6th IMCWP, Solidarity Statement For The Palestinian People

10/8/04, 12:45 PM
  • 6th IMCWP Joint Statement En
Athens Meeting 8-10 October 2004, Solidarity Statement For
The Palestinian People
From: SolidNet, Monday, October 18, 2004

Solidarity With The Palestinian People

Representatives of the Communist and Workers Parties
Meeting in Athens from 8-10 October, 2004, express their
total condemnation of the brutal crimes committed by the
Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian People.
They expressed their grave concern over the dangerous
escalation of the campaign of terror and suppression during
the last weeks directed against the Palestinian People in
the Gaza Strip and Jabolyia.

At the same time, the siege against Palestinian cities,
villages and refugee camps in the Western Bank continues
unabated. While Israeli authorities continue to build the
separation Wall and fragment Palestinian territory and
force people to live in Bantustans. In addition,
confiscation of land and the construction of settlements
are the practice of the day.

We, the representatives of Communist and Workers Parties,
strongly condemn the recent Israeli aggression supported by
the US. We call upon the international community to provide
the Palestinian People with international protection and to
force the Israeli generals to stop their repressive acts.
At the same time, we call upon the UN, international public
opinion and international organizations to intervene and
demand that Israel abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention
and its application to the occupied territories. In
addition, to take the necessary measures to achieve a
settlement of the Palestinian Problem in accordance with UN
resolutions which guarantee the establishment of an
independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital
and the right of the refugees to return to their homes, as
we;; as the execution of the World Court of Justice
decisions concerning the Israeli separation Wall.

Party		Communist Party of  Albania		Algerian Party for
Democracy and Socialism		Communist Party of 
Australia		Democratic Progressive Tribune 
Bahrain		Communist Party of  Bangladesh		Workers' Party of
Belgium		Communist Party of  Brazil		New Communist Party of
 Britain		Communist Party of Bulgaria		Communist Party of 
Canada		Communist Party of Chile		Communist Party of 
Cuba		Communist Party of  Bohemia and
Moravia		AKEL		Communist Party in Denmark		Communist Party
of Denmark		Communist Party of  Estonia		Communist Party of
Finland		United Communist Party of  Georgia		German
Communist Party 		Communist Party of  Greece		Hungarian
Workers Party		Communist Party of  India		Tudeh Party of
Iran		Communist Party of  Ireland		Workers' Party of
Ireland		Communist Party of  Israel		Party of Italian
Communists		Party of the Communist Refoundation 		Jordanian
Communist Party		Socialist Party of Latvia		Lebanese
Communist Party		Lithuanian Socialist Party		Communist
Party of  Luxembourg		Party of Communists, Mexico		Popular
Socialist Party of Mexico		Party Communists of Republic of
Moldova		New Communist Party of the Netherlands		Communist
Party of  Norway		Communist Party of  Poland		Portuguese
Communist Party		Communist Party of  Romania		Socialist
Alliance Party, Romania		Communist Workers' Party of Russia
- Party of Russian Communists 		CPSU		Communist Party of 
Slovakia		Communist Party of  Spain		Communist Party of 
Peoples of Spain		Sudanese Communist Party		Communist Party
of  Sweden		Communist Party of Syria		Syrian Communist
Party		Communist Party of Turkey		(EMEP) Party of
Labour		Union of Communists of Ukraine		Communist Party,
USA		Communist Party of Vietnam		New Communist Party of