Lisbon Meeting 10-12 November 2006, Contribution of UCP of
From: Portuguese Communist Party, Monday, November 13, 2006
Sexta, 10 Novembro 2006
The Position of the Unified Communist Party of Georgia
The Central Committee of the Unified Communist Party of
Georgia expresses gratitude to the Portuguese comrades for
carrying out of so important meeting at a high
organizational level.
Georgia experiences the hardest period of its history.
Authorities of Georgia have utterly aggravated relations
with the Russian Federation. More than one and a half
million citizens of Georgia having found work in the
Russian Federation for support of their families have
appeared before real danger of deportation from this
country. There is no hope for fast improvement of these
relations, only. Tbilisi is going to decide the question of
territorial integrity of Georgia by power and that will
cause opposite consequences as follows: disorder of the
country, reconciliation with brotherly Abkhazian and
Ossetin peoples will be postponed, there will be a
destabilization not only in Georgia, but in all Caucasian
The USA carries out its policy by hands of the puppet
Georgian government. Complication of relations with the
Russian Federation down to the actual termination of
diplomatic relations and the next aggravation of the
situation in disputed zones suit the transatlantic masters
of the Georgian government.
In the beginning of September the Authority of Georgia has
undertaken unprecedented political mass repressions.
So-called special actions were carried in 49 settlements
and as a result tens of persons, active workers of
"Validity" party, Unified Communist Party, and other
oppositional political parties were arrested. Hundreds of
persons were detained and interrogated in conditions of the
strongest moral and physical pressure with the purpose of
getting of recognition in preparation of armed revolution.
These people actively opposed all antinational internal and
foreign policy of authorities. Their main fault was the
requirement of improvement of a social status of workers
and refusal of confrontational policy with Russia, refusal
of intentions of the power decision of South Ossetia and
Abkhazia questions. Thus the Authorities of Georgia have
tried to stop more and more amplifying discontent of the
population, to deprive the left opposition of support.
The Unified Communist Party of Georgia opposes intimacy of
Georgia with NATO and strengthening of the USA influence in
our region. Our Party is for restoration of friendly
relations with Russia, for refusal of the further
capitalization of the country, for immediate carrying out
of measures on rescue of the population of Georgia from
famine and lawlessness.
Our party sees an output only in immediate resignation of
the President and the government of Georgia, dissolution of
parliament and purpose of extraordinary elections.
The southern Caucasus region of is the zone of special
interests for the USA and NATO. The main reason is
significant power resources of the Caspian Sea and direct
affinity with southern regions of Russia - with northern
Caucasus. The whole world knows well about the USA support
in Chechnia campaign and what has put Russia practically
before threat of disintegration. The territory of Georgia
has actively been used for destabilization of the situation
not only in the Chechia Republic, but also on all the strip
of northern Caucasus. All these oppositions between Tbilisi
and Moscow including conflicts in Abkhazia and South
Ossetia are only expression of scale opposition between
Russia and the USA, Russia and NATO in this major region of
the world. And as it always happens such destabilizations
first influence on peoples of Georgia and Russia. We once
again emphasize the main fault of all post Soviet Georgian
authorities in kindling fratricidal wars on the territory
of former Socialist Georgia and active support of the West
in creations of the most dangerous difficulties for the
Russian Federation in its southern regions. The Authorities
of Georgia are doing their best to replace Russia from
southern Caucasus with the subsequent fastening there the
It is a very dangerous policy, considering all the set
forth above factors together with crisis around of Iran,
the nearby country to our region; the Azerbaijan-Armenian
conflict and traditionally most complicated relations
between the two more countries of this region - Armenia and
Turkey, last of which is a member of NATO, and another, -
the strategic partner of the Russian Federation. We are
warning the Authorities of Georgia and at the same time all
the world community that the policy of Tbilisi will lead to
global crisis.
After disintegration of the USSR, the richest deposits of
the Caspian Sea, which were property of all the peoples and
promoted to development of economy of all the 15 union
republics, today became the object of predatoriness of
several largest western petrol corporations.
On July 13th of this year the official ceremony of
Baku-Tbilisi-Jeihan oil pipeline was held in Turkey. The
presidents of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, Prime
Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Energy of about
20 countries and also Lord John Brown, the general director
of the Company British Petroleum, which is the operator of
the project participated in that Ceremony. As Lord John
Brown said: " Baku-Tbilisi-Jeihan oil pipeline will change
the power world ". Baku-Tbilisi-Jeihan oil pipeline crosses
1 767 km, through Azerbaijan - 443 km, Georgia - 248 km and
Turkey 1 076 km. Throughput - 50 million tons of oil a
year. Shareholders of the project are the companies
entering in " BTC Co ". The shares are divided as follows:
the BP (30,1 %) , the State Petrol Company of Azerbaijan
(25 %), Chevron (Unocal) (8,9 %), Statoil (8,71 %), TPAO
(6,53 %), Itochu (3,4 %), Amerada Hess (2,36 %), ENI (5 %),
ConocoPhilli�s (2,5 %), In�ex (2,5 %), Total (5 %). On
construction of an oil pipeline was spent almost 4 billion
As for large gaseous condensate deposits of the Caspian
Sea, the West has taken care of it too. The pipeline of
Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum (B�E) which is calculated on priming up
to 30 billion cubic meter of gas a year is constructed and
started into operation. "Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli" on the
shelf of the Caspian Sea being developed by the Azerbaijan
international operational company is used for filling of
B�E pipeline. Pumping of natural gas in the highway from a
deposit "Shah-Deniz" is to be started in the third quarter
of the year 2006. The construction of the unique platform
has managed the BP and to its partners under the project of
" Shah-Deniz", in 1,3 billion dollars. As we see, the
largest western companies participate in these projects. It
is no wonder, that the political support rendered by the
government of the USA to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey in
realization of projects is huge.
Except of the economic side of the projects of Southern
Caucasus oil pipeline and a gas main, the great value is
given to its political side. The Georgian Authorities
especially declare about it loudly. At the opening of B�J,
the president of Georgia has declared, that " Georgia is no
more the part of the post Soviet space. We are focused on
the West, we are the important partner of the West,
including Turkey ". And according to the Head of
Association of Economic Safety of Georgia: " Protection of
an oil pipeline interests the West and influences
positively on safety of Georgia ". To his opinion, the
political component of the given project prevails above the
economic conditions of the contract signed by Georgia. It
is more favorable for us and we agree with such estimation.
Huge ecological danger, which the oil pipeline bears for
the country is not commensurable with the promised
dividends from its operation. But the main thing is that
the pipelines became trumps for the authorities of Georgia
in construction of hostile relations with Russia bearing
even greater danger of political character.
The gas question in Georgia and a gas main of
Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum was the important statement of
discussion as in the Caucasus and in Turkey, as wall at G-8
Summit in Petersburg. The main event having become
important for a role of Russia in the CIS was the
application made by the minister of Energy of Georgia on
July 16th to journalists. It was told, that from 2007
Georgia will have the alternative to Russian source of gas,
that at "Gazprom" (the Russian company, the basic supplier
of gas to Georgia) will have the competitor in Georgia and
it is very good and advantageous for our Country. Now each
company will know, that Georgia has another supplier of
gas". In the other words, the only important thing is a
relative independence of the gas main in carrying out of
confrontational policy against the Russian Federation.
The administration of the USA actively lobbies delivery of
Azerbaijan and the Central Asian gas to Europe aroundabout
of Russia. And Georgia in turn hastens to prove the "need"
to European Union in the question of power independence. It
was decided to create transcaucasian pipeline for supplying
West Europe with the gas from middle Asia and Kazakhstan
through BTE pipeline. And in the end of June the Euro
commission commissioner of power has signed the
civil-engineering design of pipeline " Nabukko" with the
Ministers of Energy of Bulgaria, Romania, Austria, Hungary
and Turkey. According to the project the construction will
start in Erzrum and come to the end in Southeast Europe.
The European Union is very interested in diversification of
gas production lines what was confirmed by the commissioner
of European Union Benity Ferrero-Valdner and also many
separate commissioners of EU and national ministers of
Energy during the visit to Azerbaijan. One of possible
themes is the question of reanimation of Transcaucasian gas
main first being sounded in the middle of the 90's of the
past century. The gas will be lined on the bottom of the
Caspian Sea connecting the gas streams of Kazakhstan,
Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan of east and western coasts of
the Caspian Sea. It will deduce " blue fuel " from this
region through Turkey directly to the European markets.
According to calculations of experts, at the beginning
throughput of this gas main can make up to 30 billion cubes
of gas a year. The rough investment capacity of this
project amounts to 4 billion USD. Capital formation will
not be difficult for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and
Turkmenistan, as they possess significant stock of oil and
The USA also supports the project of transportation not
only of Azerbaijan, but also of Kazakhstan oil roundabout
of Russia through BTJ. On June 16th the presidents of
Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan have signed the joint contract
"On support and assistance in transportation of oil from
Kazakhstan through the Caspian Sea and territory of
Azerbaijan on the world markets through
Baku-Tbilisi-Jaihan" in Alma-Ata. Kazakhstan can already
begin oil circulation from 2007. The subject of interest of
the West is the question of Kazakhstan oil circulation oil
roundabout Russia through BTJ is caused by the
circumstance, that the four western stockholder companies
of BTJ are interested and participate in development of
Kazakhstan oilfields.
All these projects serving for development of global power
infrastructure are the positive phenomenon, but the tragedy
is that they are carried out as a part of policy of the
West as it tries to get rich sources of power resources for
further strengthening of political and economic domination
above other world. Georgia is the active associate of this
policy. Unfortunately, in this "game" Russia acts not as
the objective and consecutive opponent of the American
"globalization" but only as the competitor who is unfairly
superseded from the major region rich in energy resources.
As a result Russian military bases are to be called off
from Georgia on a background of preparation of the same
bases under NATO, on a background of active
military-political cooperation of Tbilisi with NATO and the
USA is, on a background of conversations on accommodation
of the American military experts for protection of BTJ.
Only the region of Iran withstands against the policy of
further distribution of influence of NATO and the USA in
the discussed region. And at this question Iran looks more
convincingly and stable than Russian Federation and,
especially, then the other countries of the Caucasus and
the Caspian Sea as they hesitate between the West and the
Russian Federation. Iran resolutely opposes militarization
of the Caspian Sea and accommodation here of armed forces
of the third countries.
As the special representative of the State department of
the USA on power diplomacy on the Caspian Sea Stephen Mann
has declared, " Baku-Jeihan pipeline of is the part of
Georges Bush's power policy ". Replacement of the Russian
Federation from the region of Southern Caucasus with the
subsequent fastening here NATO is the military-political
party of "The project of a century". Telling about
protection of BTJ the same Mann said, it had been solved
from the very beginning, that safety of the pipeline would
be provided by Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey (each on its
territory). At the same time, the USA renders these
countries the technical help for good safety of the
pipeline. And the Special representative of the secretary
general of NATO for Southern Caucasus and the Central Asia
Robert Simmons goes further, declaring that "the
Organization (NATO) will continue henceforth carrying out
of trainings and seminars on protection of the pipeline,
will prevent possible terrorist and provocative attempts".
The meaning and idea of these words were repeatedly
confirmed by the world practice.
"NATO will not play any role in the safety of
Baku-Tbilisi-Jeihan (BTJ) pipeline, however NATO is
actively interested in maintenance of stability and safety
in the region", - declares the Secretary General of NATO
Jaap De Hoop Skeffer hypocritically, answering the question
of the correspondent of one of news agencies on, whether
the Alliance is going to provide safety of BTJ pipeline. As
he said, "stability and safety in the region is a very
important factor, including maintenance of safe functioning
of pipelines". "From this point NATO will not play an
active role in a safety of the pipeline". We need to add,
that NATO successfully promotes the USA, in playing a
hardly covered role in internal political processes of
Georgia for establishment of a proNATO, puppet mode.
We do not have any doubt that the problem of power
resources of the Caspian Sea and Caucasus as a whole is
closely connected with interethnic conflicts of the
Caucasus. Moreover, the competition around the power
resources is one of the main things causing conflicts. And
"the subject of interests of NATO is maintenance of
stability and safety in the region" where "the operated
chaos" under the western script is purposely created.
Unfortunately, Russia as a unique superstate of the region
capable really to compete with NATO and the USA is
compelled to give the initiative and to operate in a mode a
post factum. The "Lessons" of the American military
experts, " trainings and Seminars" of NATO instructors
given to the Georgian military personnel causes the
destabilization of situation in zones of Georgia-Abkhazia
and Georgia -Ossetia conflicts. During rather short
collisions only the Georgian party has lost from above 60
persons. There are no doubts that the basic role in
destabilization of the situation is intended to those
Georgian military parts, which are prepared by Americans.
The most powerful financial and industrial advanced post is
created in our region within the limits of aggressive power
policy of the West and participation of the largest western
transnational corporations. This advanced post is one of
the major strongholds of " The new world order", proclaimed
by modern imperialists. Only overcoming of the opposition
and all the efforts of peoples of the Caucasus and the
Caspian Sea, only association of all progressive forces of
these regions can prevent "Globalists" to seize the
resources of the Caspian Sea and to subordinate interests
of our people to their private interests. And communist
parties have to tell the powerful word for the sake of such
The Central Committee of Unified Communist Party of