CP of Kenya, Statement on RT Ban and Censorship of Anti-Imperialist Media

10/3/24, 12:17 PM
  • Kenya, Communist Party of Kenya En Africa Communist and workers' parties

Communist Party of Kenya Statement on RT Ban and Censorship of Anti-Imperialist Media


The Communist Party of Kenya (CPK) stands in unwavering solidarity with RT and all anti-imperialist media platforms, including Africa Stream and Red Media, in the face of increasing censorship and baseless accusations intended to silence voices critical of U.S. imperialism. The recent attacks on RT, framed as part of a broader narrative linking independent media to foreign state influence, represent nothing less than a calculated smear campaign to ensure the continued domination of U.S. propaganda over the global information landscape. 

These actions are not merely about RT; they are a direct assault on the undeniable right of free press—one of the most fundamental pillars of democracy and justice. However, what is unfolding today is a stark confirmation of Lenin’s truth: "For the bourgeoisie, freedom of the press means freedom for the rich to publish, and for the capitalists to control the newspapers." This has given birth to a corrupt, capitalist-controlled press, even in countries that claim to be the most free. 

Since the end of the Cold War, with the U.S. proclaiming itself the victor, it has aggressively dominated the war of information. The U.S. imperialist machine has consistently manipulated the media, poisoning the minds of millions globally, including those in the bourgeoisie and the professional class. Many repeat the imperialist narratives, consciously or unconsciously, trapped in a vicious cycle of propaganda. These hegemonic tendencies are at the core of U.S. imperialism, which perpetuates a false sense of 'press freedom' as long as the information disseminated serves its interests. 

The current censorship campaign against RT, Red Media, and other platforms brings to the fore a critical contradiction: that between capitalist-imperialist forces and anti-imperialist movements. While the conflict between the U.S. and Russia may reflect a rivalry between two capitalist powers, the U.S.’s war on anti-imperialist forces is a primary contradiction. By lumping RT and other independent platforms together under unfounded claims of Russian funding, U.S. imperialism is further entrenching its position as the self-appointed global information gatekeeper. 

The contradictions are stark: the same U.S. empire that claims to champion press freedom is, in fact, suppressing the very essence of independent journalism. Platforms like RT, Press TV, and Chinese media have offered an alternative voice, not just for the Global South, but for those within the imperial core itself. These voices challenge the monopolized narratives and have successfully penetrated the global media landscape. The U.S., desperate to maintain its crumbling hegemony, now finds itself in the precarious position of retracting its own hollow claims of press freedom. The hypocrisy is glaring: for them, freedom of the press is only valid when it supports U.S. imperialism. This is the twisted logic of capitalist exploitation. 

The recent decision by Meta to update its terms of service, restricting accounts accused of “foreign interference,” was clearly driven by U.S. government pressure. The capitalist principle that "he who pays the piper calls the tune" is evident as American corporations, reliant on government contracts, carry out these anti-democratic orders. 

This is not just about RT. If left unchecked, this crackdown will extend to media outlets across the globe, including the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, should they report stories that challenge U.S. interests. The silencing of one media outlet today sets a dangerous precedent. Where does it stop? The attack on press freedom is an attack on the masses. By restricting independent media, the empire seeks to erase the voice of the people, leaving only the hollow echo of imperialist lies. 

The truth is that the world is finally challenging the degenerating U.S. empire’s hold over information. The rogue empire, desperate to maintain its position, has been forced to contract its very policies of free press. The facade of free speech is falling apart, revealing the desperation of a declining global power. 

Red Media, like RT, Press TV, and countless other independent platforms, stands as a beacon against the US imperialist onslaught. As we have seen, the accusations against Red Media, claiming it is funded by Russia, are nothing more than fabricated lies, created to delegitimize those standing up against the genocide in Palestine and the complicity of the West. The timing of these accusations is no accident. The U.S. and its allies are deep in crisis, and in such times, they manufacture foreign threats to deflect from their internal failures. 

We recognize that this war on independent media is part of a larger strategy to ensure that U.S. imperialism remains unchecked. The world is shifting. On one side stands the U.S.-led NATO, IMF, and EU, and on the other, the China- and Russia-led BRICS. At the core of this shiftare the anti-imperialist forces, including progressive media, that threaten to expose the capitalist system's decaying core. 

As the Communist Party of Kenya, we call on all progressive forces and independent media to unite in defence of press freedom. The struggle for liberation, against imperialism and colonialism, will not be silenced. We call on the people of the world to resist this imperialist censorship and to build independent channels for truth. 

An injury to one is an injury to all! Defend RT, defend Red Media, Defend Africa Stream and defend the right to a free and independent press!


Issued by the Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of Kenya