7th IMCWP, Contribution of Unified Communist Party of Georgia

10/18/05, 12:45 PM
  • Georgia, Unified Communist Party of Georgia 7th IMCWP En Asia Communist and workers' parties

Athens Meeting 18-20 November 2005, Contribution of UCP of
From: SolidNet, Monday, November 28, 2005

International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
"Current Trends In Capitalism: Economic, Social And
Political Impact. The Communists' Alternative"
Athens, 18-20 November, 2005

Speech of representative of UCP of Georgia (comr. Samushia
Position Paper of Unified Communist Party of Georgia

Usual in the world after disorder of USSR and socialist
camp a qualitatively new situation and quickly varying
international conditions make a most urgent regular
exchange of experience and information between communist

On behalf of Unified communist party of Georgia and its
chief - the comrade Georgadze, we thank the Central
Committee of communist party of Greece leaded by the
comrade Papariga for organization such important meeting!

The modern main tendencies of capitalism frequently are
called as globalization. Around the globalization are
developed the important discussions between communist
parties. The development of the approach to changes common
for all communist party, which occur at the present stage
in the industrial relations and social structure of a
society, and especial from the point of view of
centralization and internationalization of productive
forces -are one of main our tasks.

With process of globalization is identified so-called
�Globalization on -American �, that means a direction of
objective process of general integration in the channel,
necessary for the global capital. American �New World
order� assumes perpetuating domination of the capital
already on new, up-to-state level, when on scene have acted
several transnational corporations aspiring to operate by
all parties of public life in planetary scale.

It is necessary to separate globalization, as objective
process of general integration, from capitalist

Globalization, to tell by one offer, is all-round process
of becoming of the uniform world. Its general contents is
the integration in all spheres of public life and, first of
all, in sphere of economy.

The integration and internationalization of productive
forces today accepts unprecedented scope. Globalization is
observed in economic structure of a society and at a level
of political processes. Both there and there globalization
gets rather inconsistent character. By virtue of
disintegration of socialistic camp globalization mainly is
process occurring in the world of the capital, means, and
process proceeding in frameworks of bourgeoisie production
relations. The situation is aggravated by frankly
aggressive behavior of the American capital, which
political tool is the most powerful state machine of USA.

To differentiate in general, globalization as such from its
today's form, last we shall designate under the known term
- �capitalist globalization �. Under �capitalist
globalization � we understand imperialistic policy in
interests of several transnational corporations in
conditions of internationalization of the advanced
productive forces, when class contradictions send to other
plane and accept up-to-nation character. The basic
contradiction of the capital - contradiction between work
and capital still remains in force. There is this
contradiction inside advanced west too, but it finds as
well a new outline: an opposition � gold billion - other
world �. Capitalistic globalization is a process of
globalization, ruled by the largest international capital
for formation of unified world economic system with the
certain structure appropriate to interests of this largest
international capital and achievement of conditions of its
unified regulation in the interests of the same
international capital.

Rejecting globalization �on American", communists do not
reject objectivity and inevitability integration processes
at all. On the contrary, communist party should act for
all-round integration - integration on the basis of
socialisms. We think in it, all communist parties are
unified. But all globalization difficulties consist in
understanding of concrete conditions of integration.

Globalization �on American" from Georgia demands to become
a reliable transport corridor for transferring of natural
riches of the Caspian pool from east on west in interests
of transnational corporations of USA and England. But
Georgia, by virtue of a major geopolitical arrangement is
allocated also a role of �the main squeezer� of Russia from
the Caucasian region with parallel fastening of USA and
NATO there. All this is fraught with most dangerous
consequences both for Georgia, and for Russia. And it is
possible to tell these consequences, - on a nose. Therefore
Unified communist party of Georgia acts for integration of
Georgia in an Union of Byelorussia and Russia. The above
described concrete specific situation forces us to reject
the slogan � at first socialism, then integration �.
Communist parties working on the territory of former USSR
realize that the further integration of republics of CIS
will not result in automatic restoration of the unified
socialist state, but it: �) It will be unconditional the
largest step in this direction; b) practically will bring
to nothing an opportunity of fastening of NATO in our

By one word, complexity and discrepancy of occurring
today's processes determine complexity of tasks facing us
and changing the ways of their decision.

The state isolation plays a role of a sole and reliable
board from globalization �on "- American" in known
conditions (Cuba, North Korea, Byelorussia, Venezuela and
so on). But when before us there is a task of overthrow
pro-NATO, comprador governments with the purpose of
clearing of our countries from claws of capitalist
globalization, the slogans about � of national independence
� and the conversations about � national-exemption struggle
� can result to known unilateralism.

We quite agree with a position acted with this tribune two
years ago of representative of communist party of Portugal,
comrade Nuniess, that dialectics of national and
international in conditions of globalization accepts the
special importance and a precisely formulated answer of
communists on process of globalization becomes very urgent
at the international level.1

In this context it would be desirable to pay attention for
one aspect of understanding of globalization.

Many comrades represent globalization as war, and in it
there is a reason: these two phenomena in some general
features are really similar.

Let's begin from that, both phenomena; and war have the
technological, economic and political parties. And the main
contents of both phenomena are made by their economic

In materials of the Athenian meetings it is possible to
find set of judgments about globalization as about the
third world war. In particular, to world war globalization
is similar also in planetary scale area of distribution.

Between concepts "war" and policy of USA called �
globalization on - American � is approximately such parity,
as between imperialist war and policy. The war is an
episode (there can be a necessary stage), and colossal
military power - one of conditions, guarantee of
realization of capitalist globalization. The world capital,
carrying out globalization in its interests, on a line with
the most of the civil forms, political and economic levers,
applies also not civil form of compulsion, what the direct
military intervention is.

By one word, strict according to the scientific point of
view, the war is not a synonym of globalization. Though the
known philosopher and man with a most interesting vital way
- Zinoviev - asserts completely opposite: �... Actually
globalization is a new world war. War of a new type. We
have got used war to consider traditionally: the soldiers,
army, gun shoot, the planes throw bombs. That war, which
now occurs, is war of a new type. And it essentially
differs from all wars of the past, though if to understand
war as such phenomenon, which is planned, is organized will
be carried out, has destruction of forces of the opponent
for an object, destruction of material resources, capture
etc., then that occurs, is a war, exactly, strict sense
of a word. And in this war all means, including means of
hot war are applied. That is both bomb, and gun, both the
planes are used also all other. To prove it now there is no
necessity. It is a world war, which is named also as
globalization. I consider that these are synonyms... � 2

The business in that � globalization on - American � and
really based on violence, that quite often is displays as
wars. Whereas, valid globalization, which objectively
cannot be stopped, and which has no generality with
violence at all, and with war - in particular, is based on
a principle voluntary. Therefore valid globalization
supposing formation not knowing of wars and crises, social
contradictions and antagonisms of the unified world with a
uniform information centre, uniform planning and
management, is possible only in conditions of socialism.

We quite agree with the comrade Hanna Middletone,
representative of Communist Party of Australia, that are
necessary: �... more operative information and analytical
clauses illuminating modern questions and events... Our
purpose - to build, proceeding from already made, and to
ensure the translation of a lot of reports and theoretical
documents. � 3

Thank you once again to Communist Party of Greece for
organization of meeting!


Thank for attention!


Information Bulletin, 2004, Communists and the Movements
against the War and Capitalist Globalization. Part II.
http://www.anti-glob.narod.ru/sbornik/zin1.htm Zinoviev A.
Globalization is a new world war.
Information Bulletin, 2004, Communists and the Movements
against the War and Capitalist Globalization. Part I.


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