6th IMCWP, Contribution of Communist Party of Poland

10/8/04, 12:45 PM
  • Poland, Communist Party of Poland 6th IMCWP En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Athens Meeting 8-10 October 2004, Contribution of Communist
Party of Poland
From: SolidNet, Monday, October 25, 2004
http://www.kompol.org , mailto:kontakt@kompol.org

International Meeting of Communist And Workers Parties
ATHENS 8-10 October 2004
"Resistance to Imperialist Aggression - Fronts of struggle
and alternatives"
Contribution of Communist Party of Poland

Dear comrades

At the beginning I would like to thank Communist Party of
Greece for organisation of this meeting and inviting our

During recent years importance of military factor in
international relations has grown. In many countries new
centres of armed conflicts broke out. However army is only
one of the means of imperialist policy of the capitalist
states. The main reason for aggressions is a pursuit of
capital towards expansion.

At the beginning of 1990 counter-revolutionary forces in
majority of eastern European countries and on the territory
of the Soviet Union came to power without direct use of
military means. Where imperialism was not able to come to
power in a peaceful way, for example in Yugoslavia, it used

At the beginning of the XXI century aggressive tendency is
increasing. The USA is still the main aggressor. But also
resistance against aggressive policy of war and occupation
is growing. The example of Iraq has shown it clearly.

In reference to situation in Poland it is important to
notice that results of counter-revolutionary process
resulted not only in internal transformation, but also in
foreign orientation of the state. Process of liquidation of
attainment of working class and policy of privatisation of
state's property had accompanied joining to political,
economical and military structures of the West, for example
European Union, NATO, International Monetary Fund. This
policy was aimed on securing interests of capital from
internal threat.

Policy of Polish government now is such that when there is
not enough money for health service, Poland is buying F-16
fighters and at the same time when unemployment rate grows,
Poland sends troops to Iraq.

Now Poland is so-called "democratic" state, but the
government decided about participation in aggression on
Iraq, when 75% of polish population war against it, and
when even Polish constitution forbids participation of the
state in aggressive wars.

There is also an interesting fact that this direction in
Polish foreign policy is being enforced by the "Leftist"
government, in which participate also former members of
Polish United Worker's Party, which after 1989 year became
social-democrats and now they perceive the United States as
the main ally.

There is necessity to start actions against this policy,
but for successful struggle Polish communists must fight
together with foreign communist parties against imperialism
and for revolutionary internal transformation. This is why
a slogan "Workers of all countries unite!" is still


Communist Party of Poland


Athens Meeting 8-10 October 2004, Contribution of CP of
Poland [Sp.]
From: SolidNet, Tuesday, 18 January 2005
http://www.kompol.org , mailto:kontakt@kompol.org

Reuni�n De Partidos Comunistas Y Obreros Atenas, Octubre De
La Agresividad Del Imperialismo Y El Frente
Atenas, 8 10 de octubre de 2004

Partido Comunista de Polonia

Primeramente quisiera agradecer al Partido Comunista de
Grecia por la organizaci�n de este encuentro y la
invitaci�n cursada a nuestro partido.

En los �ltimos a�os se ha incrementado el factor militar en
las relaciones internacionales. En muchos pa�ses han
surgido nuevos focos de conflictos armados, sin embargo, el
empleo de las armas es s�lo uno de los medios de la
pol�tica de los Estados imperialistas. La expansi�n del
capital es la principal causa de las agresiones.

A inicios de los a�os noventa del siglo pasado, las fuerzas
contrarrevolucionarias, en la mayor�a de los pa�ses de
Europa Oriental y en el territorio de la Uni�n Sovi�tica,
tomaron el poder sin emplear directamente medios militares,
y en aquellos lugares donde el imperialismo no pudo tomar
el poder por v�as pac�ficas, emplearon la fuerza, un
ejemplo de ello es Yugoslavia. A principios del siglo XXI
se incrementan las fuerzas agresivas. Los Estados Unidos
contin�an siendo los principales agresores, por otro lado,
tambi�n crece la resistencia a la pol�tica agresiva de
guerra y ocupaci�n. Iraq es un ejemplo de ello.

En cuanto a la situaci�n en Polonia, hay que decir que,
como resultado del proceso contrarrevolucionario, no s�lo
se realizaron cambios en la situaci�n interna, sino tambi�n
en la proyecci�n externa del pa�s. La eliminaci�n de las
conquistas de la clase obrera y la pol�tica de
privatizaci�n de la propiedad estatal estuvo acompa�ada por
la adhesi�n a bloques pol�ticos, econ�micos y militares de
Occidente (CE, OTAN, FMI y otros). Esta pol�tica est�
dirigida a garantizar los intereses del capital ante la
amenaza interna.

La pol�tica del gobierno es tal, que mientras no alcanza
el dinero para la salud, Polonia compra aviones F-16;
mientras crece la cantidad de desempleados, Polonia env�a
soldados a Iraq.

Polonia es un Estado "democr�tico" donde el gobierno toma
la decisi�n de participar en la agresi�n a Iraq, mientras
que el 75% de la poblaci�n rechaza esta pol�tica e incluso
la Constituci�n prohibe que el Estado participe en guerras
ofensivas. Resulta tambi�n curioso el hecho de que los
ejecutores de esa orientaci�n de la pol�tica externa polaca
son los gobiernos "de izquierda", integrados tambi�n por ex
activistas del Partido Obrero Unificado Polaco, los cuales
despu�s de 1989 se convirtieron en "socialdem�cratas" y
ahora consideran que los Estados Unidos son el principal
aliado de Polonia.

Se hace necesario tomar r�pidamente decisiones activas
contra esa pol�tica. Pero para que la lucha contra el
gobierno interno termine con �xito, los comunistas polacos
tienen unirse a los dem�s partidos comunistas de otros
pa�ses en la lucha com�n contra el imperialismo y por
cambios internos revolucionarios. Por eso hoy se mantiene
vigente el lema de "Proletarios de todos los pa�ses,


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