7th IMCWP, Solidarity Statement With Venezuela

10/18/05, 12:45 PM
  • 7th IMCWP Joint Statement

Athens Meeting 18- 20 November 2005, Solidarity Statement
With Venezuela [En., Sp.]
From: SolidNet, Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Resolution of Solidarity With Venezuela

Today, the people of Venezuela, the heir of the
emancipating ideas of Sim�n Bol�var, El Libertador, is the
protagonist of a revolution, led by President Hugo Ch�vez
Fr�as, that is a hope for that nation and for all the
peoples of Latin America.

In the last few years, in spite of facing the constant
aggressions of US imperialism and the destabilizing and
subversive activity of an internal opposition that has been
defeated in the ten popular referendums held up to now, the
triumphant Bolivarian Revolution can show a vast social
work that has benefited millions of citizens who used to
live sunk into poverty and neglect.

As part of the numerous programs that are being carried out
by the Bolivarian Revolution, last October Venezuela
declared itself as a Territory Free of Illiteracy and 1.5
million Venezuelans learned how to read and write. Many of
them are studying now in higher educational levels. The
health system has been extended to the whole country, thus
benefiting over 17 million people who were totally excluded
earlier from this elementary social service that is being
expanded now with the improvement of public hospitals and
the construction of new health facilities. Unemployment has
decreased considerably and a wide network of markets has
been opened so that 12 million people can buy staple food
at low prices.

Notwithstanding the strong resistance of the local
bourgeoisie and the landowners, the implementation of the
Act of the Land is making progress. Hundreds of thousands
of hectares have been recovered and are being allotted
among thousands of families. The country works speedily to
expand its road infrastructure, its industrial development
and its agricultural self-sufficiency. Oil, the main export
commodity of the Venezuelan economy, is really state-owned
now and its earnings are mainly allotted for the country's
development and social programs.
In the international arena, President Ch�vez promotes the
Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), a project
for the integration of Latin America, on the basis of
solidarity, social justice and cooperation, that is being
implemented in the relations between Cuba and Venezuela and
is present in the agreements signed with other South
American and Caribbean nations.

As part of the ALBA, the governments of Venezuela and Cuba
have approved a program so that, in the next ten years, six
million Latin American and Caribbean people will receive
ophthalmologic health care, while two hundred thousand
students from this region will receive free training as
doctors who will be willing to provide health services for
the excluded and marginalized people, who are the vast
majorities of the population in the region.

For all the above-mentioned reasons, the Bolivarian
Revolution is an example for the peoples of the region and
of all the Third World because it is carrying out an
alternative program to the poverty, neglect, inequality and
injustice sown in the region by the neo-liberal model
brutally applied by imperialism.

The process promoted by President Hugo Ch�vez and his
efforts to attain regional unity and integration create new
conditions for facing the policy of domination and
annexation that has characterized the relations of the USA
with the continent and the neo-fascist projection of the
present US Administration.

All these factors determine the media campaign that is
being carried out by US imperialism with the aim of
presenting the Bolivarian process and President Ch�vez as
evil, the constant threats uttered by the main leaders of
the ultra-right in that country and the activity of
subversion and the support provided by the special agencies
of the Empire and the Miami mob to the internal
counterrevolution. In the face of this situation, the
Venezuelan people are increasingly and firmly determined to
defend their right to sovereignty, self-determination and
to the construction of a future of dignity and equality for
their nation.

We, the Communist and workers' parties gathered here in
Athens, Greece, express our rejection of the present US
Administration's policy of aggressions against the
Bolivarian Revolution and reaffirm our solidarity with the
struggle of the noble and courageous people of Venezuela.

Resolucion de Solidaridad con Venezuela

El pueblo de Venezuela, heredero del pensamiento
emancipador del Libertador Sim�n Bol�var, protagoniza hoy
en Am�rica Latina una Revoluci�n encabezada por el
presidente Hugo Ch�vez Fr�as, que constituye una esperanza
para esa naci�n y para todos los pueblos del continente.

En pocos a�os, pese a enfrentar las constantes agresiones
por parte del imperialismo norteamericano y la actividad
desestabilizadora y subversiva de una oposici�n interna que
ha sido derrotada en las 10 consultas populares celebradas
hasta la fecha, la triunfante Revoluci�n Bolivariana puede
presentar una extensa obra social que ha beneficiado a
millones de ciudadanos que viv�an sumergidos en la pobreza
y el olvido.

Como parte de los m�ltiples programas que lleva a cabo la
Revoluci�n Bolivariana, el pasado mes de octubre se declar�
a Venezuela Territorio Libre de Analfabetismo, llevando la
ense�anza a mill�n y medio de venezolanos, muchos de los
cuales contin�an hoy sus estudios hacia otros niveles de
escolaridad. La Salud ha llegado hoy a todo el pa�s,
beneficiando a m�s de 17 millones que estaban totalmente
excluidos de este elemental servicio social, que se amplia
con nuevos centros hospitalarios y el mejoramiento de los
hospitales p�blicos. El desempleo se ha reducido
considerablemente, se ha creado una amplia red de mercados
que posibilitan a m�s de 12 millones de personas adquirir
productos b�sicos a precios preferenciales.

Pese a una tenaz resistencia de la burgues�a local y los
latifundistas, la aplicaci�n de la Ley de Tierras avanza,
recuper�ndose cientos de miles de hect�reas, que est�n
siendo entregadas a miles de familias. El pa�s trabaja
aceleradamente por ampliar la infraestructura vial, el
desarrollo industrial y el autoabastecimiento agropecuario.
El petr�leo, principal producto de su econom�a, es hoy
verdadera propiedad del Estado y sus ingresos son
destinados principalmente a programas sociales y al

En materia internacional, el presidente Ch�vez impulsa la
Alternativa Bolivariana para las Am�ricas (ALBA), que
constituye un proyecto de integraci�n latinoamericano,
basado en la solidaridad, la justicia social y la
cooperaci�n, que viene implement�ndose en las relaciones
entre Cuba y Venezuela, y est� presente en acuerdos
contra�dos con otras naciones de Sudam�rica y el Caribe.
Como parte integrante del ALBA, los gobiernos de Venezuela
y Cuba han aprobado un programa para en los pr�ximos 10
a�os posibilitar que 6 millones de latinoamericanos y
caribe�os con problemas de la visi�n reciban atenci�n
m�dica y se formen gratuitamente 200 mil m�dicos de la
regi�n, dispuestos a brindar los servicios de salud a los
excluidos y marginados, que son las grandes mayor�as.

Por todo lo anterior, la Revoluci�n Bolivariana representa
un ejemplo para los pueblos de la regi�n y de todo el
Tercer Mundo, al llevar a cabo un programa alternativo a la
miseria, el desamparo, la desigualdad y la injusticia que
ha sembrado el modelo neoliberal aplicado salvajemente en
la regi�n por el imperialismo.

El proceso impulsado por el presidente Hugo Ch�vez y sus
esfuerzos de unidad e integraci�n de la regi�n, crean
nuevas condiciones para enfrentar la pol�tica dominante y
anexionista que ha caracterizado las relaciones de los EEUU
con el continente y la proyecci�n neofascista de la actual
administraci�n de la Casa Blanca.

Todos estos factores, determinan la campa�a medi�tica que
lleva a cabo el imperialismo norteamericano dirigida a
satanizar el proceso bolivariano y la figura del presidente
Ch�vez, las constantes amenazas manifestadas por parte de
los principales l�deres de la extrema derecha de ese pa�s,
y la actividad de subversi�n y apoyo a la contrarrevoluci�n
interna que brindan los servicios especiales del Imperio y
la mafia de Miami, a los que el pueblo venezolano enfrenta
con la firme y creciente decisi�n de defender el derecho a
su soberan�a, autodeterminaci�n y la construcci�n de un
futuro de dignidad e igualdad para esa naci�n.

Los partidos comunistas y obreros reunidos en Atenas,
Grecia, expresamos nuestro rechazo a la pol�tica de
agresiones del actual gobierno de los EEUU contra la
Revoluci�n Bolivariana y reafirmamos nuestra solidaridad
con la lucha del noble y aguerrido pueblo de Venezuela.

Communist Party of Albania
Algerian Party for Democracy & Socialism, PADS
Communist Party of Argentina
Communist Party of Australia
Democratic Progressive Tribune, Bahrain
Communist Party of Belarus
Workers Party of Belgium
WCP of Bosnia & Herzegovina
Communist Party of Brazil
Communist Party of Britain
New Communist Party of Britain
Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov"
Communist Party of Bulgaria
Communist Party of Cuba
AKEL, Cyprus
Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Denmark
Communist Party of Egypt
Communist Party of Estonia
Communist Party of Finland
Communist Party of Macedonia
Unified Communist Party of Georgia
German Communist Party (DKP)
Communist Party of Greece
Hungarian Worker' Party
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Tudeh Party of Iran
Iraqi Communist Party
Communist Party of Ireland
The Worker's Party of Ireland
Communist Party of Israel
Party of the Communist Refoundation
Party of the Italian Communists
Jordanian Communist Party
Worker's Party of Korea
Socialist Party of Latvia
Lebanese Communist Party
Communist Party of Luxembourg
Party of the Congress for the Independence of Madagascar
Communist Party of Malta
Party of the Communists of Mexico
Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
New Communist Party of Netherlands
Communist Party of Norway
Palestinian Communist Party
Philippine Communist Party-1930
Communist Party of Poland
Portuguese Communist Party
Romanian Communist Party
Socialist Alliance Party, Romania
Communist Party of Russian Federation
Communist Party of Soviet Union
Communist Workers Party of Russia - Party of the Communists
of Russia
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
55. Communist Party of Slovakia
56. Communist Party of Spain
57. Communist Party of Peoples of Spain
58. Sudanese Communist Party
59. Communist Party of Sweden
60. Syrian Communist Party
61. Syrian Communist Party
62. Communist Party of Tadjikistan
63. Communist Party of Turkey
64. Communist Party of Ukraine
65. Communist Party, USA
66. Communist Party of Venezuela


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April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain