4th IMCWP, Contribution of Socialist Party of Labour in Romania

6/21/02, 11:41 AM
  • 4th IMCWP En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Socialist Party of Labour in Romania, Message to the Athens
Meeting 21J2002
From: Socialist Party of Labour in Romania, Wed, 12 Jul.


Esteemed friends,

The Socialist Party of Labour conveys its warm salute tot
he participants in the Athens Conference on �The New World
Situation after eleventh of September� and welcomes the
Greek Communist Party's initiative for organising such a

The necessity that the Left Forces thoroughly examine the
changes that took place in the international life after
September, 11th 2001, become compulsory for clearly
defining their aims of struggle, the strategy and tactics
of the workers, socialist and communist parties, of all the
democratic, progressive and peaceful movements, in the
present conditions of semnificative grouping and regrouping
of the World Forces.

The scope and the number of manifestations against
globalisations in the last few years - attended by millions
of citizens in tens of the world countries - represent a
serious warming the way of the contemporary world
development is directed, the grave consequences for the
poor and developing countries, the deepening of the gap
created by the concentration of the riches in the limited
number of countries, on the hand, and of the poverty and
backwardness for the majority of the peoples all over the
world, on the other hand.

We have the pleasure to inform the conference that the
Labour Socialist Party was among the first Romanian
political forces that took up the attitude regarding the
events of the eleventh of September 2001. On the one hand,
we condemned terrorism as political struggle and expressed
our entire compassion for the victims of the event. On the
other hand, we emphasised the perilous character of the war
declaration against an indefinite enemy, terrorism, which
is not defined clearly and unanimously admitted by the
states all over the world.

At the same time, we pointed out that, for preventing this
phenomenon, which is getting wider extension an becoming
more dangerous, one should unveil and recognise the causes
that are generating it, which, in principle, consists of
social and national inequities, of occupying foreign
territories, as well as of using force or threat with
force. We also pointed out to the fact that using this
pretext, the governments could unleash actions for limiting
the citizen's rights of protest and for violent police
repressing the anti-capitalist and anti-mondialisation

These judgements were confirmed by the developments that
followed this reference data in the world evolution. The
resistance movements against foreign occupation - such as
Palestinian Intifada - were labelled as terrorist actions
repressed with brutality by military forces. In spite of
evidences, the western countries and the international
organisations such as UN Security Council adopted a double
standard position, tolerating the massacres perpetrated
against Palestinian People, the blockades against countries
such as Iraq and Cuba, ignoring the genocide committed in
Rwanda and so on.

That is why, we can appreciate that the eleventh of
September events led to a radical change of the world. It
was unleashed the war against terrorism, the NATO and USA
military doctrines were amended, the ABM Treaty was
unilaterally denounced, there exist the real threats with
the use of mass-destruction arms, a new armament race
spiral was launched.

Nevertheless, although the international security is very
complicated and the factor of instability and threats with
terrorism strikes are multiplied, no major changes in the
relations between the big powers took place, and the
general trend in the evolution of the international life
was not modified. Peace and development are the main items
of the present epoch. The multi-polarisation trend is
sinuously developing. Peace aspirations, desire for
collaboration and promotion of development are common
wishes of the peoples.

Facing this complex evolution - in its diversity - the
world left, progressive, democratic, peaceful and ecologist
forces succeeded in regrouping themselves and forming a
strong anti-globalisation movement which, in the Havana
meeting of Sao Paulo Forum and the Porto Alegre World
Social Forum, proposed an alternative program for the world
evolution, a program that lays the bases for mutual
advantageous co-operation, to the benefit of the
development of all the countries in the world. It is the
paradox of our times that, while the forces of the right
made un international structures for permanent
co-ordination their actions, the left ones keep such
problems in draft stages, realising few actions having
under-expectation echo.

We assure the participants in the conference that our
party, loyal to the ideals of the working and socialist
movements, acts in order to give a favourable course to the
working people interests, proposing, at national level, a
strategy of socialist way for Romanian society development.


Looking forward to a better future of the mankind, the
Labour Socialist Party from Romania will always be an
active force of the left movements in Romania and the world
at large.

Jon Sasu


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