22nd IMCWP, Contribution by the CP in Denmark

11/7/22, 12:56 PM
  • Denmark, Communist Party in Denmark Denmark, Communist Party of Denmark 22nd IMCWP En Europe

October 2022, Havana

Dear comrades;

We stand here two representatives from Denmark. We are representing two communist parties. The Communist Party in Denmark, and the Communist Party of Denmark. We have chosen to hold our speech for you together as both a very practical statement but also a symbolic statement. For far too long the communist movement in Denmark been split into different parts. Some because of ideological differences, some of historical and some because of both. As communists, we stand on the shoulders of the party and the communist movement. The collective experience of the active class struggle is necessary to analyze in order to move forward. Criticism and self-criticism are key ingredients for the ever-going fight for socialism.

Nevertheless, at the same time we are analyzing these experiences of the past we as Marxist must use it to look forward. Always analyzing the conditions of the fight for another society. As communists, we both need to have, what Che Guevara said, the ability to love, but also the ability to analyze the society.

Therefore we have the Marxist theory as our tool. Not as a dogma, but as a tool for progress. If we do not use the Marxism to analyze the class war, we become charity organizations and communists are not fighting for charity, we are fighting for justice and equality.

Therefore, we are as we stand here together in a process to reunite our two parties so that we can focus on strengthening the communist movement in Denmark. However, just like we are in the need of unity, are the international communist movement. The only one that benefits from our lack of unity is the ruling classes, the bourgeoisie and the capitalism. Those who loses are the working people all over the world. Our resources and the globe. These international meetings are more necessary than ever.


All of us gathered here are writing history. Both as we are here to strengthen international solidarity and strengthen the international communist movement and for the ability to remember and fight against the falsification of the history that has been going on for over 30 years. As we stand with the threat of a third world war over our heads, we stand much alone with remembrance of who it was that liberated Europe from the Nazism. The Soviet Union were those who liberated Europe from Hitler. Twenty-nine point six million soldiers from The Red Army were killed, injured or captured. In addition, seventeen million civilians were killed. The total American loss was approximately 300.000 people and the British loss were approximately 350.000 soldiers and 60.000 civilians. This is not to understate the lives of those British and American soldiers who fought for a just cause, but to state that while Churchill and Roosevelt were hesitating to help the Russian people; While people who fought and bled in the fight against fascism were dying in numbers.

Churchill and Roosevelt were In fact waiting to see if they should bet on Hitler because they wanted The Soviet Union to be erased from history.

This history is more important than ever because some of the same things are happening today. In Europe, we see the rising of fascists again. Many people are turning to the rightwing because of the crises. We also see that because of the lack of a consistent leftwing alternative, many people are being pushed into reactionary politics. We see it with the war in Ukraine. EU and NATO is on the move with their imperialist dreams at the cost of the life of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. Here we stand with another important argument for a strengthening of the communist movement.

Many leftwing opportunists are voting for weapons and destruction in Ukraine. They accept NATO and the EU as a part of the solution. However, NATO and EU are a part of the problem. We saw it when the world was facing the first world war.

Once again, the communists are very much alone with the fight against war and imperialism. Therefore, we must strengthen the unity in the movement, so the warmongers can be fought. - In the light of these grave events, we see in Denmark that the US are being allowed to have military presence in Denmark. They use Danish ports to transport their weapons to Ukraine. The people in Ukraine are dying, the weapon industry in the US and EU are getting richer. It is not new that the ruling political class in Denmark are doing whatever the American imperialist are demanding.

They already had bases in Greenland and now they are looking to tighten their grasp. - In Denmark, we are facing other problems. The strong trade unions are under a lot of pressure. The social democratic and reformistic politics in the unions have failed and letting the capitalism and liberalism into the organizing of the working class. People do not get the protection and the alternative to the capitalist

class. They are getting their hard-earned rights removed from them bit by bit.

Now the EU has launched a directive about minimum wages. With the argument of helping the working class, it is a direct attack on the collective rights of the working-class and the trade unions. That is what EU is about. It is about destroying the organizing of the working-class and gather more and more power to the capitalist. Even big parts of the left wing are falling to their knees and are praising the EU.

Denmark is a small country and our possibilities to represent the anti-EU movement are shattered. We are the only country in EU that needs to collect 70 thousand signatures to be allowed to be on the ballot for elections to the EU-parliament.


Finally, yet importantly, we are facing a downfall in the international solidarity with Cuba, Chile and Nicaragua. This solidarity has been strong in Denmark. However, with the decline of a strong communist party in Denmark we are fighting a struggle like the one of David and Goliath. Therefore, we who are fighting against this imperialistic economic warfare against countries like Cuba and to raise the solidarity are working hard to strengthen the communist party in Denmark. This is necessary in the fight against capitalism and imperialism. The attacks on Cuba on a daily basis are hard in themselves but when accidents and storm come to, the enemy is hoping for a collapse. That must not happen, we communists are mostly the leading force in the solidarity with Cuba and we must fight for Cuba.

As the former chairman of the Communist Party of Denmark, Jørgen Jensen was saying at a congress in the eighties when he was asked what kind of people the communist are? Why are they smiling and positive despite of the massive frenzy and stigma against them and their enormous level of activity?

“That is because we as communists believe in the human race. That we as communists love life. And we as communists are confident in the peoples’ will for peace and for the people’s solidarity. We as communists believe that these things will be victorious.”

Firmness, unity and strength!




Communist Party in Denmark (KPID), Rikke G.F. Carlsson, General Secretary.

Communist Party of Denmark (DKP), Martin M. Jensen, Int. Secretary.


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