7th IMCWP, Solidarity Statement With DPR of Korea

10/18/05, 12:45 PM
  • 7th IMCWP Joint Statement

Athens Meeting 18- 20 November 2005, Solidarity Statement
With DPR of Korea
From: SolidNet, Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Solidarity Statements With The Democratic People's Republic
of Korea

The reckless and aggressive maneuvers of the US
imperialism, to aggravate the political and military
confrontation on the Korean peninsula against the
tendencies of the current times for free and peaceful new
world, is creating the unanimous anger of the progressive
mankind of the world.

The participants at the International meeting of Communist
and Workers' Parties in Athens- Greece- 18- 20 November
2005 express their firm solidarity with the Workers' Party
of Korea and the entire Korean people in their just
struggle for demolishing the wall splitting the Korean
Peninsula which was forced by the external forces over half
century ago and accomplishing the independent and peaceful
re-unification of the fatherland by the Korean nation
itself under the banner of the June 15 North- South Joint
Declaration adopted in Pyongyang, the capital city of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

We reaffirm our commitment to fight more vigorously for
defending the sovereignty against the US imperialist's
world domination policy as well as advocating socialism and
pushing it forward.

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