22nd IMCWP, Contribution by the WP of Bangladesh

11/7/22, 12:45 PM
  • Bangladesh, Workers' Party of Bangladesh 22nd IMCWP En Asia Communist and workers' parties

Statement made by Comrade Rashed Khan Menon, MP & President of Workers Party of Bangladesh at the XXII International Meeting of the Communist and Workers Parties held on 27 – 29th October 2022 at Havana, Cuba


Comrade Members of the Presidium,

Comrades from different Communist & Workers Parties of the world,

Comrades & Friends,

The 22nd International Meeting of the Communist & Workers Parties is being held at a very crucial global situation when it is direly needed. Given the situation of the world the international communist and workers parties needed unity, solidarity and more strongly continue mutual exchange of experience and view among them. The world is still reeling under the devastating impact of COVID-19 pandemic. Added to that came the Ukraine-Russian war with the possibility of its being extended to nuclear conflict. The threat to the existence of the globe has been further extended due to environmental change. Along with it the world is observing the rise of authoritarianism, extension of communal and fundamentalist ideas, racism and backward social thinking.

I, on behalf of the Workers Party of Bangladesh want to take the privilege of thanking the Communist Party of Cuba for hosting this event at this crucial juncture.


Before going to the main issues, I would like to share with the delegates present here the call of unity of all left democratic and peace loving forces of the world by Comrade Fidel Castro thirty years ago in Havana at the world conference solidarity with Cuba against US blockade. Now though the blockade is still there, the Cuban people has not only stood firm in defending it sovereignty, but has also advanced in building up a socialist society in Cuba despite the attempts by US imperialist to change the system in their favour. Now Cuba is not only an independent country, but a proud member of international community extending its help to other countries of the world around the globe. The example set by the doctors and experts in helping the developed countries during COVID-19 is an example of that.

I like to take the opportunity of paying my respects to Comrade Fidel Castro, the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba and people of Cuba for making us proud for their relentless fight against US imperialism and for coming out to the world with their helping hand. I would also like to pay my respect to Comrade Che who still inspires millions of revolutionaries around the world.


Now coming to the main issues of the meeting, we know that through the recent decades, the world situation has changed, especially after the collapse of Soviet Union. The capitalist exploitation continues with a new weapon of neoliberalism. The world is forwarding towards a critical polarization of new type of ‘Cold War’. The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated the process. On the brink of colossal threat of existence of human race due to global crises of capitalism, we are observing a new threat of authoritarianism, hegemony and arms competition. Inherent crises of capitalism are driving the Global economy on the brink of great catastrophe and collapse. US imperialism and their allies continues their Economic and Military hegemony to contain their exploitation to overcome their own crises. When a global cooperation is needed, we find the threat of non-cooperation, economic sanction, racism and xenophobia globally.

It has become a common phenomenon that where there is any force raising their voice against global imperialist neo-liberal exploitation, conspiracy, hegemony, the icy hands of imperialism are putting the ugly grip to suffocate the voice. Especially the US imperialism is striving hard to continue their military and economic hegemony in all regions of all over the world.


Global capitalism is strategically continuing their move in Asia Pacific Region, Middle East, Afro-Asian region, Latin America and recently Europe also. In each and every strategic move they have their military and economic interest.

In Asia and Asia-Pacific region US imperialism has a special mission in encircling Peoples Republic of China with a view to stop the unprecedented progress and development and instigating China to war.

Comrades and Friends,

Similarly, we observe the same scenario in Latin America region. US imperialism continues through decades, their heinous conspiracy, economic exploitation, undue intervention in internal matters of different countries of Latin America. Despite the long term enmity of US imperialism like sanctions, blockades, military intervention, Cuban people under the able leadership of Communist Party of Cuba, which was reared under the guidance of Comrade Fidel Castro, continues to uphold the revolutionary zeal to continue striving to build socialism, which still is the beacon of the world socialist movement. At this juncture, the Latin American Communist and Workers Parties are playing a pivotal not only in their respective countries but also has become an example to the world communist movement.

Dear Comrades,

A few words regarding our country, Bangladesh is relevant here. In our national liberation struggle during 1971, the Cuban people under the great leadership of Comrade Fidel Castro stood steadfastly by the side of our people and during 1974, while helping our war devastated economy in 1974 by importing some jute bags from Bangladesh, the US imperialism instantaneously withdraw a ship full of food stuff, causing a famine in Bangladesh, where almost 0.6 million people died. From 1971, till date Bangladesh is always under high surveillance of US imperialism and its neo-liberal clutch.

Workers Party of Bangladesh has taken a very determined position all along against imperialist intervention and conspiracy of their natural allies, the ultra-right religious fundamentalist forces. Our fight is part of the global fight.

We hope this august gathering would formulate a common programme, to fight imperialism and fight against capitalism and neo liberal hegemony. World Peace should be the call of the day.

Thanking You All.



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