22nd IMCWP, Contribution by the CP of Finland

11/2/22, 1:01 PM
  • Finland, Communist Party of Finland 22nd IMCWP En Europe Communist and workers' parties

The environment demands peace 

Comrades, it is obvious that capitalism is currently the greatest obstacle for change that would lead to sustainable world. As long as profits are more important than wellbeing of people and nature, we will not be able to avoid crisis in head of us. Big changes are needed and time to implement them is running out. At a time like this, it is clear that we cannot afford to waste time and resources on war. In such dark times like this we need inspiration and courage. 

We are now gathered together here in Cuba and Communist Party of Finland wants to thank Communist Party of Cuba for their commitment and work against War and for environment. It has been an inspiration for all of us and a living proof that it is quite possible to have high level of development and small footprint on natural resources. Most of us will have to solve same kind of problems as Cuba has done in past. And now we don’t have to start looking for solutions all over again. 

It is infuriating that money spent on armaments is diverted from more necessary expenditure. With a fraction of the money spent on military spending worldwide – more than $ 2 100 billion in 2021 – many of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals could have been achieved. This would have a huge effect on most oppressed people on earth. 

Armaments devour material and human resources that should be used to solve the environmental crisis and contribute to human well-being. Those who die in wars are forever absent from their communities and families. The materials used for weapons are out of the earth's finite ores and other materials. 

Wars, military exercises and armaments generate huge greenhouse emissions and environmental damage. System changes away from capitalism, halting climate change, biodiversity loss and overconsumption of natural resources requires concerted action and international cooperation. 

Such cooperation can only be developed in a climate of peace and trust. Confrontation and tension in international relations are a serious obstacle to solving global problems such as the environmental crisis and pandemics. The war in Ukraine, for example, threatens to lead to a major food crisis, as the supply of Ukrainian and Russian exports of cereals has decreased and prices on food markets have already risen. It also generates other effects such as sabotage against Nord Stream pipes in Baltic Sea. We cannot afford this as humankind.

War in Ukraine 

Russia's invasion of Ukraine violated the principles of the UN, the OSCE and the Minsk agreements, the implementation of which Russia itself had previously required. The war has spread death and destruction. It has also led to widespread sanctions against Russia and fuelled anti-Russian sentiment. In Ukraine, it has strengthened a government which, even before the war, was widely and justifiably criticised for favouring oligarchs, for anti-social policies, for allowing neo-Nazis to operate and for curtailing democracy, including by banning the Communist Party of Ukraine. 

It is imperative for Ukraine, Russia and Europe as a whole that a ceasefire is established in Ukraine and that diplomatic negotiations progress towards a peace agreement. An important part of this is Ukraine's military non-alignment. The war in Ukraine will not end with war, but with agreement. 

In Finland this war caused a quick change in general opinion on Nato. Before February 2022 majority of Finns were against joining Nato, but it was quite obvious that media and leading politicians had started campaigning for Nato-membership. Speculations on war were used for making people afraid and worried. These feelings were used as an instrument when Russia attacked on Ukraine.


Finland joining NATO is a historic blunder 

Since 1944, Finland has lived in peace as a neighbour of the Soviet Union and Russia. The starting point has been to build trust and cooperation between the countries. Trust was achieved through a peace-oriented foreign policy and military non-alignment, on the basis of which the neighbouring country knew that Finland would not allow its territory to be used for armed aggression and would not ally itself with states hostile to its neighbour. 

The foreign and security policy reports before Parliament have repeatedly stated - including during the war in Ukraine - that Finland is not threatened by military aggression. Despite this, the right has justified its ever-increasing arms purchases and accession to NATO on the grounds of the Russian threat. The acquisition of new F-35 fighters and warships, which were decided by Sanna Marins government at 2021, will already raise Finland's defence spending to a top level in Europe in relation to population size. 

The current authoritarian regime in Russia, made up of oligarchs and elites in the security apparatus, is implementing an undemocratic, unequal and nationalistic policy of great power, which the Communist Party of Finland does not accept. Finland is, however, a neighbour of Russia, with which we should strive to build proper relations of cooperation. History has shown that cutting off ties, hatred, arms races and seeking support through military alliances is a dangerous path. This is why we don't approve denial of visas from Russian citizens or plans to build a fence on our border. 

Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the atrocities of war have understandably frightened Finns. However, joining the US-led military alliance NATO is the wrong conclusion and a historical mistake. Membership of NATO does not strengthen security, but creates more tension on Finland's borders and in neighbouring areas. Finland is very close to St. Petersburg and Russian Northern Fleet in Murmansk. The transformation of Finland's border into an outpost of NATO against Russia, which ultimately relies on the military power of the United States and the nuclear deterrent, will increase the risks. 

As a member of NATO, Finland will be committed to NATO's nuclear weapons policy and strategy, which includes rejection of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of nuclear weapons, the readiness to use military force without a UN mandate as required by international law, the deployment of troops on the borders against Russia and confrontation also with China. In this way, Finland is helping to intensify the new Cold War and the imperialist ambitions of the US-led alliance. At the same time, membership of NATO increases the risk of being drawn into conflicts of the United States and NATO with other countries, conflicts in which Finland has no part and no stake.

Already the application for membership has led to demands for changes in Finland's foreign policy and human rights policy, with Turkey demanding the removal of barriers to arms exports and the return to Turkey of refugees who claim to be supporters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party for trial. Joining NATO would also reduce Finland's ability to act as a mediator in conflicts and a peace-builder. 

Finnish parliament's decision to apply for NATO membership was taken in great haste, with the fear of war and without examining the possibilities and benefits of continuing on the path of military non-alignment. Unlike all the other Nordic countries, Parliament did not even set any conditions for membership. All the parties in Parliament were in favour of joining NATO. Finland's decision to join NATO also put pressure on Sweden to renounce non-alignment. 

From the perspective of Communist Party of Finland, it is quite obvious that question of peace is extremely important at the moment. But equally important is question of stopping climate change and environmental destruction. We have to tackle them both.
This is why we will be organizing international seminar No Survival Without Peace in Zoom at 19.-20.11.2022. It will be an opportunity to build co-operation between activists, organizations and parties. You are all welcome to join and continuing debate on these two. The event is free of charge and open for everybody who are interested on finding solutions and joining forces.

Find your link for participation at the beginning of Nowember from this Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/371157848510802


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