8th IMCWP, Contribution of Communist Party of Luxembourg

11/10/06, 12:45 PM
  • Luxembourg, Communist Party of Luxembourg 8th IMCWP En Fr Europe Communist and workers' parties

Lisbon Meeting 10-12 November 2006, Contribution of CP of
Luxemburg [En., Fr.]
From: Portuguese Communist Party, Monday, November 13, 2006
http://www.kp-l.org , mailto:kpl@zlv.lu

[English, French]

Contribution of the Communist Party of Luxembourg
Sexta, 10 Novembro 2006
Dear comrades,

I am not going to speak to you about the current situation
in Luxembourg, since we have prepared a written information
about current developments in my home country, that will be
distributed to all participants of the Conference.

Instead, I would like to share with you some reflections
concerning the co-operation between Communist parties.

We are of the opinion that with a view to the present day
challenges a structured co-operation between Communist and
Workers' parties on the basis of the ideas of Marx, Engels
and Lenin is becoming more than ever an objective need of
today's class struggle.

The defeat of the attempt to construct a socialist society,
as well as the restoration of capitalist societies in all
countries of Eastern Europe after 1990, have lead to a
tremendous set back in social development. The Communist
movement was split, with the result, that many Communist
parties have been strongly weakened, some of them lost
their ability to act and some even have to struggle for
their survival.

We are aware of the fact that socialist societies in the
21st century will differ a lot from those which we knew as
real existing socialism in the 20th century, just because
of the fact, that the historical conditions will be totally
different. But we have no right at all to neglect all
previous attempts to build a socialist society beginning
from the Commune of Paris, the Socialist October Revolution
up to the socialist states in Eastern Europe after 1945.

On the contrary it is necessary to respect and analyse
their historical achievements, to learn from their failures
und to study the reasons for the defeat, above all the
question of the development of productive forces, the
question of socialist democracy and the solution of
developing contradictions within a socialist society. The
defeat of those attempts in Eastern Europe does not at all
proof that socialism is not able to function. On the other
hand there are many reasons to ask questions.

Therefore it is indispensable to make our own Marxist
analysis, since the picture delivered to us by bourgeois
ideology and propaganda does not serve. We do not need to
proof that we were always right, but what we need is just a
concept of socialism that everybody can understand. Without
it we will never be able to convince the people who would
like to act and who are ready to leave the capitalist
society behind. We have to convince the people with the
help of good arguments and show them, that another, a
socialist society is possible.

Several parties have already abandoned the Marxist-Leninist
theory. So they are renouncing the preconditions and means
for evaluating the current stage of development of
capitalism, as well as for developing applicable strategies
to lead the working class out of the state of defensive and
to put the question of the system on the table. Instead of
strictly questioning the entire capitalist system, that has
been constructed only in the interests of the big
enterprises and the financial capital, instead of fighting
for a social alternative those parties are limiting
themselves on the attempt of "improving" the existing
social structures. This goes for the capitalist state on
national basis as well as for the supra-national
institutions of the capital as for example the European
Union. Of course, there might be many reasons for wanting
just a better capitalism instead of a better socialism, but
there is no good reason for acting this way.

But socialism can not be achieved via reforms the only way
to socialism is the deep going change and the revolutionary
overcoming of the capitalist conditions of property and
power. Therefore a principal change of the relations of
forces in favour of the working class and its allies is

We are underlining this, because in our view the working
class is the decisive force in the struggle against the
power of capital and for socialism. This role can not be
taken by any of the new forces or movements. It is the
working class that due to its position inside the material
production is facing the strongest effects of capitalist
exploitation. The position of the working class inside the
society is the precondition for taking over the most
decisive role in the resistance against the capital and in
the struggle for social changes.

In recent years, some former Communist and Workers' parties
have changed to the way of "social-democratization". As a
result of this, many of their militants, but also big parts
of the population became increasingly insecure and
disoriented. Practically in all countries of Europe, as
well as in many other countries, besides the traditional
parties new left-wing groups and parties have appeared,
that call themselves Communist and who want to go the way
of Marxism-Leninism, despite the fact that the basic
thoughts of Marx, Engels and Lenin did not yet become
accepted on a broad basis.

After the defeat of the socialist societies in Europe at
the end of the 20th century, in some of the old and new
parties big uncertainties and confusions have appeared. The
assumed victory of the capitalist system as well as the
powerful bourgeois propaganda machinery are increasing
those confusions day by day.

This leads to a situation that revolutionary processes and
the every day class struggle suffered a serious backstroke
and in many cases they are not any longer on the agenda.

But under the conditions of imperialist globalization, the
class struggle becomes more and more international. This
means from our point of view that it is urgently necessary
to intensify the international co-operation of all
anti-capitalist forces. At the same time we communists need
coalition partners in trade unions, in democratic alliances
and left-wing parties, so that we can more effectively
fight against the destruction of democratic rights, against
militarization and against social destruction. Such
alliances are only effective, if the communists can
participate with full rights, and they become
contra-productive, if they are directed against the

We are of the opinion, that a close co-operation of all
Communist and Workers' parties, who believe in the ideas of
Marx, Engels and Lenin and in socialism as social
alternative to the capitalist system is urgently required.
This should be a kind of a common platform or network, that
should not be compared with the previous 3rd International
or with existing international organisations with communist

We need a common working instrument

- for the sake of resisting the political and ideological
influence of the capital, as well as the influence of
social-democrats and of those former communist parties, who
have converted into social-democratic forces;

- with the aim to analyse the current stage of development
of capitalism, on the basis of the ideas of Marx, Engels
and Lenin as well as of the conclusion made by the
different communist parties in their respective countries
and to draw from this analysis the necessary conclusions
for our common tasks;

- to be able to use those conclusions for developing a
common strategy and the tactics for the activities of the
communists in their respective countries;

- to analyse theoretical and practical questions of the
revolutionary process and the class struggle on
international, regional and national level;

- to discuss problems of principal and international
importance and thus to give the national parties direct
advices for the understanding of important events and new

- to encourage a deeper understanding on such theoretical
questions like globalization, the role of the European
Union, the so-called constitutional law of the European
Union, as well as on the concept of socialism, and to
discuss such questions in a way that theoretical
conclusions may be used as easy as possible for the
ideological and political activities of our parties on
international. Regional and national level;

- to take decisions on campaigns, protest and solidarity
actions, to coordinate them and to give them a greater
effect through their international character.


Comrades, I would like to conclude my speech with that
sentence I used at the beginning:
With a view to the present day challenges, a structured
co-operation between Communist and Workers' parties on the
basis of the ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin is becoming
more than ever an objective need of today's class struggle.

To wait and see is for us no alternative.

Ali Ruckert, president of the Communist Party of Luxembourg

Contribution du KPL - Parti Communiste Luxembourgeois

Sexta, 10 Novembro 2006



Je n'aborderai pas ici la situation au Luxembourg, car j'ai
pr�sent� l'appr�ciation de l'�volution actuelle dans mon
pays dans un bref r�sum� en anglais et en fran�ais, qui est
� la disposition de tous les participants. Je vais plut�t
faire quelques observations concernant la collaboration
entre les partis communistes. Face aux d�fis de notre
temps, une collaboration structur�e entre les partis
communistes et ouvriers, bas�e sur les id�es de Marx,
Engels et L�nine, est plus que jamais une n�cessit�
objective de la lutte de classes. L'�chec de la tentative
de construire le socialisme et la restauration de rapports
capitalistes dans tous les pays d'Europe Orientale apr�s
1990 a conduit � un dramatique recul dans l'�volution
sociale, a d�chiquet� le mouvement communiste et eut pour
cons�quence, que maints partis communistes furent � tel
point affaiblis, qu'ils durent souvent lutter pour
maintenir leur capacit� d'action, voire pour leur survie.

Nous savons, qu'au 21�me si�cle les soci�t�s socialistes
seront tr�s diff�rentes de ce que nous connaissions au
20�me comme socialisme r�el, parce que les pr�misses
historiques seront tr�s diff�rentes. Mais cela ne nous
donne pas le droit de vouloir �radiquer la m�moire des
diff�rentes tentatives de construire une soci�t�
socialiste, � commencer par la Commune de Paris, en passant
par le R�volution d'Octobre, jusqu'aux pays socialistes
apr�s 1945. Il importe, au contraire, d'honorer les
performances historiques, d'apprendre de leurs erreurs et
d'�tudier � fond les causes de leur �chec, et
particuli�rement les questions li�es au d�veloppement des
forces productives, de la d�mocratie et de la solution de
l'augmentation des contradictions dans une soci�t�
socialiste. Pour cela, nous devons effectuer notre propre
analyse marxiste, car la caricature qui en est faite par
l'id�ologie bourgeoise et sa propagande ne nous est gu�re
utile. Et ce, non pour d�montrer que nous avions toujours
raison, mais parce que nous avons besoin d'une conception
du socialisme qui soit concluante. Sans cela nous ne serons
pas en mesure de convaincre ceux qui veulent agir, et qui
sont dispos�s � changer les rapports capitaltravail. Nous
devons convaincre les femmes et les hommes par une
argumentation fond�e, et pouvoir leur d�montrer qu'une
telle soci�t� peut exister. L'abandon par une s�rie de
partis de la th�orie marxiste-l�niniste les conduisit �
renoncer aux pr�alables d'une �valuation correcte de
l'�tape actuelle du capitalisme, leur permettant de
d�velopper des strat�gies appropri�es pour d�p�trer la
classe ouvri�re de la d�fensive et poser la question du
syst�me. Au lieu de remettre fondamentalement en cause les
superstructures du syst�me capitaliste �rig�es dans
l'int�r�t des trusts et de la grande finance, ils se
contentent de vouloir "am�liorer" le syst�me en vigueur.
Cela vaut tout autant pour l'�tat capitaliste � l'�chelon
national, que pour les institutions supranationales comme
l'Union Europ�enne. On peut bien entendu trouver beaucoup
de raisons pour vouloir seulement un meilleur capitalisme
au lieu d'un meilleur socialisme, mais pour la classe
ouvri�re on ne peut voir la moindre bonne raison.

Le socialisme ne peut cependant pas �tre atteint par des
reformes, mais uniquement par des refontes profondes et par
le franchissement r�volutionnaire des rapports capitalistes
de propri�t� et de puissance. Pour cela s'impose un
changement fondamental des rapports de force en faveur de
la classe ouvri�re et de ses alli�s. Nous mettons l'accent
l�-dessus, parce que pour nous la classe ouvri�re sera la
puissance d�cisive dans la lutte contre la domination du
capital et le combat pour l'instauration du socialisme, la
classe ouvri�re donc, et non quelques nouvelles formations
sociales ou autres mouvements. Elle est la classe qui subit
le plus directement et fortement l'exploitation
capitaliste, � cause m�me de sa position dans le processus
de production. Sa position dans la soci�t� la place par
excellence dans la situation de mettre en oeuvre au moment
d�cisif les changements sociaux et bouleversements
antimonopolistes qui s'imposent. Une s�rie d'anciens partis
communistes et ouvriers ont emprunt� au cours des ann�es
�coul�es la voie social-d�mocratique. � cause de cela,
beaucoup de leurs membres, mais surtout de larges couches
de population des pays en question ont �t� d�concert�s et

Dans presque tous les pays d'Europe, mais aussi ailleurs,
ont surgi � c�t� des partis traditionnels de nouveaux
groupements et partis de gauche, qui s'appellent
communistes et veulent suivre la voie marxiste-l�niniste,
sans pourtant s'�tre appropri�s les cognitions
fondamentales de Marx, Engels et L�nine. Apr�s la d�faite
des soci�t�s r�ellement socialistes vers la fin du 20�me
si�cle, ont surgi dans maints partis anciens et nouveaux
beaucoup de confusions et d'incertitudes. La pr�tendue
victoire du syst�me capitaliste et la surpuissante machine
�lectorale bourgeoise contribuent jour pour jour �
accro�tre cette ins�curit�. Cela conduit � ce que le
processus r�volutionnaire et la lutte des classes au
quotidien subissent un violent contrecoup et ne soient
souvent plus � l'ordre du jour. L'internationalisation de
la lutte des classes dans les conditions de la
globalisation imp�rialiste impose la n�cessit� vitale
d'intensifier la coop�ration internationale des forces

Nous, communistes avons besoin d'alli�s dans les syndicats,
les associations d�mocratiques et les partis de gauche,
afin de lutter contre le d�mant�lement d�mocratique, la
militarisation et le d�montage social. Mais des alliances
semblables excluant les communistes, voire dirig�es contre
eux, sont contreproductives. Il est � notre avis urgemment
indispensable, que tous les partis communistes et ouvriers
attach�s aux cognitions de Marx, Engels et L�nine, ainsi
qu'au socialisme en tant qu'alternative sociale �
l'exploitation capitaliste, coop�rent �troitement dans le
cadre d'une plateforme internationale. Une telle plateforme
ne doit �tre identifi�e ni � l'ancienne 3�me
Internationale, ni � quelque autre organisation
internationale � laquelle participeraient des communistes.
Nous avons besoin d'un tel instrument de travail pour...
- contrer l'influence politique et id�ologique du capital,
mais aussi des social-d�mocraties et des anciens partis
communistes, sur la classe ouvri�re ;

- analyser l'�volution actuelle du capitalisme des
contradictions inter-capitalistes sur la base des id�es de
Marx, Engels et L�nine, ainsi que sur les exp�riences et
cognitions des diff�rents partis communistes dans leurs
pays respectifs, et d'�laborer � partir de l� des
conclusions et des t�ches universellement valables ;

- d�velopper sur la base de ce savoir et de cette prise de
conscience une strat�gie commune et une tactique afin
d'orienter la mani�re de proc�der des communistes dans
diff�rents pays ;

- analyser les questions th�oriques et pratiques soulev�es
par le processus r�volutionnaire et par la lutte des
classes au niveau international, r�gional et national ;

- traiter les questions d'importance internationale et de
principe, et pouvoir ainsi donner aux diff�rents partis des
indications directes en cas d'�v�nements importants, de
crises et de nouveaux ph�nom�nes ;

- traiter � fond des questions th�oriques, par exemple
concernant la globalisation, les superstructures politiques
de l'Union Europ�enne, l'ainsi nomm�e "constitution
europ�enne" et la conception du socialisme, afin que les
cognitions th�oriques puissent d�boucher plus rapidement et
efficacement dans le travail id�ologique et politique au
niveau national, r�gional et international.

- d�cider et coordonner des campagnes, protestations et
actions de solidarit� et en accro�tre l'effet et la port�e
par leur caract�re international.

Je voudrais � pr�sent conclure ma contribution avec une
phrase qui devrait �tre un v�ritable commencement :
Au vu des d�fis actuels de notre temps, une collaboration
structur�e entre les partis communistes et ouvriers sur la
base des id�es de Marx, Engels et L�nine, s'impose plus que
jamais comme n�cessit� objective de la lutte des classes.

Attendre et se borner au niveau national n'est pas une
alternative !

Pr�sident du KPL Ali RuckertChers


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