8th IMCWP, Contribution of Lao People's Revolutionary Party

11/10/06, 12:45 PM
  • Laos, Lao People Revolutionary Party 8th IMCWP En Fr Asia Communist and workers' parties

Lisbon Meeting 10-12 November, Contribution of Lao PRP
From: Portuguese Communist Party, Monday, November 13, 2006

Contribution of the Lao People Revolutionary Party

Sexta, 10 Novembro 2006

Dear Comrades,

At the outset, I would like to join previous Comrades in
conveying our deep gratitude and sincere thanks to the
Portuguese Communist Party for the invitation and for the
holding this important Meting. I am very pleased and have a
great honour Lo represent the Lao People's Revolutionary
Party to this event

On this auspicious occasion, I would like to read a
Greeting Message from the Lao People's Revolutionary Party
to the Meeting as follows:

To the International Meeting of the Communist and Worker's'
Parties in Lisbon

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Lao People's
Revolutionary Party we would like to extend our best wishes
and sincere congratulations to all delegates of the
international Meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties
under the theme: Dangers and Potentialities of the
international situation. The imperialist and the energy
issue, the people's' struggle and the experience of the
Latin America, the prospect of socialism.

This International Meeting is an important political event
of the world communist and workers' movement. We highly
value the active contribution; of the Portuguese Communist
Party to host such International Meeting for creating an
opportunity for progressive parties in the world to
exchange of views on outstanding issues in the world.

We are confident that this International Meeting will be an
important contribution to coordinating activities as well
as the uniting of the solidarity of our communist and
workers' movement in the international arena for the
interests of the cause of peace, friendship, cooperation
for development and social progress in the region and in
the world as well.

On this splendid occasion, we wish the International
Meeting a brilliant success.

May flue friendly relations and solidarity between the
Communist and Workers's Parties be further strengthened for
the interest of our Parties and the respective peoples.

With comradely regards,
The Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary


While I have a floor and due to time constraint allow me lo
say just few words about our Party and our country..

The Lao People's Revolutionary' Party, founded 51 years
ago, has lead the Lao multi-ethnic People to conduct a
National independence Revolution.

The country was liberated without bloodshed in 1915 leading
lo the solemn foundation of the Lao People's Democratic
Republic on 2nd December 1975.

Since that time, the Lao People's Revolutionary Party
continues to lead the Lao multi-ethnic People in carrying
out the Strategy of national protection and the
construction of the country.

At the present time, following the Implementation of the
Renovation Policy, the opened-door cooperation policy and
the promotion of the market economy under the adjustment of
the Government,, we are delighted to say that our country
enjoys the political stability, the social order
guaranteed, the average of the GDP growth at about 6,2%,
and the standard of life of the multi-ethnic population
gradually improved. Thus, the role and prestige of the Lao
People's Democratic Republic increase significantly in the
regional and international arena.

Such satisfactory situation has never been happened in the
history of our country.

On March this year, the Lao People's Revolutionary Party
hold successfully its VIII Party Congress in Vientiane.

During the four days event, Delegates discussed several
issues relating to and highly appreciated the Party's
Leadership over the past five years, reviewed the results
of Fifth five year: Plan and also discussed the Sixth five
year Plan on National Socio Economic Development to be
implemented over the next five years.

The Sixth National Socio economic Development Plan plays a
crucial role and will lay fundamental foundation in
achieving the National Socio Economic Development Strategy
Goal in order to move our Country out of the statute of the
Least Developing Countries by the year 2020.

We are firmly convinced that, under the clear sight
Leadership of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, the Lao
People's Democratic Republic will surely move forward
smoothly with dynamism lo reach our ambitions Development
Strategy Goal by the year 2020 as above-mentioned so that
we will be able to built a Socialist Society in our Country
in the future.

Thank you for your attention!

Presentation by Comrade Chacky BOUDTAVONG,
Delegation in the International Meeting of Communist and
Workers Parties.


Lisbon Meeting 10-12 November 2006, Contribution of
Peoples' Revolutionary Party, Laos [Fr.]
From: Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism, Thursday,
April 12, 2007

Rencontre de Lisbonne 10-12 novembre 2006

Contribution du Parti R�volutionnaire du Peuple Lao (PRPL)

Sexta, 10 novembre 2006

Chers camarades,

Pour commencer, je voudrais me joindre aux camarades qui
m'ont pr�c�d� pour exprimer notre profonde gratitude et nos
remerciements sinc�res au PC portugais pour son invitation
et pour la tenue de cette importante rencontre. Je suis
tr�s heureux et tr�s honor� de repr�senter le Parti
R�volutionnaire du Peuple Lao � cet �v�nement.

A cette agr�able occasion, je voudrais lire un message de
salutations de mon parti pour cette rencontre :

Chers camarades,

Au nom du CC du PRPL nous voudrions pr�senter nos meilleurs
vux et nos sinc�res f�licitations � tous les d�l�gu�s de la
Rencontre Internationale des Partis Communistes et Ouvriers
sous le th�me : Dangers et potentialit�s de la situation
internationale. L'imp�rialisme et la question de l'�nergie.
La lutte des peuples et l'exp�rience de l'Am�rique latine.
La perspective du socialisme.

Cette Rencontre Internationale est un �v�nement politique
important du mouvement communiste et ouvrier mondial. Nous
appr�cions hautement la contribution active du PC portugais
qui accueille cette Rencontre cr�ant ainsi une opportunit�
pour les partis progressistes du monde d'un �change de vues
sur les questions qui se posent au monde.

Nous sommes confiants que cette Rencontre Internationale
sera une importante contribution � la coordination des
activit�s et � l'unification de la solidarit� de nos
mouvements communistes et ouvriers sur l'ar�ne
internationale dans l'int�r�t des causes de la paix, de
l'amiti�, de la coop�ration pour le d�veloppement et le
progr�s social dans la r�gion et dans le monde.

A cette splendide occasion, nous souhaitons � cette
Rencontre un brillant succ�s.

Puisse les relations fraternelles et la solidarit� entre
les Partis Communistes et Ouvriers �tre encore renforc�es
dans l'int�r�t de nos partis et de nos peuples respectifs.

Avec nos sentiments de camarades,


Bien que j'aie un imp�ratif et une contrainte de temps,
permettez moi quelques mots au sujet de notre pari et de
notre pays.

Le PRPL, fond� il y a 51 ans, a men� le peuple
multiethnique lao pour conduire sa r�volution nationale
jusqu'� l'ind�pendance.

Le pays a �t� lib�r� sans effusion de sang en 1975 menant �
la fondation solennelle de la R�publique D�mocratique de
Peuple Lao (RDPL) le 2 d�cembre 1945.

Depuis ce temps, le PRPL continue � mener le peuple
multiethnique lao en menant la strat�gie de protection
nationale et la construction du pays.

A pr�sent, suivant la mise en uvre de la Politique de
R�novation, de la politique de coop�ration portes ouvertes
et de la promotion de l'�conomie de march� sous le contr�le
du gouvernement, nous sommes heureux de dire que notre pays
b�n�ficie de la stabilit� politique, de l'ordre social
garanti, d'une croissance du PNB de 6,2% par an en moyenne
tandis que le niveau de vie de la population s'am�liore
graduellement. Ainsi, le r�le et le prestige de la RDPL
augmentent significativement sur l'ar�ne r�gionale et

Une situation aussi satisfaisante n'est jamais arriv�e
dans l'histoire de notre pays.

En mars de cette ann�e, le PRPL a tenu avec succ�s son 8�me
congr�s � Ventiane.

Pendant les quatre jours de cet �v�nement, les d�l�gu�s ont
discut� de plusieurs questions et ont appr�ci� tr�s
positivement la direction du Parti pendant les cinq
derni�res ann�es. Ils ont revu les r�sultats du cinqui�me
Plan Quinquennal et discut� le 6�me plan quinquennal de
D�veloppement Socio-�conomique National qui doit �tre mis
en uvre pendant les 5 prochaines ann�es.

Le 6�me plan joue un r�le crucial et posera les fondations
en r�alisant les objectifs strat�giques du d�veloppement
socio-�conomique national pour faire avancer notre pays
hors du statut des pays les moins d�velopp�s vers l'ann�e

Nous sommes fermement convaincus que sous la direction du
PRPL, la RDPL avancera sans heurt et avec dynamisme vers
les objectifs de d�veloppement strat�giques vers l'ann�e
2020 pour que nous soyons capables de construire une
soci�t� socialiste dans notre pays dans le futur.

Merci pour votre attention

Pr�sentation par le camarade Chacky Boudtavong.



[Remerciements a PADS pour la traduction en Fran�ais]


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