13 IMCWP Motion in Favour οf the Lifting of the U.S Blockage Against Cuba and the Release of Our Five Heroes [Sp., En.]

12/23/11, 3:28 PM
  • En Es

Debemos exigir que el gobierno de estados Unidos cumpla la voluntad expresada durante 20 años por la comunidad internacional y cese el injusto bloqueo que ha ocasionado un daño económico directo al pueblo cubano que supera los 975 mil millones de dólares. El pasado 25 de octubre; con 186 votos a favor, 2 en contra y 3 abstenciones, Naciones Unidas aprobó casi unánimemente la Resolución que reclama eliminar esta política criminal y sus efectos directos sobre la población y la economía cubanas.
Uno de los Cinco luchadores antiterroristas cubanos acaba de cumplir, hasta el último minuto, los 13 años de su injusta condena, pero se le impide regresar a Cuba a unirse con su familia, mientras los otros cuatro permanecen bajo cruel e injusta prisión política. La burda corrupción del proceso legal y la conducta ilegal del gobierno norteamericano han mantenido el caso en silencio. Exigimos que Rene pueda regresar a su patria y que Ramón, Fernando, Antonio y Gerardo sean inmediatamente liberados. Esta es una causa a favor de quienes han mantenido su fidelidad en el socialismo y han puesto su vida a disposición de los más justos y nobles ideales.
El bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba debe cesar!
Libertad inmediata para los luchadores cubanos antiterroristas!
We should demand from the United States the fulfilment of the will expressed during 20 years by the international community and the end of the unjust blockade that has caused to the Cuban people economic damages exceeding 975 billion U.S. dollars. On the last October 25th; with 186 votes in favour, 2 against and 3 abstentions, the United Nations approved almost unanimously the Resolution demanding to put an end to this criminal policy and its direct impact on the Cuban people and economy.
One of the Five Cuban antiterrorist fighters has just served his term in jail up to the last minute, 13 years of unjust sentence, but he is not allowed to return to Cuba to rejoin his family; while the other four remain under a cruel and unjust political imprisonment. The gross corruption of the legal process and the illegal behaviour of the U.S. government have kept the case in silence. We demand the return of René to his homeland and the immediate release of Ramón, Fernando, Antonio and Gerardo. This is a cause in favour of those who have remained faithful to socialism and have offered their lives to the most just and noble ideals.
The U.S. blockade against Cuba should end!
Immediate release for the Cuban antiterrorist fighters!
1. CP of Albania
3. CP of Australia
4. CP of Azerbaijan
5. CP of Bangladesh
6. WP of Bangladesh
7. WP of Belgium
8. Brazilian CP
9. CP of Brazil
10. CP of Britain
11. NCP of Britain
12. CP of Bulgaria
13. CP of Canada
14. SWP of Croatia
15. CP of Bohemia and Moravia
16. CP of Cuba
17. AKEL, Cyprus
18. CP in Denmark
19. CP of Denmark
20. CP of Egypt
21. CP of Finland
22. French CP
23. CP of Macedonia, FYROM
24. German CP
25. UCP of Georgia
26. KKE
27. PPP, Guyana
28. Hungarian CWP
29. CP of India [Marxist]
30. Tudeh Party of Iran
31. CP of Ireland
32. WP of Ireland
33. Party of the Italian Communists
34. Communist Refoundation Party, Italy
35. Jordanian CP
36. SP of Latvia
37. Lebanese CP
38. SPF, Lithuania
39. CP of Luxembourg
40. CP of Malta
41. CP of Mexico
42. NCP of Netherlands
43. CP of Norway
44. CP of Pakistan
45. Palestinian PP
46. Palestinian CP
47. Paraguayan CP
48. CP of Peru [Patria-Roja]
49. Peruvian CP
50. Philippine CP (PKP-1930)
51. Portuguese CP
52. CP of Poland
53. Romanian CP
54. CP of Russian Federation
55. CPSU
57. South African CP
58. CP of Spain (PCE)
59. CP of Peoples of Spain
60. Party of the Communists of Cataluna
61. NCP of Yugoslavia
62. Party of the Communists of Serbia
63. CP of Sri-Lanka
64. CP of Sweden
65. Syrian CP
66. Syrian CP [Unified]
67. CP of Turkey
68. Labour Party, Turkey
69. CP of Ukraine
71. Union of Communists of Ukraine
72. CP of Venezuela
73. CP of Vietnam


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain