12 IMCWP, Motion in Solidarity With Swazalind [En., Sp.]

1/18/11, 12:55 PM
  • 12th IMCWP En Es
12th International Meeting of Communists and Workers Parties
3 rd to 5 th December 2010
Tshwane – South Africa
The 12 th Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties extends its full solidarity to the people and democratic movements of Swaziland, who are faced with more stringent repression at the hands of the most brutal monarchic autocracy.
We pledge to further the awareness of the severe oppression taking place in Swaziland, whose economic wealth is channelled to sustaining a corrupt absolute monarchy at the expense of the country’s people, who suffer the world’s highest HIV rate and one of its lowest levels of life expectancy and unprecedented levels of poverty and degradation.
We will increase our support the efforts of progressive forces in Swaziland to end the ban on political parties the People’s United Democratic Movement and other formations, and to alter the current ruinous course that the ruling class in Swaziland imposes on the country and its people.

El 12° Encuentro de Partidos Comunistas y Obreros extiende su completa solidaridad con el pueblo y los movimientos democráticos de Suazilandia, que enfrentan la más severa represión a manos de la más brutal autocracia monárquica.

Juramos promover el conocimiento de la severa opresión que sucede en Suazilandia, cuya riqueza económica es canalizada para sostener una corrupta monarquía absoluta a costa del pueblo del país, que sufre la tasa más alta de mundo de VIH y uno de los niveles más bajos de esperanza de vida además de niveles inauditos de pobreza y degradación.

Aumentaremos nuestro apoyo a los esfuerzos de las fuerzas progresistas en Suazilandia para terminar con la prohibición de los partidos políticos, el Movimiento Democrático Popular Unificado y otras formaciones, para alterar el actual curso ruinoso que la clase gobernante en Suazilandia impone al país y su pueblo.

1. Communist Party of Bangladesh
2. Brazilian Communist Party
3. Communist Party of Brazil
4. Communist Party of Canada
5. AKEl, Cyprus
6. Communist Party in Denmark
7. Communist Party of Finland
8. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
9. Communist Party of Greece
10. Communist Party of India
11. Tudeh Party of Iran
12. Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
13. Communist Party of Ireland
14. Lebanese Communist Party
15. Communist Party of Luxembourg
16. Communist Party of Malta
17. Communist Party of Mexico
18. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
19. Communist Party of Norway
20. Lebanese Communist Party
21. Communist Party of Pakistan
22. Philippine Communist Party [PKP-1930|
23. Communist Workers Party of Russia - Party of Communists of Russia (RKRP-RPC)
24. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
25. Communist Party of Sri-Lanka
26. Communist Party of Sweden
27. Union of Communists of Ukraine
28. Communist Party, USA


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April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain