16 IMCWP, List of Participants

11/29/14, 8:30 AM

16th International Meeting

of Communist and Workers’ Parties

13th-15th November 2014, Guayaquil, Ecuador

“The role of Communist and Workers’ Parties in the struggle against imperialism and capitalist exploitation – which causes crises and wars and gives rise to fascist and reactionary forces. For workers’ and peoples’ rights and for national and social emancipation; for socialism!”

  • Communist Party of Australia
  • Communist Party of Argentina
  • Democratic Progressive Tribune, Bahrain
  • Workers' Party, Belgium
  • Communist Party of Belarus
  • Communist Party of Bolivia
  • Brazilian Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Brazil
  • Communist Party of Britain
  • Communist Party of Canada
  • Communist Party of China
  • Colombian Communist Party
  • People's Vanguard Party, Costa Rica
  • Communist Party of Cuba
  • AKEL, Cyprus
  • Communist Party Bohemia & Moravia, Czech Republic
  • Communist Party in Denmark
  • Communist Party of Denmark
  • Communist Party of Equador
  • Communist Party of Finland
  • French Communist Party
  • German Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Greece
  • Hungarian Workers' Party
  • Communist Party of India
  • Communist Party of Ireland
  • Party of the Italian Communists
  • Jordanian Communist Party
  • Workers Party of Korea
  • Lao People Revolutionary Party, Laos
  • Lebanese Communist Party
  • Socialist People's Front, Lithuania
  • Communist Party of Mexico
  • Communist Party of Norway
  • Palestinian Communist Party
  • Party of People, Panama
  • Communist Party of Peru
  • Peruvian Communist Party
  • Portuguese Communist Party
  • Russian Communists Workers' Party (RCWP-CPSU)
  • Communist Partyof the Russian Federation
  • Communist Party of Spain
  • Communist Party of Peoples of Spain
  • Communists of Catalonia
  • South African Communist Party
  • Syrian Communist Party [Unified]
  • Communist Party, Turkey
  • Communist Party USA
  • Communist Party of Vietnam