10/31/23, 11:11 AM
  • Cuba, Communist Party of Cuba 23rd IMCWP En Es North America Communist and workers' parties



As the undersigning delegations, participants of the XXIII International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties in Izmir, Turkiye, October 2023: 

We express our strongest condemnation of the unjust, illegal and inhumane economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the government of the United States on Cuba and demand, once again, its immediate and unconditional cessation. 

We demand that the US government complies with the numerous UN General Assembly Resolutions condemning the blockade and demanding its elimination.

The blockade constitutes a flagrant, massive and systematic violation of the human rights of the Cuban people and is the main obstacle to the economic and social development of the country.

We reject the intensification of this criminal policy, including the adoption of 243 measures during the administration of Donald Trump, aimed at worsening the financial asphyxiation and the commercial encirclement, which remain unchanged until now. 

We reject the unjust inclusion of Cuba in the spurious list of countries allegedly sponsoring terrorism, which has an intimidating and dissuasive character in financial matters for Cuba.

We condemn all attempts to destabilize the internal situation in Cuba, using instruments of unconventional warfare, subversion and media campaigns that seek the destruction of the Revolution and the elimination of the example that this country constitutes for the world. 

We ratify our strongest solidarity and commitment to the Cuban people, the revolutionary government and the Communist Party of Cuba to preserve the sovereignty and independence of the country and to maintain firmly the decision of constructing socialism.


Down with the blockade!

Long live socialist Cuba! 


SolidNet Parties signing the Solidarity Statement 


  1. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
  2. Communist Party of Australia
  3. Party of Labour of Austria
  4. Communist Party of Azerbaijan
  5. Democratic Progressive Tribune
  6. Communist Party of Belarus
  7. Workers' Party of Belgium
  8. Communist Party of Brazil
  9. Brazilian Communist Party
  10. Communist Party of Britain
  11. Communist Party of Canada
  12. Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia
  13. The Progressive Party of the Working People
  14. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  15. Communist Party of Denmark
  16. Communist Party of Finland
  17. French Communist Party
  18. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  19. German Communist Party
  20. Communist Party of Greece
  21. Communist Party of India (Marxist)
  22. Communist Party of India
  23. Tudeh Party of Iran
  24. Iraqi Communist Party
  25. Kurdistan Communist Party - Iraq
  26. Communist Party of Ireland
  27. Workers' Party of Ireland (Official)
  28. The Workers' Party of Ireland
  29. Communist Party (Italy)
  30. Workers’ Party of Korea
  31. Lao People's Revolutionary Party
  32. Lebanese Communist Party
  33. Communist Party of Luxembourg
  34. Communist Party of Mexico
  35. Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
  36. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
  37. Communist Party of Macedonia
  38. Communist Party of Norway
  39. Communist Party of Pakistan
  40. Palestinian People's Party
  41. Palestinian Communist Party
  42. Paraguayan Communist Party
  43. Portuguese Communist Party
  44. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  45. Russian Communist Workers' Party
  46. Communists of Serbia
  47. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  48. South African Communist Party
  49. Communist Party of Spain
  50. Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
  51. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  52. Communists of Catalonia
  53. Communist Party of Sweden
  54. Communist Party (Switzerland)
  55. Swiss Communist Party
  56. Syrian Communist Party Unified
  57. Communist Party of Turkey
  58. Union of Communists of Ukraine
  59. Communist Party of Ukraine
  60. Communist Party of Uruguay
  61. Communist Party of USA
  62. Communist Party of Vietnam


The statement is open for further subscriptions




Las delegaciones abajo firmantes, participantes en el XXIII Encuentro Internacional de Partidos Comunistas y Obreros en Izmir, Turkiye, octubre 2023:

Expresamos nuestra más enérgicacondena al injusto, ilegal e inhumano bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero que impone el  gobierno de los Estados Unidos a Cuba y exigimos, una vez más, su inmediato e incondicional cese.

Exigimos que el gobierno de los EE.UU.cumpla las numerosasResoluciones de la Asamblea General de la ONUque condenan el bloqueo y demandan su eliminación.

El bloqueo constituye una flagrante, masiva y sistemática violación de los derechos humanos del pueblo cubano y es el principal obstáculo para el desarrollo económico y social del país.

Rechazamos el recrudecimiento de esta criminal política, incluyendo la adopción de 243 medidas durante la administración de Donald Trump, dirigidas a agudizar la asfixia financiera y el cerco comercial, las cuales se mantienen intactas hasta la fecha. 

Rechazamos la injusta inclusiónde Cuba en la espuria lista de países supuestamente patrocinadores del terrorismo, lo cual tiene un carácter intimidatorio y disuasivo en materia financiera para Cuba.

Condenamos todos los intentos por desestabilizar la situación interna de Cuba, utilizando instrumentos de guerra no convencional, subversión y campañas mediáticas que persiguen la destrucción de la Revolución y la eliminación del ejemplo que constituye ese país para el mundo.

Ratificamos nuestra más firme solidaridad y compromiso con el pueblo cubano, el gobierno revolucionario y el Partido Comunista de Cuba por preservar la soberanía e independencia del país y mantener inalterable la decisión de construir el socialismo.

¡Abajo el bloqueo!

¡Viva Cuba Socialista!                          


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