Resolution on Yugoslavia and on the release from prison of Slobodan Milosevich

6/23/01, 10:00 PM
  • 3rd IMCWP


22-24 June 2001, Athens

Resolution on Yugoslavia and on the release from prison of Slobodan Milosevich

We, Communists from all continents of the planet, who met in the Athens International Meeting on 22nd - 24th June 2001, decisively demand that the Yugoslav government stop any further illegal persecutions, arrests and exterminations of the progressive people of Yugoslavia.

The communists of the world demand the immediate release from prison of Slobodan Milosevich and the revoking of all the fabricated and unfounded accusation against him, who is a hero of the anti-imperialist struggle and resistance against the aggressive policy and intervention of NATO.

The Communists of the world demand the abolition of the so-called "Court of the Hague", which is a US affiliate and a tool for the persecution of the leaders of the resistance movement against NATO and its attack on Yugoslavia.

It is the leaders and the generals of NATO member-countries that should account for in an international court material for the aggressiveness in Yugoslavia.

Signed by:

Communist Party of Australia

Communist Party of Belarus

New Communist Party of Britain

Bulgarian Communist Party �Georgi Dimitrov�

Communist Party of Bulgaria

Marxist Platform of Bulgarian Socialist Party

Communist Party of Canada

Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia

Communist Party in Denmark

Communist Party of Greece

Hungarian Workers' Party

Communist Party of India (Marxist)

Lebanese Communist Party

New Communist Party of the Netherlands

Communist Party of Norway

Romanian Communist Party

Communist Party of Russian Federation

Communist Workers' Party of Russia

Communist Party of Slovakia

Syrian Communist Party

Syrian Communist Party

Party for Socialist Power (SIP) Communist Party

Communist Party of Ukraine

Union of Communists of Ukraine

New Communist Party of Yugoslavia