and will unleash unthinkable misery for a great number of people. It is our duty and responsibility to work for peace, denuclearization and equality-based world order to leave a better world for our future generations.

The spread of information technology has great potential, but it is being used to spread xenophobic, communal and inflammatory material. Major internet giants are inclined to the right and it is our duty to fight for the neutrality of the internet. The learning opportunities being offered by the internet should not be a monopoly of few, instead it should benefit all those in need. We should strive for access to knowledge being identified as an elementary human and social right.

Dear Comrades,

Neo-liberalism has no regard for workers’ hard-earned rights as it considers not labor but a few capitalists as creators of wealth. Workers’ rights are being snatched away in countries where neo-liberal economics has gained a foothold. We will have to reestablish the sanctity of labor at the core of the alternative agenda we offer. Thus, fighting for the rights of the working people itself becomes an important cornerstone of our struggles against authoritarian and fascistic regimes. We need to be mindful of this duty and its importance.

While the current picture of the world appears to be gloomy, Latin America is shining as the example of combining social movements and effectively channelizing the anxieties created by globalization. Country after country in Latin America has voted Left or Left-leaning forces to power throwing away the torturous regimes of conservative, right-wing puppets backed by the US. The hardships Latin American people suffered and the inspiring struggles they led are worthy of consideration and appreciation from this house. They also offer to us a learning opportunity.

To conclude, our struggles for workers’ rights, community rights, human rights, environment and dignity must come close to strike together on the unequal order of neo-liberalism. The Left must take initiative and lead in this process all over the world, since we are equipped with the theory of scientific socialism which can offer hope to the entire world. We must say a firm ‘NO’ to imperialist interventions for peace to prevail and work towards making our countries the lands of harmony and tolerance. If we are united in this struggle, soon we can change the picture around us and strengthen our agenda for a better future. United we stand, divided we fall.

Comrades, we must unite for the threat we face is great. We must unite for peace, justice and socialism, all over the world. We must unite to lead people in a better future. We must unite, for unity is our strength.

Thanking you for your kind attention.



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