22nd IMCWP, Contribution by the CP of Norway

12/5/22, 1:58 PM
  • Norway, Communist Party of Norway 22nd IMCWP En Europe Communist and workers' parties

The 22nd IMCWP – CP of Norway – Runa Evensen, chairperson


Dear Comrades, CP of Norway thank you for the invitation to this important meeting at a particularly demanding time where big capital seeks to increase exploitation, attack rights and curtail freedoms. 

As you know Norway has through referendums in 1972 and 1994 voted no to membership in the EU. Thegovernment did not accept the peoples NO, so Norway got associated with EU through the EEA agreement.This means that Norway follow EU laws with no democratic debate. Norway is an imperialist nation, and our capitalist system is undemocratic. 

The Social-democrat government in Norway does not have our Marxist-Leninist perspective and is therefore easily manipulated by big transnationals merged with strong financial corporations owning large parts of companies in Norway. Neither social democratic nor bourgeois governments can overcome the growing differences. They work within the limiting limits of capitalism. 

CP of Norway continues fighting for free healthcare, free education, labor rights and the right of the people to own and rule the means of production. Public resources should be redirected to support the needs of the peoples, financing public health, free education and social security systems. 

CP of Norway will continue our fight against the opportunists in the left-wing parties, who moves to far to the right, away from socialism. We will fight the Social-democratic party who only use the majority in Parliament, to govern capitalism in Norway. 

The General Secretary of NATO is the former Social-democrat Prime minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg. Social-democratic party supported and took part in the wars on Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria. Norway sent weapons to Ukraine. 

The Military Industrial Complex is big business profiting from wars, killings and pollution. Norway and Sweden are among the largest weapon producers in the world, in relation to inhabitants. Norway contributing to imperialist wars, and profit from it. US imperialism and its European allies will not cease their political, economic and military pressure. 

CP of Norway say no to imperialist interventions and military exercises, such as those of NATO. NATO has to stop existing. We can not face the third world war. 

Cuba, China and Russia contributed with protective materials and health professionals in solidarity with the countries most affected by the COVID 19 pandemic, in contrast to the western imperialist centers EU and the US. 

More than 1500 Cuban health specialists were asked for, and have been working in 23 countries in the Cuban Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade.

US and EU are illegally blockading and sanctioning Cuba, Venezuela, DPR Korea and Russia among others. During these capitalist crises this is even more unjust and criminal, making the life of the peoples even more difficult all over the world. 

In this complex scenario of imperialist siege that jeopardizes the sovereignty and self-determination of the countries, we stresses the need to build the broadest alliance of democratic, popular, patriotic, progressive, anti-imperialist and revolutionary forces that takes shape in a collective direction and a common agenda to defeat imperialist aggression through the revolutionary transformation. 

Dear Comrades, it is important to define and materialize measures to strengthen our activity in defending the interests of the workers and the people; to strengthen the struggle to break with the right-wing policy. 

CP of Norway stand together with you in our common proletarian internationalist fight against imperialism, racism, fascism, war, anti-communism and the falsification of History. 

CP of Norway stand together with you for working class and peoples power, national self-determination, peace and social justice.For an advanced democracy, Socialism and Communism. 

Solidarity with the Palestinian people, the people in Vest-Sahara and Roma-people.


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