About the Working Group of the International Meeting of Communist and Worker's Parties

11/1/15, 10:19 AM


The Working Group (WG) of International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP) is composed of parties within the SOLIDNET list and its task is to prepare the International Meetings of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP’s). It is not a leading group of the IMCWP; it has no mandate to decide on behalf of the IMCWP on other matters than those that are clarified as the tasks of the Working Group and it has a full respect for the equality among the members of IMCWP.



  1. The WG decides the theme of the IMCWP’s, taking into consideration proposals introduced by members of IMCWP.
  2. The WG decides on the venue of the IMCWP’s, taking into account the proposals that have been put forward.
  3. The WG sets a date of the IMCWP in coordination with the host party.
  4. The WG presents a report to the IMCWP’s on possible changes to the SOLIDNET list, including new parties that asked to be included in the SOLIDNET list and the process of IMCWP’s.
  5. The WG may prepare some draft documents and propose joint and convergent actions and/or solidarity motions to be discussed in IMCWP’s.
  6. The WG may present to an IMCWP proposals for the improvement of the IMCWP’s.
  7. The WG coordinates the preparations of the IMCWP, in articulation with the host Party.



  1. All parties that wish to be a member of the WG should inform the WG of their intention. Those parties that integrate the WG should have the capacity to participate in the WG meetings and possibly to host the WG meeting.
  2. Following the principle of inclusion, the WG will present its proposal of composition of the WG to the IMCWP, trying to ensure that it is effective and productive and balanced in continental/regional terms.
  3. The composition of the WG is decidedin the IMCWP meetings by consensus.
  4. Hosting party of the coming IMCWP is included to the WG for two years to ensure the continuity of the meetings and the flow of experience.
  5. The composition of the WG is reassessed every three years.
  6. When a member party fails to attend two meetings of the WG in a year, it is asked to explain its absence, failing, it might be asked to reconsider itself as a member of the WG.


  1. The WG meets, as a general rule at least two times and if possible three timesannually.
  2. The hosting party of the coming IMCWP takes the responsibility to coordinate the preparations and moderate the WG meetings that year.
  3. The venue and date of the WG meetings is decided within the WG. The hosting party covers all the expenses of the delegates (one from each member party) for the meeting except the travel expenses to the country where the WG meeting is held.
  4. The WG member parties inform which comrades represent them at the WG meetings.
  5. The sessions of the WG are open to all the members of the SOLIDNET list. (They cover their own expenses themselves.)
  6. The decisions are taken by consensus within the WG.


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain