6th IMCWP, Contribution of The Democratic Progressive Tribune - Kingdom of Bahrain

10/8/04, 12:45 PM
  • Bahrain, Democratic Progressive Tribune 6th IMCWP En Asia Communist and workers' parties

Athens Meeting 8-10 October, Contribution of The Democratic
Progressive Tribune - Kingdom of Bahrain
From: SolidNet, Monday, October 18, 2004

The Democratic Progressive Tribune - Kingdom of Bahrain
in the International Meeting of Communist and Workers'

"Resistance to Imperialist Aggressiveness. Fronts of
Struggle and Alternatives" Athens, 8-10 October 2004

Dear Comrades,

We would like to convey our warmest greetings to the
fraternal Communist Party of Greece and wish to express our
highly valuation for the efforts paid for arranging this
important meeting.

First of all, we must point out that with the collapse of
the Soviet Union and the end of Cold War, United States has
become the only "superpower". Many have thought war was
over, but that was not the case. Right after the fall of
the socialist camp, the US pursued its campaign to control
over international will and order and enforce capitalist
system and globalization.

The United States had always tried to control the wealth
and economic resources of the world. History reveals that
it did permanently conspired and interfered against
democratic regimes and assisted in their over throw and
always backed up other totalitarian and oppressive regimes
just to secure smooth flow of wealth and resources. This
agenda has always been there and the attack of September
11, 2001 served as a pretext for the extreme right wing in
the US to apply more militarist plans on a world scale.

The US is aggravating tensions everywhere. The wars against
Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq intended to enable control
over the enormous Caspian, Central Asian and Middle East
oil and mineral reserves in order to exercise control over
their European and Japanese allies as well as China,
Russia, India and other rivals. It was never about facing
terrorism or disarmament of mass destruction weapons or
bringing democracy as proclaimed.

The US imperialism has bypassed the UN in the sense that it
mediates to resolve national, regional and international
conflicts without involving the UN. The US wants to impose
its hegemony on the entire world by military means.

In the Middle East, US aims to reshape the geopolitics of
the region. The US is trying to market and impose the
Greater Middle East project that stretches from Central and
South Asia to North Africa, including the entire Arab
world. This project aims to serve the US policy of
domination and normalization with Israel. The Palestinians
are being massacred every day under the approval and
protection of US. Enormous pressure is placed on them to
accept un-even settlement of their just cause. There is no
room for opposition. Pressure and threats are also being
put on Syria, Sudan and Iran. The situation in Iraq has a
great significance as it will have its impact on the entire


Fronts of Struggle and Alternatives

The wave of hate against US imperialism is increasing in
the entire Middle East. In Bahrain, people are against the
US invasion in Iraq. The Bahraini Society Against
Normalization with Zionist Enemy and the National Committee
for the Solidarity with the Iraqi People have played an
active role in confronting the war actions and hostilities
against the Iraqi as well as the Palestinian People.

Nowadays efforts are being made by different parties and
social society organizations in Bahrain to establish the
Bahraini Committee for Peace and Solidarity and the
Bahraini organization against Globalization to unify the
efforts to fight back and work collectively on strategies
to deal with the new situation arose in Iraq after the US
occupation and the threats of other countries in the region
and the world.

The US tries to market itself as democracy enforcer but we
do understand that the democracy they are bringing is of a
kind that serves their agenda and to preserve stability
that serves them in the region. They are worried about
Islamic fundamentalists and targets to achieve democracy
that results in reducing the influence of those forces but
not to the level that allows people to have control over
the decision making process.



At this stage our fight is to preserve world peace and
demand the withdrawal of the US occupation troops from the
Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, the dissolution of NATO and
the dismantling of all US military bases all over the

The communist and other progressive and democratic forces
have to make a firm stand and show solidarity and sympathy
with the countries under threat such as Republic of Cuba,
Venezuela, China and Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

We have a big task to achieve. We must support the struggle
of Iraqi people and its progressive and democratic forces
to end the US and British occupation and encourage the
efforts for a national political settlement that results in
a government and a parliament representing all forces.

We must fight to prevent any further U.S. aggression
against other sovereign states. We have to unify and
strengthen the struggle against imperialism. This will
require unification of efforts of all parties that have
interest especially the workers of all countries and other
social society organizations regardless of colors and
religions against the common enemy and reject all attempts
to divide the working class.

We require organized and clear political expression and
strategy to stop the warmongers and mobilize the working
class. The opponents of war must mobilize the people that
stand in fundamental opposition to the entire system of
capitalist exploitation and imperialist plunder. This
should be done by addressing the issues of unemployment,
education, health care, housing and the defense of
democratic rights that are under attack in some countries
such as the U.S. and Europe as well as call for
establishing real democracies in countries where democracy
does not exist or at very primitive stages.


We are still optimistic and strongly believe that the US
cannot fight the whole world. The contradictions between
the United States and the European Union have intensified
over the past few years and this could be a positive factor
in the short run. China and India have potentials to stand
firm against US hegemonism. We do believe that the people
of different countries of the world and specially the
working class are the main source of preventing achieving
such objective.

Thank you and once again we repeat out gratitude for our
comrades in the Communist Party of Greece for organizing
this event.


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