5th IMCWP, Statement of Solidarity with DPR of Korea

6/19/03, 11:59 AM
  • 5th IMCWP En

"The Movements Against the War and the Capitalist
Globalization, and the Communists"

19-20 June 2003, Athens

Statement of Solidarity with DPR of Korea

The following participants at this meeting of Communist and
Workers Parties in Athens June 2003 express their
solidarity with the government, party, people of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which are faced with
imperialist threats and aggressiveness.

Tension is rising on the Korean peninsular creating an
imminent danger to peace in the region. This is due to the
aggressive designs and provocative actions of US
imperialism that has divided the country since 1945.

We condemn imperialism's recent actions intended to
sabotage the dialogue and reunification process between the
DPRK and the south Korean authorities.

We note with growing concern the threats of US imperialism
against other countries which are deeping imperialism's new
world order.

We reaffirm our commitment to fight alongside the global
peace movement against all imperialist aggression and in
support of independence, sovereignty and the right of any
state to defend its way of life and social system.

Athens, 20th June 2003

The Parties:

Communist Party of Albania
Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
Communist Party of Armenia
Communist Party of Australia
Democratic Progressive Tribune Bahrein
Workers' Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Brazil
Communist Party of Britain
New Communist Party of Britain
Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov�
Communist Party of Canada
Colombian Communist Party
Communist Party of Cuba
Communist Party of Bohemia Moravia
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Denmark
Communist Party of Egypt
Communist Party of Greece
Hungarian Workers' Party
Communist Party of India
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Tudeh Party of Iran
Communist Party of Ireland
Communist Party of Israel
Workers' Party of Korea
Socialist Party of Latvia
Lebanese Communist Party
Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
Party of the Communists of Mexico
New Communist Party of the Netherlands
Communist Party of Norway
Romanian Communist Party
Union of Communist Parties-CPSU
Communist Party of Russian Federation
Communist Workers' Party of Russia - Party of Communists of
Russia (RKRP-RPC)
Communist Party of Slovakia
Communist Party of Peoples' of Spain
Sudanese Communist Party
Communist Party of Sweden
Syrian Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party
Communist Party of Turkey
Communist Party of Ukraine
Union of Communists of Ukraine
Communist Party, USA
Communist Party of Vietnam
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia