4/11/22, 11:48 AM
  • Britain, Communist Party of Britain 2022 - No to the imperialist war in Ukraine! En Europe Communist and workers' parties

'The working class in Britain is facing the most vicious ruling class offensive in generations, with a huge rise in the cost of living and attacks on democratic rights', Ruth Styles told the Communist Party executive committee at the weekend.

She highlighted the impact of massive energy price hikes which threaten to leave hundreds of thousands of families in the cold or going hungry.

'The soaring cost of living is prompting outbreaks of industrial action as workers across the public and private sectors demand higher pay to meet rising prices', the CP chair declared.

Ms Styles pointed to the illegal sacking of 800 workers by P&O Ferries as a focal point for solidarity campaigning and condemned 'the fine words from Tory government ministers but no action'.

She contrasted the apparent inability of Chancellor Sunak to find financial assistance for millions of working people and their families to the government's readiness to finance Russia's and NATO's war in Ukraine.

The CP executive committee called for all alleged war crimes in Ukraine to be fully investigated, but said this could only be done in peaceful conditions by a respected international body.

'The USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Middle East dictatorships refuse to recognise the International Criminal Court, enabling their political leaders and military personnel to evade investigation into war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, Serbia and elsewhere', Britain's Communists pointed out. Russia also does not recognise the ICC.

The CP leadership congratulated the work of party candidates and campaigners in the May 5 local elections and urged its members, supporters and allies to support striking workers, the People's Assembly, Stop the War and CND in rallies and protests across Britain.     


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain