Under the motto “For Popular Power, towards Socialism!” the XVI National Congress of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) was held, with great success, between October 29th and November 2nd, in São Paulo. Organized under the difficult conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the fulfillment of all pertinent sanitary measures, the National Congress was the outcome of a long internal collective accumulation, with the presence of hundreds of delegates from all regions of the country, from Acre to Rio Grande do Sul, elected by State Congresses, after discussions in all Party cells all over the country. The Congress elected a new Central Committee, with more than 50% renewal, which reelected comrade Edmilson Costa as General Secretary.
The Congress debated and deepened the Theses produced by the outgoing Central Committee (elected at the XV Congress, in 2014), which ended its term at the installation of the XVI Congress, right after the election of the Board of Directors of the works. These theses, which deal with the political and theoretical positions of the PCB, its organization and forms of action in the working class and popular movements, had already been the subject of rich debates in the state and cell stages of the Congress. At the national stage, the theses were even more widely debated, in meetings of the Discussion Groups in which the delegates were divided, as well as in the plenary sessions that brought together all the participants of the meeting in the last two days. These rich and fraternal debates enriched and refined the Resolutions of the XVI Congress, which will be released as soon as the new Central Committee concludes the final systematization of the texts approved at the meeting.
We left our Congress armed with a panoramic analysis of the profile of the Brazilian proletariat, which points out its strategic sectors and contradictions with the current order; with a Struggle Program aimed at implementing the socialist strategy of the Brazilian revolution and with resolutions on our organizational concepts and practices, which prepare us to continue rooting the Communist Party ever more deeply among the Brazilian working class, with quality, consistency and ideological firmness.
The new Central Committee, elected at the end of the Congress, is now responsible for putting into practice the resolutions and guidelines resulting from this great process of discussion, which only reinforced the communist principle of democratic centralism, giving opportunity to all party militats to directly decide on the political line, organization and forms of action of revolutionary communists in Brazil.
The PCB communists reaffirm the socialist strategy of the Brazilian Revolution, deepening their critical reading of the contemporary reality of Brazil and the world and pointing to the need to constitute, amidst the unified struggle of the entire proletariat against the attacks of the bourgeoisie, a powerful anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist front, which ensures the political, organic and class independence of the proletariat against the vacillations of the petty bourgeoisie and allows the struggle of revolutionary forces both against the reactionary offensive and neo-fascism, as well as against reformism and class illusions in bourgeois democracy. We reaffirm the revolutionary path of building Popular Power, starting from the struggles of the working class and the oppressed popular layers, in the construction of the Revolutionary Block of the Proletariat, a bloc of political and social forces necessary to carry out the rupture with capitalism and construction of socialist society, towards communism.
The XVI National Congress of the PCB represented the crowning of the revolutionary policy of the Brazilian communists and demonstrated the growth of our party among urban and rural workers, young people, women, blacks, indigenous people, LGBT movement, fighters who act in the most diversified movements to contest the bourgeois order in Brazil, in internationalist solidarity and in anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggles. Another important step was taken for the contribution of the PCB on the path of building Popular Power, towards the Socialist Revolution! Our work continues, at the forefront of the struggles that the future imposes on the working class, towards the centenary of our foundation, in 2022, and the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of our revolutionary reconstruction.
The XVI National Congress of the PCB was greeted by several national political and popular organizations, as well as dozens of Communist and Workers' Parties and other revolutionary organizations in the world, proving the correct policy of the PCB to strengthen relations with revolutionary organizations of the international communist movement and the strengthening of culture and the exercise of proletarian internationalism.
Long live the Brazilian revolution and socialism!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Long live the Brazilian Communist Party!
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