18 IMCWP, Contribution of Lao People’s Revolutionary Party [En]

10/28/16, 10:46 AM
  • Laos, Lao People Revolutionary Party IMCWP En

Contribution of Lao People’s Revolutionary Party[En]

by Sounthone XAYACHACK, member of the Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, Chairperson of the External Relations of Central Committee

Dear Comrade Chairman,

Distinguished delegates, guests,

First of all, let me convey to all of you the fraternal greetings from the Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.

Today, it is a great honor and pleasure for me to lead a delegation of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party to attend the 18th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP-18) under the theme: “Capitalist crisis and imperialist offensive - Strategy and tactics of the Communist and Workers’ Parties in the struggle for peace, workers’ and peoples’ rights, socialism” which being held in Hanoi, a beautiful capital of Vietnam. This is a good opportunity for us to discuss main issues of international political life.

On this occasion, I highly appreciate the Communist Party of Vietnam for its warm welcome and excellent preparation for this meeting.

Dear Comrades,

Recently, the international situation has been changed quickly and complicatedly: There are many conflicts in different regions, refugee crisis due to the war in the Middle East, terrorist activities of ISIS, relationship between Russia and Western countries etc… that directly impact on the development of our respective countries, as well as impact on the activities of our Communist and Worker’s Parties.

In such situation, the Communist and Worker’s Parties in the world have never given up their struggle for peace, for workers’ rights and for the future of socialism. We highly value those activities of the Communist and Worker’s Parties in the world that have done a lot for their activities, improving their role in their respective countries, participating in the Governments through elections, motivating the people’s demonstrations, protecting the rights of the working class, solving social problems and improving the workers’ living standard, etc…

In the socialist countries, the Communist and Worker’s Parties are leading their peoples to develop the economy, improving their people’s living standard, paying an important attention to solve social and cultural problems, ensuring all the people’s rights, gender equality in accordance with the country’s laws and the reality. By doing so, the peoples have the trust in the Communist Parties’ leadership and the countries’ development towards socialism.

Dear Comrades,

The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party is the ruling party since 1975, after several decades of its leadership in struggle for its independence. Now, the Party is leading its people for social - economic development, paying attention to maintain the political stability, ensuring national defense, security, social order, sovereignty and territorial integrity, enhancing its national solidarity and unity for construction of a strong, harmonious society, of wellbeing of the people, justice and civilization.

In January 2016, our Party held the 10th Congress, attended by 685 delegates, representing more than 268,000 Party members nationwide. The Congress has assessed the achievements for the last 5 years of implementing the 9th Congress’ resolution; its economic growth has been continuously increased by 7.9% per year, per capital income of the people continuously increased, only 6.59% of households are still poor throughout the country. The Congress had set out the guideline for 5-year period by focusing on graduating the country from least developed status by 2020, basically eradicating the people’s poverty, setting out the development strategy up to 2025 and the vision till 2030. The Congress had elected 77 Central members.

In March 2016, the Lao PDR had held the National Assembly Elections and among 149 were elected, there were 41 women, equivalent of 27,5% of the total members of the National Assembly. In April, the first session of the 8th National Assembly was held and adopted new leadership of the Lao PDR.

Now, our Party’s focus is on the implementation of the 8th five-year National Economic - Social Development Plan till 2020. The main goal is graduating the country from least developed status by 2020, paying an attention on economic development through industrialized, modernized and sustainable ways; maintaining the solid local political system by carrying out 3-build policy in order to develop the rural areas comprehensively.

Dear Comrades,

As we are aware that the world situation is complicated, and the capitalist, imperialist forces have not given up their conspiracy to sabotage, destroying the progressive forces, therefore, it’s time for the Communist and Worker’s Parties to cooperate in the struggle for our people’s benefits, to combat capitalist offensive by continuing to exchange our experiences and information, in theoretical and practical exchanges of views and also the experiences of our countries’ development, finding the appropriate forms of mobilization of the working class to participate in the struggle against the capitalist offensive; the most important tasks for us now, it is to consolidate the unity of the Communist and Worker’s Parties, in the socialist countries as well as in the other countries of the world. By doing so, we can have enough strength to struggle for peace and for the workers’ rights, for socialism which it is the future of our humankind.

Once again, I appreciate the Communist Party of Vietnam for its excellent organization of this important meeting and may I wish the meeting a great success.

Thank you very much for your attention.


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