13 IMCWP Resolution on the Cyprus Problem

12/23/11, 3:48 PM

The participants of the 13th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Party that takes place on the 9-11 December 2011 in Athens, take the opportunity of the convening of this meeting to express their solidarity and support to the struggle of the Cypriot people for reunification of the island and declare the following:
1. They condemn the invasion and the continuing occupation of 37% of the territories of the Republic of Cyprus for 37 years by Turkey; they consider the current division of Cyprus as illegal, unacceptable and detrimental to the people of Cyprus as a whole.
2. They declare that the Cyprus problem constitutes an international problem of illegal military intervention by Turkey and foreign interferences by imperialist forces such as NATO, of violation of core principles of international law, of the UN Charter, of basic principles of European law and of the human rights and civil liberties of its people.
3. They strongly condemn the continuing efforts of Turkey to alter the demographic character of the island, through the influx of settlers from Turkey, and the usurpation of land and properties in the areas which are not under the control of the Republic since the 1974 invasion, in violation of international humanitarian law. The effects of the current status quo undermine the prospects for the liberation and reunification of the island and turn against both communities of Cyprus, the Greek Cypriot community, the Turkish Cypriot community, the people of Cyprus as a whole.
4. They underline that the finding of a peaceful, just and viable solution of the Cyprus problem must constitute an urgent priority for the international community.
5. They support the ongoing substantive inter-communal negotiations taking place under the auspices of the United Nations aiming at the finding of a mutually acceptable, comprehensive solution based on the agreed framework of bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality as prescribed by the relevant UN Resolutions. A solution providing for the transformation of Cyprus into a federal state with a single sovereignty, single international personality and single citizenship.
6. They underline, that the solution must adhere to the relevant UN Resolutions, the High- Level Agreements between the leaders of the two communities of 1977 and 1979, the joint statements of the leaders of the two communities in Cyprus of 2008, and to the principles of International law.
7. The solution in Cyprus must safeguard the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all citizens, in line with international law, including the right of refugees to return to their homes and properties and the right of the families of missing persons in both communities to be informed of the fate of their loved ones.
8. They urge the Turkish Cypriot leadership to engage into a constructive attitude on the table of the negotiations and respect the agreed framework; they consider that any efforts to alter the agreed procedure of Cypriot ownership, to implement suffocating timetables and hold a multilateral conference before the two sides are in a range of agreement on the core internal aspects of the Cyprus problem would be detrimental and contrary to the facilitation of the finding of the solution. They insist that the progress achieved at the negotiations until now must be respected.
9. They appeal upon the people of Cyprus to continue to struggle for the reunification of the island. They applaud initiatives that enhance the rapprochement of the two communities. The people, especially the working class of Cyprus have nothing that separates them no matter their ethnic origin.
10. They consider that Turkey has to stop threatening the Republic of Cyprus and diffuse the tension it has caused in the region simply because of the exercise by the Republic of Cyprus of its sovereign right of carrying out investigations for natural gas and oil within its own Exclusive Economic Zone; Turkey has to respect the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus and other countries in the region as prescribed by the relevant provisions and principles of the international law and UNCLOS.
11. They believe that the benefits of the natural resources should be used as a motive for the reunification of Cyprus.
12. They welcome the willing and constant effort of President Christofias to reach a comprehensive solution.
13. They call on the international community as a whole, to exercise its influence on Turkey in order to abandon its current policy towards Cyprus, withdraw its forces and enable the negotiations to proceed constructively, also taking into consideration the constructive and positive stance of President Christofias.
14. It is urgent that Turkey proceeds immediately in taking concrete and real steps in order to reach a comprehensive solution as soon as possible; the perpetuation of the status quo is against the finding of a solution.
15. They express their conviction that the two communities can live together as they have done in the past and build a peaceful, common future in a united, bicommunal, bizonal and demilitarized federal Cyprus.
1. CP of Albania
3. CP of Australia
4. CP of Azerbaijan
5. CP of Bangladesh
6. WP of Bangladesh
7. WP of Belgium
8. Brazilian CP
9. CP of Brazil
10. CP of Britain
11. NCP of Britain
12. CP of Bulgaria
13. CP of Canada
14. SWP of Croatia
15. CP of Cuba
16. CP of Bohemia and Moravia
17. CP in Denmark
18. CP of Denmark (DKP)
19. CP of Egypt
20. CP of Finland
21. French CP
22. CP of Macedonia, FYROM
23. German CP
24. UCP of Georgia
25. KKE
26. PPP, Guyana
27. Hungarian CWP
28. CP of India [Marxists]
29. Tudeh Party of Iran
30. CP of Ireland
31. WP of Ireland
32. Party of the Italian Communists
33. Communist Refoundation Party
34. Jordanian CP
35. Lebanese CP
36. SP of Latvia
37. Socialist People’s Front, Lithuania
38. CP of Luxembourg
39. CP of Malta
40. CP of Mexico
41. CP of Norway
42. NCP of Netherlands
43. CP of Pakistan
44. Palestinian CP
45. Palestinian PP
46. Paraguayan CP
47. CP of Peru [Patria-Roja]
48. Peruvian CP
49. Philippine CP (PKP-1930)
50. CP of Poland
51. Portuguese CP
52. Romanian CP
53. CP of Russian Federation
54. CPSU
56. NCP of Yugoslavia
57. Party of the Communists of Serbia
58. South African CP
59. CP of Spain
60. Party of the Communists of Cataluna
61. CP of the Peoples of Spain
62. CP of Sri-Lanka
63. Syrian CP
64. Syrian CP [Unified]
65. CP of Sweden
66. Union of Communists of Ukraine
67. CP of Ukraine
69. CP of Venezuela


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