CP of India, CPI’s 97th Foundation Day Celebrated in PHQ

12/28/21, 12:29 PM
  • India, Communist Party of India En Asia Communist and workers' parties

By Anil Rajimwale

CPI celebrated its 97th anniversary of foundation on 26 December here in CPI headquarters, Ajoy Bhavan in New Delhi. It was a hugely attended meeting in the Ghate Hall of Ajoy Bhavan in which large numbers of men, women, children and families took part in a festive manner. The whole Ajoy Bhavan was colourfully decorated. It began with beautiful cultural program presented by the young group of the cultural wing of Delhi CPI. Young children, boys and girls were in the forefront , presenting songs and small drama kits.

The function began with a Flag Hoisting Ceremony, attended by a large number of people including men, women and children. D Raja, general secretary of CPI, hoisted the Red Flag of CPI. Delhi CPI secretary Dinesh Varshney was also present.

On the dias were general secretary of CPI D Raja and other active and veteran comrades. The proceedings began by honouring three comrades who continue to serve the party centre for decades: Balkrishnan, Anil Rajimwale and Rajan, who were honoured by the general secretary by presenting shawls. N Chidambaram was also present. Vicky, general secretary of AISF introduced the comrades and the purpose of the meeting.

D Raja in his rousing speech said that the CPI was born 97 years ago in Kanpur on this day. The great Russian revolution deeply affected India’s freedom struggle and radicalized it. Communists were the first to raise the demand for full independence. They were also the first raise the demand of a Constituent Assembly to frame India Constitution. It was Dr Ambedkar who helped formulate the Indian Constitution.

Under the guidance of CPI various mass organization of kisans, students, workers, writers, artists etc were formed such as AIKS,AISF, etc.  Conditions for the foundation of CPI arose and it was established in 1925. It was presided over by M Singaravelu. Among the great founders were SA Dange, SV Ghate and some other outstanding leaders. Communists fought for freedom as none else. RSS was also established in 1925 but it took no part in the freedoms struggle. On the contrary it tried to divide it through communal tensions and riots.

After independence in 1947, CPI fought for a new India, dominated by public sector, planning, nationalization, linguistic states, new policies for industrial and agrarian development etc. That is how became a leading developing country of the world. The RSS has no right to claim inheritance of independence and culture of India because it constantly opposed these policies after freedom.  It only advanced the policies of communal, caste and religious divisions, trying to subvert Indian Constitution and democracy. It has advocated discrimination against women, Dalits and backward sections while advocating a false sense of Hinduism under the garb of Hindutva.

Today India is at the 101st position among 160 nations in terms of poverty. This is due to handing over the country’s reigns to the Ambanis and the Adanis. Modi government is committed to serve the corporate led by the Adanis and the Ambanis. Farmers, workers, students, youth, women, Dalits, downtrodden re under attack in this regime. They are promoting the socalled Hindu Rashtra guided by the discriminatory Manusmriti.

The RSS BJP regi9me is trying to turn the Parliament redundant They are now trying to target the Communists next. But we will fight back. They must know that they cannot even touch the Communists. If they do so, they will face the consequences.

D Raja wished all those present good day and bright revolutionary future. CPI will continue to grow and become stronger. New younger people are now joining the CPI in large numbers.

At the end, secretary of Delhi state council of CPI Com Dinesh Varshney greeted the meeting on behalf of Delhi unit of CPI.

The meeting ended with another cultural program  by the young squad. The meeting then ended amidst enthusiastic slogan shouting.

All present then were invited to lunch.


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