19 IMCWP, Contribution of Lao PRP [En]

11/15/17, 1:06 PM
  • Laos, Lao People Revolutionary Party IMCWP En

Contribution of Lao PRP [En]

by Comrade Somdy BOUNKHOUM,

Vice Chairman of Committee for External Relations of Central Committee

Dear Comrades,

The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party’s delegationhas a great honor and pleasure forthe kind invitation of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to attend the 19th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Partieswhich being held inthe sacred land of the Great October Socialist Revolution in the occasion of its 100thanniversary,under theme“The 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution: the ideals of the Communist movement, revitalizing the struggle against imperialistic wars, for peace, socialism

First of all, wewould like to express our sincere thanksto the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for its warm hospitality and all facilities extended to our delegation. We are highly appreciated for a comprehensivepreparation for this meeting.In addition, we would like to send our best greetingsto all comrades of communist and workers’ parties throughout the world gathering here to commemorate the triumphant victory of the Russia’s Great October Socialist Revolution amidst the rapid and complex changes of the situation in all regions around the world due to the genuine eager for wars of imperialism and capitalism.

Dear Comrades,

Victory of the Russian’s Great October Socialist Revolution in 1917, under the brilliance leadership of the Bolsheviks Partyled by Lenin is a historic event stunning worldwide in the last 20thcentury, opening up a new era, the eraof transition from capitalism to socialism throughout the world. The Russian people have taken the power to their own hands and established the first proletariat’s state in the mankind historythat putting an end to the chains of imperialism, enabling the emergence of socialism from theories to reality and became a bright examplefor the nations in the struggle for their national independence.

Thanks to the impact of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia that brought about the victory in the struggle for national independence in many countries,and embark upon towards to socialismsuch as Mongolia in 1921, the Eastern European Countries, some countries in Asia, and Latin America after the World War II. The Socialism has expanded from one country to a strong socialist community, a solid pillarfor nationalliberation movements in many countries throughout the world in the 1970s-1980s of the last 20th century. It also became a significant factor in the protection of world peace.


Bythe impact of the Russian Great October Socialist Revolution in 1917, peoples in Indochina have firmly and bravely struggled in dangerous and hardship conditions under the guidance of the Communist Party of Indochina which was founded by President Ho Chi Minh in February 3, 1930.Under the guidance of the Communist Party of Indochina and the PartyCommittee of Lao Region, the struggle of Lao peoplehasgained victories step by step. Prominently, the declaration of independence to the world in October 12, 1945. The Lao peopletogether with Vietnamese people and army have achieved the triumphs in many battle fields against French colonialwho came back to invade Laos for second times andled to the glorious victory of Dienbienphu.This resulted in the signing of the Geneva Treaty on Indochina in 1954 by the French colonialists.

Recognizing the need of party’s leadership instruggle of the Lao people against the American imperialists whichreplacing the French colonialists, the Lao People Party which originated from the Communist Party of Indochina has founded in March 22, 1955. Since that time party led the struggleof the Lao people andgained victories step by step until the absolute triumph in 1975 by seizing power with bloodless fight, succeeding in the national democraticrevolution and proclaiming the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in December 2, 1975, that meant the beginningof a new era in Lao history: the era that peoplehave become the owner of the nation, their own destiny, and fulfilling the task of national defense and development towards to socialism.

By adherence the words of Lenin “the Least Developed Countries, if need to step forward tosocialism without passing the capitalism, nonetheless they requirethe assistance from many fraternal socialist countries….theleast economic developed countries also be able to step up towards socialism directly withoutpassing capitalism if have 2 factors which are receiving assistance from developed socialist countries and leading by a political party of working class….”.

Thus, throughout almost42 years of construction and renovation of the people democratic regime, the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party whois a Marxist-Leninist party has creatively applied Marxism-Leninism to the Laos’ reality with great support and assistances from socialist countries and friends around the world. During the1970s, the party and the governmenthave led the Lao people to heal the wounded of massive destructive war in many decades that launched by imperialism, and carried out renovation policy since 1986, which causedthe entire nation has enjoyed firm political stability, social order, continuous economic growth, people living standard have improved step by step from the income less than US$100/person/year in 1975 to more than US$2400 recently. Laoforeign affairs have expanded, the role and influence of the Lao PDR havebeen raising in the regional and international arena. Currently, the party and the government of the Lao PDRare focusing on economic development, putting all the efforts to graduate the nation from the Least Developed Country status by 2020.


When reviewing the consequences of the Russian Great October Socialist Revolution in 1917 to mankind, it can be seen that throughout the past century, the Great October Socialist Revolution has become areal valueand remained significant for the nationsin the struggle for their independence, freedom and well-being.

It is true that throughout the past century, the way towards socialism of the nationsfaced many difficulties and challenges, particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union and socialist countries in the Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 1990s of the last centurydue to sabotage of imperialism and capitalism.However, we believe that the great and comprehensive achievements in the socialist countries at presentstill be the desires and vivid example for nations in the struggle for their brighter future; the only cohesive solidarity and the unity within the communist and workers’ parties, thereby we can deal with the sabotageof the imperialism and capitalism forces.

Once again, may I wish our conference a brilliant success.

Thank You,


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