7th IMCWP, Solidarity Statement With Goran Markovic

10/18/05, 12:45 PM
  • 7th IMCWP Joint Statement

Athens Meeting 18- 20 November 2005, Solidarity Statement
With Goran Markovic
From: SolidNet, Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Resolution On Solidarity With Goran Markovic

Communist and workers' parties, gathered at their meeting
in the Athens, condemn illegal expulsion of Goran Markovic,
president of the Workers' Communist Party of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, from privately owned Slobomir P University in
Bijeljina, where he worked as a teaching assistant.

Comrade Markovic was expelled because of his political
convictions and membership in the communist party, after he
refused illegal request of his employer to quit all
activities in the party.

According to international conventions on human rights and
legal system in Bosnia and Herzegovina firing of Goran
Markovic is illegal and anti-constitutional and represents
an act of political discrimination.

International conference of communist and workers' parties
supports Goran Markovic in his struggle in front of the
court and demands his back to the working place.

Athens, 20th November 2005

Democratic Progressive Tribune, Bahrain
Workers' Party of Belgium
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Unified Communist Party of Georgia
Communist Party of Greece
Communist Party of Ireland
The Worker's Party of Ireland
Party of the Italian Communists
Jordanian Communist Party
Party of the Communists of Mexico
Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
Socialist Alliance Party, Romania
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Communist Party of Peoples of Spain
Communist Party of Tadjikistan
Communist Party, USA