CP of Australia, Greeting to the 13th Congress of TKP "Revolutionary Party, Party for Revolution, on her 100th Anniversary"

8/10/20, 3:50 PM
  • Australia, Communist Party of Australia En Oceania Communist and workers' parties

100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Turkey, 9th August 2020


Kemal Okuyan

General Secretary

Communist Party of Turkey, TKP


Dear comrade,

On behalf of the Communist Party of Australia please accept warm fraternal greetings to your 13th Congress and celebration of the 100th year of the founding of Communist Party of Turkey (TKP). You have a rich history to celebrate and reflect upon, and from these reflections you will also find the inspiration for the planning of your future work. We wish you every success in these deliberations at your Congress.


As you mentioned in your letter your congress is occurring during the extraordinary times of a pandemic. This pandemic has laid bare for all to see the failures of capitalism and is indeed at a time of crumbling economies and social systems. The work of our comrades everywhere is picking up speed to ensure the real cause of the crisis becomes evident to the people. We are confident that our comrades in the TKP will be successful in achieving their aim of an even more strengthened communist party, a revolutionary party.


On a personal note while in Izmir attending the 21st International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties hosted by the TKP in 2019, I was very impressed by the active role of young people in your Party.


In all your struggles the CPA offers its solidarity. We look forward to the outcome of your Congress.


Long live the TKP!


Long live working-class internationalism!


In socialism,


Vinnie Molina

CPA President

International Department

9th August 2020

CPA greeting to the TKP 100th anniversary August 2020


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain